The Violent Reality of Islam


New member
Here's what one researcher had to say about your


Wikipedia is a well known encyclopedia on the internet, sympathetic to the Holocaust.

Yet comparing its "Holocaust" article with its "death camp" articles produces major problems.

We've all heard of Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Dachau, Treblinka, etc., names that cause a shiver of dread and horror even today, thanks to constant Zionist media repetition and reinforcement.

But there are also many other camps: Bergen-Belsen, Belzec, Chelmno, Jasenovak, Majdanek, Sobibor, Sachenhausen, Sangerhausen, Flossenburg, Grini, Klooga, Landsberg-am-Lech, Flöha, Oranienburg, Hamburg-Neuengamme, Mauthausen, Natzweiler, Ravensbrück, Maly Trostinets and Theresienstadt.

Much of the information is based on Zionist estimates, documents and testimony with little hard evidence.

According to Wikipedia, 3.8 million people died in the following "extermination camps...80 to 90% were Jews or half of the Jews killed in the Holocaust":
Auschwitz 1.4 million deaths X 85% or 1.2 million Jews
Treblinka 870,000 deaths X 85% or 740,000 Jews
Belzek 600,000 deaths X 85% or 510,000 Jews
Jasenovak 600,000 deaths X 85% or (Few Jews)
Chelmno 320,000 deaths X 85% or 272,000 Jews
Majdanek 360,000 deaths X 85% or 306,000 Jews
Sobibor 250,000 deaths X 85% or 212,000 Jews

But when you read the Wikipedia articles on the individual camps, significant discrepancies begin to emerge, as shown in the following abstracts:

In 1989 Auschwitz corrected its monuments and reduced the number of deaths from 4 million to 1.1 million yet the 6 million total never changed (the savings at Auschwitz were picked up in other camps). Also, the International Red Cross and detailed German death records indicate that only about 150,000 died at Auschwitz of whom 30,000 were Jews. Wikipedia ignores or dismisses such records. (Compare with 1.2 million above.)

In Treblinka, The Höfle Telegram listed 713,555 Jews killed up to the end of December 1942. With the addition of 1943 transports listed in Yitzhak Arad's book, one may arrive at the figure 800,000. (Compare with 740,000 above.)

At Belzek, at least 434,500 Jews were killed. (Compare with 510,000 above.)

The Jasenovac Memorial Area keeps a list of 69,842 names of Jasenovac victims: 39,580 Serbs, 14,599 Roma, 10,700 Jews, 3,462 Croats as well as people of some other ethnicities. ("The world's eminent authority on Holocaust victims, Yad Vashem Center, claims 600,000.")
In the Chelmno camp, at least 152,000 people were killed, mainly Jews from the Lódz Ghetto. (Compare with 272,000 above.)

According to the official Majdanek State Museum about 300,000 inmates passed through the camp, over 40% Jews.

The most recent research by the Majdanek Museum indicates that there were 78,000 victims, 59,000 of whom were Jews. (Compare with 306,000 above.)

At least 250,000 people were killed in Sobibór. The victims were mostly Jews from Poland.

The deaths listed for the remaining sites do not come close to another 3.8 million, much less 80 to 90% Jews. Some samples are:
The total number of deaths at Buchenwald is estimated at 56,545 with little mention of Jews.

At Bergen-Belsen, an estimated 50,000 people died there, up to 35,000 of them dying of typhus in the first few months of 1945.
Of the roughly 30,000 wartime victims at Sachsenhausen, most were Russian prisoners of war.

At Maly Trostenets Yad Vashem currently estimates the number killed as 65,000 while German historian Christian Gerlach estimates the number to be in the range of 40,000-60,000, mostly Jews from Minsk.

At Ravensbruk, about 30,000 to 40,000 women and children perished there, mostly Polish, few Jews.
Various historians place the total death toll in the four main camps of Mauthausen, Gusen I, Gusen II and Gusen III at between 55,000 and 60,000.

Over 200,000 prisoners were housed in Dachau of which nearly one-third were Jews; 32,099 prisoners are believed to have died in the camp and almost another 10,000 in its subcamps, primarily from disease.

At Dachau signs now read that the facilities were never used as gas chambers to murder anyone. In fact, there's no evidence that any "death camps" used poison gas, gas chambers or gas ovens to kill. Yet Wikipedia lists millions of Jews murdered in every camp in poison gas chambers that could hold thousands of people at a time. This is necessary to account for the number of deaths, "75% of all European Jews".

Wikipedia also states that 11 million people died in the "death camps", almost the same number of non-Jews as Jews. How does this fit with the claim that 80 to 90% of the deaths in the principal "death camps" were Jews. Millions of non-Jews have just disappeared.

Finally, Wikipedia states that the first credible news of the "death camps" arrived in the West around D-Day, June, 1944, yet the Holocaust Industry is still trying to collect reparations from America for its failure to intervene at an earlier date in the European War on behalf of the Jews.

An important objective study, which is suppressed, is the 1948 report by the International Red Cross, covering its activities during World War II (1942-1945) in the camps maintained by the German authorities. They were allowed to deliver over one million parcels of food, clothing and medicine to the inmates. It stated their efforts were hindered not by the Germans but by the Allied blockade of Germany and the dire situation in Germany during the final months of the war was due to "the barbarous aerial warfare of the Allies" (carpet bombing). It also states that large numbers of "the three million or so European Jews avoided internment altogether". Did they say 3 million? (It seems there was a massive migration of Jews out of Europe in the 1930's to America and in the 1940's to Israel.) There is no mention whatsoever of genocide, gas chambers, death showers, poison gas, etc.; quite the contrary.

