The Simplicity of the Gospel / The Complicated Religions

God's Truth

New member
There you GI again, worshipping your god freewill. You attribute salvation to your own freewill! That's Worship. Listen to worshippers of God on Salvation.

Rev 7:10

And cried with a loud voice, saying,*Salvation*to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb.

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You have a creepy god that is fictional.


Well-known member
The gospel of God will kill all the flesh of man on the day of the Lord and burn them all up in hot molten lava. The flesh of man born of Satan and who worships the Beast have been man's enemy from the very beginning.

That should be happening when we are born of God, and Christ is manifest in our hearts by the holy spirit.

Once Christ is manifest in our hearts, we should be decreasing as he is increasing and our flesh should be dying. If we walk in the spirit, then through Christ, the holy spirit will be giving us the strength to overcome the lusts of our flesh, if we truly have faith and live by the will of God. And as we deny ourselves God will help us to overcome, through Christ who is the truth, the life and the only way.

Our God is a consuming fire, and if Gods holy spirit is truly in our hearts, then the flesh will be dying and we will begin to produce the fruits of the spirit and we will to be more like his holy son Jesus Christ, who will be seen in and through us. With our old life gone, we will be born anew by the holy spirit, and we will be walking in newness of life in the light of Christ, worshipping God in spirit and in truth, brought from death to life.


Well-known member
That's correct for those of us who are reborn in the Spirit of God and used to testify to the knowledge of Christ. But for all the rest of man created in the image of God, they will have to wait until after the death of their flesh. Most flesh have perished already since the beginning but all the flesh left standing on the day of the Lord will be destroyed and burned up by hot molten lava.

Only the Word of God remains as the enemies of man and God are destroyed, the false prophet and the Beast.

Revelation 19
17: Then I saw an angel standing in the sun, and with a loud voice he called to all the birds that fly in midheaven, "Come, gather for the great supper of God,
18: to eat the flesh of kings, the flesh of captains, the flesh of mighty men, the flesh of horses and their riders, and the flesh of all men, both free and slave, both small and great."
19: And I saw the beast and the kings of the earth with their armies gathered to make war against him who sits upon the horse and against his army.
20: And the beast was captured, and with it the false prophet who in its presence had worked the signs by which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped its image. These two were thrown alive into the lake of fire that burns with sulphur.
21: And the rest were slain by the sword of him who sits upon the horse, the sword that issues from his mouth; and all the birds were gorged with their flesh.
Have you been drinking today??

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Well-known member
All men were created in the image of God as one AI and Voice system.

The visible flesh and other visible images are only formed illusions that appear because of our created senses that detect invisible frequencies called