In lengthy books about World War II written by Churchill and Eisenhower, there is not a single mention of Jews being genocided in Nazi "death camps".
Qualified engineers inspected the "death camps" and stated that the facilities were showers and could not be used as gas chambers and that the alleged deaths were "impossible". They were imprisoned.
There is ample testimony of eyewitness inmates which belie the existence of "death camps". They are suppressed or imprisoned.
The Nuremberg trials were hate theater orchestrated by the Zionists under the London Agreement. Testimony was obtained by torture. German generals were castrated by constant kicks to the groin.
In 1933 Samuel Untermeyer said there were 14 million Jews in the world. By 1940 this exploded to 17 million (an astonishing racial fecundity) and then imploded to 11 million in 1945 due to the Holocaust. But in an article in 1948, Hanson Baldwin, the war expert of the New York Times, said there were then 15 to 17 million Jews in the world, almost the same number as 1940.
Earlier demographers said that there were 14 to 15 million Jews during the period of the "Holocaust". Today there are less than 14 million, about the same number as in 1933. Almost half are now in the United States, twice the number of 1920.

Here's how Wikipedia explains the discrepancies:
"Deniers often use the 'Four Million Variant' as a stepping stone to the idea that the Holocaust was a hoax perpetrated by a [Zionist] conspiracy. They hope to discredit historians by making them seem inconsistent. One must wonder which historians they speak of, as most have been remarkably consistent in their estimates of a million or so dead. In short, all of the denier's blustering about the 'Four Million Variant' is a specious attempt to envelope the reader into their web of deceit, and it can be discarded after the most rudimentary examination of published histories."

Then why are Zionists still using the 6 million number, knowing it is "specious"? Millions of non-Jews died, too. The numbers don't make sense. Do Zionists fear any inquiries will prove there was no Holocaust at all and thus "stone wall" all inquiries?
According to one article, "The carnage of World War II surpassed that of World War I. German war losses alone were estimated at 7 million, about half of whom died in battle. Ruined, defeated, and divided into zones of occupation, a much smaller Germany emerged in 1945 with a population about the same as in 1910." (Russian losses were immeasurable; it bore the brunt of the German Army.)

After the war, millions more Germans died by starvation and disease in a ruined society, and 1.5 million German soldiers died in Eisenhower's Andersonville-like death camps, under the infamous and barbarous Morganthau Baruch Plans. American soldiers were then, as in World War I and today, the unwitting rapiers of Zionist hatred and greed. Note the commanders of the Allied Army in Europe, Eisenhower and Clark, were Jews.

Apparently, Zionists will stop at nothing to crush all inquiries of the Holocaust by every possible means. Their reach and fanaticism is awesome. ... What are they afraid of? Is the Holocaust a "house of cards"? If it falls, so does Zionism, Israel and the lucrative Holocaust Industry. And, despite the conditioning of the Zionist media monopoly, people everywhere are waking up to its deceptions.
There should be an objective investigation of the Holocaust, free of the influence of France, Britain, and America. AIPAC now requires all US Congressional candidates to first pledge their loyalty to Zionism. Zionists rule Washington absolutely (London and Paris, too). Never have a people been swept by so many armies of secret police. Where is our loyal military? The world wonders!

Acknowledgment: This information was obtained from an uncensored internet.

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Well-known member
Here's what one researcher had to say about your


Wikipedia is a well known encyclopedia on the internet, sympathetic to the Holocaust.

Yet comparing its "Holocaust" article with its "death camp" articles produces major problems.

We've all heard of Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Dachau, Treblinka, etc., names that cause a shiver of dread and horror even today, thanks to constant Zionist media repetition and reinforcement.

But there are also many other camps: Bergen-Belsen, Belzec, Chelmno, Jasenovak, Majdanek, Sobibor, Sachenhausen, Sangerhausen, Flossenburg, Grini, Klooga, Landsberg-am-Lech, Flöha, Oranienburg, Hamburg-Neuengamme, Mauthausen, Natzweiler, Ravensbrück, Maly Trostinets and Theresienstadt.

Much of the information is based on Zionist estimates, documents and testimony with little hard evidence.

According to Wikipedia, 3.8 million people died in the following "extermination camps...80 to 90% were Jews or half of the Jews killed in the Holocaust":
Auschwitz 1.4 million deaths X 85% or 1.2 million Jews
Treblinka 870,000 deaths X 85% or 740,000 Jews
Belzek 600,000 deaths X 85% or 510,000 Jews
Jasenovak 600,000 deaths X 85% or (Few Jews)
Chelmno 320,000 deaths X 85% or 272,000 Jews
Majdanek 360,000 deaths X 85% or 306,000 Jews
Sobibor 250,000 deaths X 85% or 212,000 Jews

But when you read the Wikipedia articles on the individual camps, significant discrepancies begin to emerge, as shown in the following abstracts:

In 1989 Auschwitz corrected its monuments and reduced the number of deaths from 4 million to 1.1 million yet the 6 million total never changed (the savings at Auschwitz were picked up in other camps). Also, the International Red Cross and detailed German death records indicate that only about 150,000 died at Auschwitz of whom 30,000 were Jews. Wikipedia ignores or dismisses such records. (Compare with 1.2 million above.)

In Treblinka, The Höfle Telegram listed 713,555 Jews killed up to the end of December 1942. With the addition of 1943 transports listed in Yitzhak Arad's book, one may arrive at the figure 800,000. (Compare with 740,000 above.)

At Belzek, at least 434,500 Jews were killed. (Compare with 510,000 above.)

The Jasenovac Memorial Area keeps a list of 69,842 names of Jasenovac victims: 39,580 Serbs, 14,599 Roma, 10,700 Jews, 3,462 Croats as well as people of some other ethnicities. ("The world's eminent authority on Holocaust victims, Yad Vashem Center, claims 600,000.")
In the Chelmno camp, at least 152,000 people were killed, mainly Jews from the Lódz Ghetto. (Compare with 272,000 above.)

According to the official Majdanek State Museum about 300,000 inmates passed through the camp, over 40% Jews.

The most recent research by the Majdanek Museum indicates that there were 78,000 victims, 59,000 of whom were Jews. (Compare with 306,000 above.)

At least 250,000 people were killed in Sobibór. The victims were mostly Jews from Poland.

The deaths listed for the remaining sites do not come close to another 3.8 million, much less 80 to 90% Jews. Some samples are:
The total number of deaths at Buchenwald is estimated at 56,545 with little mention of Jews.

At Bergen-Belsen, an estimated 50,000 people died there, up to 35,000 of them dying of typhus in the first few months of 1945.
Of the roughly 30,000 wartime victims at Sachsenhausen, most were Russian prisoners of war.

At Maly Trostenets Yad Vashem currently estimates the number killed as 65,000 while German historian Christian Gerlach estimates the number to be in the range of 40,000-60,000, mostly Jews from Minsk.

At Ravensbruk, about 30,000 to 40,000 women and children perished there, mostly Polish, few Jews.
Various historians place the total death toll in the four main camps of Mauthausen, Gusen I, Gusen II and Gusen III at between 55,000 and 60,000.

Over 200,000 prisoners were housed in Dachau of which nearly one-third were Jews; 32,099 prisoners are believed to have died in the camp and almost another 10,000 in its subcamps, primarily from disease.

At Dachau signs now read that the facilities were never used as gas chambers to murder anyone. In fact, there's no evidence that any "death camps" used poison gas, gas chambers or gas ovens to kill. Yet Wikipedia lists millions of Jews murdered in every camp in poison gas chambers that could hold thousands of people at a time. This is necessary to account for the number of deaths, "75% of all European Jews".

Wikipedia also states that 11 million people died in the "death camps", almost the same number of non-Jews as Jews. How does this fit with the claim that 80 to 90% of the deaths in the principal "death camps" were Jews. Millions of non-Jews have just disappeared.

Finally, Wikipedia states that the first credible news of the "death camps" arrived in the West around D-Day, June, 1944, yet the Holocaust Industry is still trying to collect reparations from America for its failure to intervene at an earlier date in the European War on behalf of the Jews.

An important objective study, which is suppressed, is the 1948 report by the International Red Cross, covering its activities during World War II (1942-1945) in the camps maintained by the German authorities. They were allowed to deliver over one million parcels of food, clothing and medicine to the inmates. It stated their efforts were hindered not by the Germans but by the Allied blockade of Germany and the dire situation in Germany during the final months of the war was due to "the barbarous aerial warfare of the Allies" (carpet bombing). It also states that large numbers of "the three million or so European Jews avoided internment altogether". Did they say 3 million? (It seems there was a massive migration of Jews out of Europe in the 1930's to America and in the 1940's to Israel.) There is no mention whatsoever of genocide, gas chambers, death showers, poison gas, etc.; quite the contrary.

In lengthy books about World War II written by Churchill and Eisenhower, there is not a single mention of Jews being genocided in Nazi "death camps".
Qualified engineers inspected the "death camps" and stated that the facilities were showers and could not be used as gas chambers and that the alleged deaths were "impossible". They were imprisoned.
There is ample testimony of eyewitness inmates which belie the existence of "death camps". They are suppressed or imprisoned.
The Nuremberg trials were hate theater orchestrated by the Zionists under the London Agreement. Testimony was obtained by torture. German generals were castrated by constant kicks to the groin.
In 1933 Samuel Untermeyer said there were 14 million Jews in the world. By 1940 this exploded to 17 million (an astonishing racial fecundity) and then imploded to 11 million in 1945 due to the Holocaust. But in an article in 1948, Hanson Baldwin, the war expert of the New York Times, said there were then 15 to 17 million Jews in the world, almost the same number as 1940.
Earlier demographers said that there were 14 to 15 million Jews during the period of the "Holocaust". Today there are less than 14 million, about the same number as in 1933. Almost half are now in the United States, twice the number of 1920.

Here's how Wikipedia explains the discrepancies:
"Deniers often use the 'Four Million Variant' as a stepping stone to the idea that the Holocaust was a hoax perpetrated by a [Zionist] conspiracy. They hope to discredit historians by making them seem inconsistent. One must wonder which historians they speak of, as most have been remarkably consistent in their estimates of a million or so dead. In short, all of the denier's blustering about the 'Four Million Variant' is a specious attempt to envelope the reader into their web of deceit, and it can be discarded after the most rudimentary examination of published histories."

Then why are Zionists still using the 6 million number, knowing it is "specious"? Millions of non-Jews died, too. The numbers don't make sense. Do Zionists fear any inquiries will prove there was no Holocaust at all and thus "stone wall" all inquiries?
According to one article, "The carnage of World War II surpassed that of World War I. German war losses alone were estimated at 7 million, about half of whom died in battle. Ruined, defeated, and divided into zones of occupation, a much smaller Germany emerged in 1945 with a population about the same as in 1910." (Russian losses were immeasurable; it bore the brunt of the German Army.)

After the war, millions more Germans died by starvation and disease in a ruined society, and 1.5 million German soldiers died in Eisenhower's Andersonville-like death camps, under the infamous and barbarous Morganthau Baruch Plans. American soldiers were then, as in World War I and today, the unwitting rapiers of Zionist hatred and greed. Note the commanders of the Allied Army in Europe, Eisenhower and Clark, were Jews.

Apparently, Zionists will stop at nothing to crush all inquiries of the Holocaust by every possible means. Their reach and fanaticism is awesome. ... What are they afraid of? Is the Holocaust a "house of cards"? If it falls, so does Zionism, Israel and the lucrative Holocaust Industry. And, despite the conditioning of the Zionist media monopoly, people everywhere are waking up to its deceptions.
There should be an objective investigation of the Holocaust, free of the influence of France, Britain, and America. AIPAC now requires all US Congressional candidates to first pledge their loyalty to Zionism. Zionists rule Washington absolutely (London and Paris, too). Never have a people been swept by so many armies of secret police. Where is our loyal military? The world wonders!

Acknowledgment: This information was obtained from an uncensored internet.

Oh look, Nazaroo is crapping out Holocaust denier articles (without providing any source).

It's getting pretty neo-Nazi around here lately, what with this sort of bile and aCW's white supremacist websites and propaganda.


The Violent Reality of Islam

Many "Christian" nations created empires by extending their military expertise around the world - which would explain why most Moslems eventually became the unwilling victims of British, French, Begium, Dutch, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese colonization.

During WW1 and WW2, the majority of combatants on both sides were Christian - the only Moslem nation that took an active role was Turkey.

History of the Jews in Russia

The presence of Jewish people in the European part of Russia can be traced back to the 7th–14th centuries CE. ..... During the reign of Catherine II, Jewish people were restricted in where they could live or immigrate to in other parts of Russia. The beginning of the 19th century was marked by the movement of Jews to Novorossiya. Alexander III escalated anti-Jewish policies. A large-scale wave of anti-Jewish pogroms swept Ukraine in 1881. A policy of discrimination banned Jewish people from rural areas and towns of fewer than ten thousand people. In 1886, an Edict of Expulsion occurred in Kiev. Most Jews were expelled from Moscow in 1891. A larger wave of pogroms broke out in 1903–06. More than two million Jews fled Russia between 1880 and 1920, mostly to the United States

In August 1919 Jewish properties, including synagogues, were seized and many Jewish communities were dissolved. The chaotic years of World War I, the February and October Revolutions, and the Civil War were fertile ground for antisemitism. Pogroms were unleashed throughout the Russian Civil War, perpetrated by every faction. The Soviet authorities considered the use of Hebrew language "reactionary" and the teaching of Hebrew at primary and secondary schools was officially banned as early as 1919.

Many Jews fell victim to the Great Purges, and there is evidence that Jews were specifically targeted by Stalin. Over two million Soviet Jews are believed to have died during the Holocaust. As a result of the persecution, both state-sponsored and unofficial, antisemitism became deeply ingrained in the society.

In the late 1980s and early 1990s, many Soviet Jews took the opportunity of liberalized emigration policies, with over half their population leaving, most for Israel, the United States, Germany, Canada, and Australia. Despite this emigration, the Jewish population of Russia and the nations of the former Soviet Union still constitute the largest Jewish population in Europe.

In 1989, 71,000 Soviet Jews were granted exodus from the USSR. Mikhail Gorbachev allowed unlimited Jewish emigration. The government of Vladimir Putin takes an official stand against antisemitism, while some movements parties and groups are explicitly antisemitic. For many years, Russia had the highest rate of aliyah to Israel among any other country.
As for Russia, both Lenin and Stalin had Russian Orthodox ties and the latter was responsible for having the most prominent Jews in the Communist Party executed.

Jews were first persecuted by the Czars and later the Communists, which would account for the migration of large numbers of Russian Jews to Palestine and the US when the opportunity arose.

Throughout Russian history Jews were always subject to the "tender mercues" of the Russian Orthodox and communist (aetheist) leadership.
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New member
Oh look, Nazaroo is crapping out Holocaust denier articles (without providing any source).

It's getting pretty neo-Nazi around here lately, what with this sort of bile and aCW's white supremacist websites and propaganda.

I had a reliable Christian source confirming the millions gassed and burned. Rarely would my uncle talk about his time in the service. Only twice did he ever discuss it in my presence back in the very early 1960s. The first time was when we were both at my grandmother's house and I stumbled across an old nonfiction picture book about WW2 and made it to the lengthy chapter about the holocaust. When I asked my grandmother about it he crossed the room, stared at the open page a while and then sat down to talk to me.

After the war his outfit remained in Germany for months. His duty was to operate a dozer as they dug multiple huge mass graves in the concentration camps. Then they would use the dozers to push the bodies in and bury them. His outfit performed that duty in two of the camps, but I wasn't yet 10 when he told me this so I can't remember which camps. They didn't call it PTSD back then, but I'll never forget his face. That strong man went pale and was bent over. It's the only time I ever saw him vulnerable.

Mark SeaSigh

I had a reliable Christian source confirming the millions gassed and burned. Rarely would my uncle talk about his time in the service. Only twice did he ever discuss it in my presence back in the very early 1960s. The first time was when we were both at my grandmother's house and I stumbled across an old nonfiction picture book about WW2 and made it to the lengthy chapter about the holocaust. When I asked my grandmother about it he crossed the room, stared at the open page a while and then sat down to talk to me.

After the war his outfit remained in Germany for months. His duty was to operate a dozer as they dug multiple huge mass graves in the concentration camps. Then they would use the dozers to push the bodies in and bury them. His outfit performed that duty in two of the camps, but I wasn't yet 10 when he told me this so I can't remember which camps. They didn't call it PTSD back then, but I'll never forget his face. That strong man went pale and was bent over. It's the only time I ever saw him vulnerable.

Wow! Whorpheus!!!

You really are an -A-!

Nice Going!

Do I really have your IP?

or, should I keep on looking; If I found out you made me Look and Look to find it: I'm going to be Even More Angry with you then.



New member

When we're violent we have to be. Others force us to kill. We are helpless and can't stop ourselves.

We are victims. Poor, poor America.

Actually, this quote from your link is priceless:

“The French keep trying to say the situation is stabilizing, but it actually isn’t,” Bouckaert said.

“The only areas that are stabilizing

are areas where all the Muslims are gone.”

Which is the only solution for Europe as well.


New member
The trouble is many in America are attracted to a "final solution."

Just as an observation: Jews at least in France are finally voting Right Wing,
because they realise that being ruled over by Muslims will be a disaster.

For many years, Jews assisted in eroding and wrecking White-Man Rule,
even in White-Man countries, for obvious historical reasons.

Here are some remarkable quotes found on Luke Ford's Website:

From comments to Steve Sailer:

* European ‘right of center’ is useless. Look at Merkel and Cameron. It doesn’t defend blood and soil.
Likewise, European ‘left of center’ is useless. Look at Blair and Hollande. It’s not for the working class. It’s all about caving to global oligarchs and homos.

* The Jews come for the most part from the Arab/Muslim world – they know the Arabs and this is why they left – they did not trust the Arabs to rule over them. In looking at how things turned out, I think their decision was a wise one. But if they left Algeria because of the Arabs, and were vindicated by history, why would they possibly want the Arabs ruling over them in any way in France? The only way to stop that is to vote “right” or to leave France. And they are doing both. The want to live.
* Jews can be won over as powerful and ruthless allies. If that happens, some excuse will be found to put a stop to the Islamification of Europe.
* It’s not just the Jews in Western Europe who vote right wing parties. Also the gay population tends to vote much more right wing there.
It’s not strange. These two are the main targets of Muslim violence in Europe and right-wing parties are the only ones who take their plight seriously.

* The so-called ‘anti-racism’ mania that has gripped the west for the past half century – which in reality means rabidly anti white and in particular anti white male government policies, has been only too successful.
Successful to the point where the eventual final decisive eclipse and total irrevocable defeat of white men is visible on the horizon. Something that was thought to be simply impossible 50 years ago.
The irony is, that in general, Jews pushed for and agitated for these policies and were the prime movers behind anti white legislation and pro immigration and pro ‘minority, favoritism. This was of course because of some rather heavy historical reasons.

But alas, as the reality of a non white run state – the wish dearly hoped for – looms into view, French Jews, at least, don’t find it too alluring.
A case of ‘be careful what you wish for, you might just get it’.



New member
Here's some comparative statistics that should be a real eye-opener
for those claiming that Nazis, Jews, Communists, were as bad as Muslims:

Muslims WorldWide
Muslims have killed over 590 million non-Muslims since the birth of Mohammed

Posted on June 19, 2013 by Admin

Islam: The Religion of Genocide

Perspective: Think the Spanish inquisition was bad?

  • More people are killed by Islamists each year than in all 350 years of the Spanish Inquisition* combined. The Spanish inquisition (Tribunal del Santo Oficio de la Inquisición) from 1478 to 1834 was established due to muslim invasions. It was the war and battle to try and end Islamic infiltration, Arab fascism and conquest. It’s quite interesting how similar to muslims their methodology was. Was it habit by long association under muslim rule or a strategy?
    Note: The Spanish Inquisition was an answer to the multi-religious nature of Spanish society following the reconquest of the Iberian Peninsula from the Muslim Moors.
    After invading in 711, large areas of the Iberian Peninsula were ruled by Muslims until 1250, when they were restricted to Granada, which fell in 1492. However, the Reconquista did not result in the total expulsion of Muslims from Spain, since they, along with the enslaved Jews, were tolerated by the ruling Christian elite. Large cities, especially Seville, Valladolid and Barcelona, had significant Jewish populations centered in Juderia. Muslims tried to take control throughout the entire country and expand into France to install an islamic state wherever they went.
    To expel the vicious Islamic parasite from the nation the Tribunal killed anyone and everyone who were suspected of being contaminated by Islam, even those enslaved by the muslims.
    The Inquisition not only hunted for Protestants and for false converts from Judaism among the conversos, but also searched for false or relapsed converts among the Moriscos [moors], forced converts from Islam. Many Moriscos were suspected of practising Islam in secret. They killed anyone suspected of being traitors or disguised moles. No one was spared.
    So successful was the enterprise in 1609, in the space of months, Spain was emptied of its Moriscos. Expelled were the Moriscos of Aragon, Murcia, Catalonia, Castile, Mancha and Extremadura.
    In other words, the Spanish inquisition saved the entire region from being taken over by Islamic rule. It was a brutal but quintessentially heroic act in history that saw the sacrifice of millions of people to exterminate Islam fully and completely from the land. It took them nearly 400 years. Imagine the sheer volume of muslims in the country for it to take almost four centuries to get rid of them.
Think the KKK has been bad since 1950?

Think the IRA’s terror campaign and the sectarian violence in Northern Ireland was bad?

Think capital punishment in the USA is barbaric?

It’s actually much worse than that: MORE PERSPECTIVE: Tears of Jihad
These figures are a rough estimate of the death of non-Muslims by the political act of jihad.

Thomas Sowell [Thomas Sowell, Race and Culture, BasicBooks, 1994, p. 188] estimates that 11 million slaves were shipped across the Atlantic and 14 million were sent to the Islamic nations of North Africa and the Middle East.
For every slave captured many others died.
Estimates of this collateral damage vary. The renowned missionary David Livingstone estimated that for every slave who reached a plantation, five others were killed in the initial raid or died of illness and privation on the forced march.
[Woman’s Presbyterian Board of Missions, David Livingstone, p. 62, 1888]
Those who were left behind were the very young, the weak, the sick and the old. These soon died since the main providers had been killed or enslaved.
So, for 25 million slaves delivered to the market, we have an estimated death of about 120 million people. Islam ran the wholesale slave trade in Africa.

120 million Africans

The number of Christians martyred by Islam is 9 million [David B. Barrett, Todd M. Johnson, World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200, William Carey Library, 2001, p. 230, table 4-10] .
A rough estimate by Raphael Moore in History of Asia Minor is that another 50 million died in wars by jihad.
So counting the million African Christians killed in the 20th century we have:

60 million Christians

[This calculation does not include the Arab biological warfare of the middle ages where enslaved and infected Jews, riddled with plague, were dumped across Europe in regions that had no Jewish origin or settlers. They carried the disease from the brutal Arab slave trade and were part of the enslaved blacks, Christians and Jews who managed to survive by paying jizya. These diseased people were then spread into Europe during muslim efforts to conquer the Italian coast (Venice), Greece, Spain, etc. The plague ended up killing half of the entire population of Europe]

Koenard Elst in Negationism in India gives an estimate of 80 million Hindus killed in the total jihad against India. [Koenard Elst, Negationism in India, Voice of India, New Delhi, 2002, pg. 34.]
The country of India today is only half the size of ancient India, due to jihad. The mountains near India are called the Hindu Kush, meaning the “funeral pyre of the Hindus.”

80 million Hindus + adjusted 320 million = 400 million Hindus

[UPDATE: According to reports from the 1890’s and statements made by Swami Vivekananda quoting a Muslim historian, Muslims slaughtered over 400 million Hindus during an 800 year Muslim rule bringing a population down from 600 mil to 200 million at the time.]

Buddhists do not keep up with the history of war. Keep in mind that in jihad only Christians and Jews were allowed to survive as dhimmis (servants to Islam); everyone else had to convert or die.
Jihad killed the Buddhists in Turkey, Afghanistan, along the Silk Route, and in India.
The total is roughly 10 million. [David B. Barrett, Todd M. Johnson, World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200, William Carey Library, 2001, p. 230, table 4-1.]

10 million Buddhists

Oddly enough there were not enough Jews killed in jihad to significantly affect the totals of the Great Annihilation. The jihad in Arabia was 100 percent effective, but the numbers were in the thousands, not millions.
After that, the Jews submitted and became the dhimmis (servants and second class citizens) of Islam and did not have geographic political power.

This gives a rough estimate of 590 million killed by jihad.

[And added to that let’s not forget that Muslims have slaughtered 11 million other Muslims since 1948 in addition to the 590+ non-Muslims they have murdered over the centuries. How many muslims they have murdered over 1,400 years is unknown. Muslims view murder as insignificant so they don’t seem to keep track of their history of slaughters.]


Muslim decapitation of 1.5-2 million Christians in Armenia. This genocide was marketed by the Grand Mufti al-Hussaini to Hitler and the Nazi’s and adapted for the Jews – which ended up creating the holocaust. Prior to being associated with al-Husseini Hitler had not committed arrests or persecution of the Jewish people. The genocide was initiated after Hitler’s association and collaboration with muslims and their jihad army offered as Nazi collaborators.










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Child Trafficking in Afghanistan

Afghanistan’s 'Opium Brides': Who Is Working on the Issue?

In Opium Brides, FRONTLINE correspondent Najibullah Quraishi goes deep inside the Afghan countryside to to reveal how local farm families are forced to give up their daughters, and sometimes their sons, to drug smugglers in order to repay debts after the Afghan government destroys their opium crops.
But the practice of trading girls for debt is hardly new, and goes far beyond debts incurred from opium eradication policies. And efforts to address the issue are constrained by many factors.
The Scope of the Problem

Unfortunately, there are no statistics about how many girls have been traded for debt incurred from opium eradication policies in Afghanistan, but journalists and NGOs like the International Organization for Migration (IOM) have documented instances of such transactions taking place across the country.
In its 2008 trafficking report on Afghanistan (PDF), the IOM noted how deeply the practice of trading young women for debt is rooted in society:
Traditionally, the Afghan society is patriarchal in its nature, and women often are considered the “property” of men; they are father’s child when born, brother’s sister when grown up, husband’s wife when married and son’s mother when old. … Monetary transactions or agreements on debt relief are often made in trading Afghan women as if they were commodities. … The practice of using women and girls for dispute settlements has been a part of the Afghan society for centuries. … No decision is made with the consent of the girl and she is incarcerated for the crime that a man in her family has committed and treated as a slave for the rest of her life.
Vanda Felbab-Brown, a drug interdiction expert at the Brookings Institution, says the practice varies with the level of indebtedness. “Women are traded as compensation for many failings, be it family disputes or the inability to pay back to money lenders,” she said. “It’s not solely linked to the issue of poppy.”
“At its core, the problem of ‘opium brides’ and other ‘loan brides’ is one of human trafficking, and of the utter devaluing of women’s and girls’ lives,” says Una Moore, a Kabul-based development consultant who frequently works in Nangarhar Province, where opium eradication policies have been enforced. “Strip away the euphemisms and exoticism [of the terms] and you’re dealing with slavery.”
Efforts to Address the Issue

While it is difficult to find organizations that document the issue of opium brides, finding actors who are working to curb the problem is even harder.
“Because many of these cases occur in the most dangerous and insular areas of the country, options for intervening on behalf of victims are virtually nonexistent,” says Moore. “That is a gruesome reality.”
Though Quraishi makes it to one of the handful of shelters in Afghanistan that takes care of women and girls who have escaped such marriages, these homes are under constant threat. [For security reasons, FRONTLINE cannot reveal the name or location of the shelter Quraishi visited.] Last year, after a campaign by a conservative television host suggesting that the shelters actually serve as hubs for prostitution, Afghanistan’s Council of Ministers tried to push for them to be brought under the control of the government.
Some experts say addressing the problem in a more integrated and wide-reaching way requires first and foremost an Afghan government that can enforce the rule of law beyond urban centers.
“A well-trained and courageous team of social workers needs to be mentored to maturity, protected by honest police and backed up by a judicial system that adheres to international human right law,” says Moore, adding, “Victims must be offered safe haven in shelters that are not under constant threat from the most conservative and misogynist elements within the government. Afghanistan today is a far cry from any of that.”
Organizations on the Ground

Though organizations that specifically focus on the problem of “loan brides” are rare, here are some of the NGOs and groups that broadly seek to address trafficking, challenges for women and girls, and drug interdiction in Afghanistan.
The Afghan Women’s Mission
The Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission
Humanitarian Assistance for the Women and Children of Afghanistan
The Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan
The United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) Afghanistan
The United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Afghanistan
Voice of Women Organization
Dig Deeper:

The Opium Brides of Afghanistan — Sami Yousafzai, Newsweek
The Politics of Afghan Women’s Rights — Naheed Mustafa, Foreign Policy
War and Drugs in Afghanistan — Vanda Felbab-Brown, World Politics Review
What You Should Know about Women’s Rights in Afghanistan — Anand Gopal, The Huffington Post



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More marginalized idiots being incited to commit atrocious murder:

Teen idolized killers of British soldier, court told

Trial began Monday for Brustholm Ziamani, 19, who referred to one of the Lee Rigby killers as a “legend.”


Lee Rigby, 25, was attacked in May 2013 outside a military barracks
in the Woolwich neighbourhood of southeast London.

By: Jeremy Hodges Bloomberg, Published on Mon Feb 09 2015

LONDON — A London teenager inspired by the brutal 2013 murder of a British soldier was arrested on his way to commit a copycat attack carrying a knife, hammer and Islamic flag, prosecutors said on the first day of his trial.

Brustholm Ziamani, 19, who referred to one of the Lee Rigby killers as a “legend,” converted to Islam from Christianity last year and used social media to encourage others to “wage war against” the British government as part of the “Islamic States of Ireland and Britain,” Annabel Darlow, the prosecution lawyer, said opening the trial in London Monday.

“His hatred of non-believers and interest in violent jihad began to crystallize into a plan to attack a member of the British military forces,” Darlow said.

The threat of a successful domestic attack is at the forefront of Britain’s counter-terrorism strategy. Cities from Ottawa to Sydney have fallen victim to attacks from radicalized Muslims in the past 12 months.

Rigby, 25, was attacked in May 2013 outside a military barracks in the Woolwich neighbourhood of southeast London. Televised images of the bloodshed were transmitted around the world as police quickly called it an act of terror on British soil.

“You want war you got it British soldiers heads will be removed and burned u cannot defeat we love to die the way you love to live,” Ziamani wrote in a letter which police seized, Darlow said.

Ziamani pleaded not guilty at an earlier hearing to preparing an act of terrorism on or before Aug. 20.

British police arrested record numbers of suspected terrorists in 2014 as the overall threat level was raised to severe by the government. A British jihadist who travelled to Syria to join up with a group affiliated to the Islamic State was sentenced last week to 12 years in prison.

London police arrested Ziamani for a second time in August as he was walking down a street in the east of the city, Darlow said.

In prison he told a security officer that he “had been on his way to kill a British soldier,” and that he was going to “behead the soldier and hold his head up in the air so that his friend could take a photograph,” Darlow said.

Prior to his arrest, law-enforcement tried to include Ziamani in a government program known as Prevent to change the minds of people who have become radicalized.

The efforts failed and Ziamani continued to make inflammatory comments on social media encouraging others to carry out domestic attacks, Darlow said.

“This was no fantasist, but a man who had armed himself with two potentially lethal weapons and prepared himself to carry out his intention of committing an act of terrorism,” Darlow said.



Just as an observation: Jews at least in France are finally voting Right Wing,
because they realise that being ruled over by Muslims will be a disaster.

For many years, Jews assisted in eroding and wrecking White-Man Rule,
even in White-Man countries, for obvious historical reasons.

Here are some remarkable quotes found on Luke Ford's Website:

From comments to Steve Sailer:

* European ‘right of center’ is useless. Look at Merkel and Cameron. It doesn’t defend blood and soil.
Likewise, European ‘left of center’ is useless. Look at Blair and Hollande. It’s not for the working class. It’s all about caving to global oligarchs and homos.

* The Jews come for the most part from the Arab/Muslim world – they know the Arabs and this is why they left – they did not trust the Arabs to rule over them. In looking at how things turned out, I think their decision was a wise one. But if they left Algeria because of the Arabs, and were vindicated by history, why would they possibly want the Arabs ruling over them in any way in France? The only way to stop that is to vote “right” or to leave France. And they are doing both. The want to live.
* Jews can be won over as powerful and ruthless allies. If that happens, some excuse will be found to put a stop to the Islamification of Europe.
* It’s not just the Jews in Western Europe who vote right wing parties. Also the gay population tends to vote much more right wing there.
It’s not strange. These two are the main targets of Muslim violence in Europe and right-wing parties are the only ones who take their plight seriously.

* The so-called ‘anti-racism’ mania that has gripped the west for the past half century – which in reality means rabidly anti white and in particular anti white male government policies, has been only too successful.
Successful to the point where the eventual final decisive eclipse and total irrevocable defeat of white men is visible on the horizon. Something that was thought to be simply impossible 50 years ago.
The irony is, that in general, Jews pushed for and agitated for these policies and were the prime movers behind anti white legislation and pro immigration and pro ‘minority, favoritism. This was of course because of some rather heavy historical reasons.

But alas, as the reality of a non white run state – the wish dearly hoped for – looms into view, French Jews, at least, don’t find it too alluring.
A case of ‘be careful what you wish for, you might just get it’.

A lot of information, but at least it keeps me on track to be challenged by a real and vibrant paranoia of the Islamic world.
It's funny that before 9/11, the only fear of religion was Christianity by most people in the world.

I have concluded that both Islam and Chritianity have their own segments of believers that preach a "Shari'a Law." Both groups have people who are afraid of the modern world.

With good reason.


New member


Caution: Horrific Factual Image:



CNN announced that “The images, produced by ISIS’ official al Furqan media company, appeared online Tuesday. But a banner on Jordanian state TV said that al-Kassasbeh was actually “martyred January 3″ — a month ago.” We have maintained last month that Al-Kassasbeh was most likely executed already and we were right. We posted on January 4th the following:
“A Youtube video claimed to be from the Islamic State ISIS (the user posted it under Al-Khilafa Al-Islamiyeh, Islamic State, ISIS) focusing on the Jordanian pilot Moaz Safi Yousef al-Kassasbeh who is held by Islamic State (ISIS) terrorists in Raqqa that gives the judgment of execution stating “cut off his head” as judgment being passed from a Sharia perspective that this is the punishment of the pilot and all the pilots who are captured. They also stated that regardless that al-Kassasbeh read the Quran he will get the punishment of Riddeh (considered a defector from Islam) for “aiding and abetting the crusaders” (the Americans) which they pledged to behead any U.S. pilot who is caught. The message is meant to be a warning to all U.S.-led coalition.”
And on December 27th last year,, a week prior to the actual execution, we reported that ideas on how to desecrate the pilot’s living body began to trickle to ISIS when it asked the Muslim public to suggest, based on Islamic law, the different horrific methods, not just of desecrating a dead, but a living body while still alive. pre-warned about this (see below), that such methods are on the way, especially when it comes to the execution of the Jordanian pilot which we wrote about a week prior to the execution:
“If you think ISIS’s killing methods are bad wait till you see what one video in Arabic done by a Muslim lady dressed in a Hijab circulated to Muslims worldwide. The video was a complaint to Caliph al-Baghdadi of ISIS as “the call of Muslim mothers” arguing that such methods as “beheading” and “shooting” are just too humane and will not work to stop the U.S. led coalition air raids which she complained that this is persecution against her living in Syria. To eliminate the attacks she suggested that an Ottoman method of execution be used to detract pilots from joining the coalition against ISIS. She suggested to use the captured Jordanian pilot Moaz Kasasbeh and begged not to execute him mercifully by using a bullet or a knife, but begged them to reinstitute the Khazouk.
Obviously, they opted for cage-burning. Believe us, we warned about Muslim cannibalism prior to when Muslim cannibals ate hearts and cooked heads, what will also be coming from ISIS, in the pipeline, is the Khazouk. Everyone in the Middle East knows three things told to them by their grand parents about the Ottoman Turks and what they spread throughout the Middle East: Sihr “sorcery,” Baksheesh “bribery”, and the Khazouk which is a spike driven through the victim’s rectum, which the Ottomans used to terrify locals and deter potential insurgents. And this is exactly what this lady wanted to reinstitute: “Are you going to execute him with a merciful bullet? Or are you going to execute him with a merciful knife?” she asks. Khawiskou “impale him” she cries out “then send him to his mother” says the peace-loving Muslim lady. “Why are the Arab world fighting us. We are Muslim doing the will of Allah”. “I am pleading [ISIS] to honor my special request that you Khazouk him “impale him” and post it all over the social networks and the me

Caution: Horrific Illustrations: View at Own Risk

Executing someone and desecrating the body alive is not something that only existed in far history, it was a reality under the Turks until the Christians gave a crushing blow to the Ottoman beast after World War I when Khazouk executions were part of daily life.

One TV series reminds how the Ottomans, in order to thwart dissidents used this horrific type of execution: Such brutality has come to the world from an Islamic edict by Ibn Taymiyya, one of the highest authorities on Islamic jurisprudence, and will be emerging as we see neo-Ottomanism revive in which the world will become as we see in the movie Apocalypto with all the heart plucking cannibalism including burning and khazouking Christians and other victims. As we learned in school when I lived in Bethlehem of Judea, the Ottomans were creative when it came to all sorts of weirdities. At times they used the hot poker, a red hot metal rod that is inserted through the anus which the expert executioner is able to avoid puncturing the heart and the victim could live up to two days before he dies since the bleeding is minimized as the hot rod caterizes the wound. But as it seems, some are begging to revive the Khazouk in revenge against the U.S. led coalition pilots.

But to this lady, the Khazouk is no fantasy, she is serious. The West does not understand such tradition as a Muslim woman making such an appeal. A Muslim woman’s appeal stems from In Ibn Athīr’s famous history book al-Kāmil, he mentions the story in our history of a King called al-Mu’tasim, who was from the Banū ‘Abbas. The event goes like this; A Muslim woman was captured by the Romans and imprisoned, so the Romans laughed at her. The leader of the Roman king sarcastically said, “You won’t ever leave this place until the muslim king himself removes you from these shackles.” The woman shouted “Wa Mu’tasima!” [Oh my grief, Mu’tasima!]. The Roman King laughed at her and said: “He will never come to save you unless he was riding “ablaq” a black and white horse. He said this in a way of mocking her and showing the impossibility of the situation. When al-Mu’tasim heard of the news, he gathered a whole army and made the entire army ride the “ablaq” horses and defeated the Romans (who in this case are viewed as the U.S. and Europeans) and himself entered the prison where the Muslim woman had been imprisoned. “Who are you?” she said.”I am al-Mu’tasim.” He freed her from her shackles, a sign of humiliation for the Romans.

The Muslim mind stems from a pre-Christian dark history and desires to plunge the world to these times. And this became the issue that when a Muslim woman calls upon the Caliph for help he must comply. The Muslims always use this story al-Mu’tasim, a call of a Muslim woman’s appeal in Jihad must be honored and in this case, the hot poker, but as we see the winner was burning inside a cage. Islam is a cage, whether the individual selects such a religion, imprisons and burns others, burn themselves, or burn eternally in hell, Muslims need to make a choice and the choice needs to be made now: convert to Christianity and avoid eternal hell fire.
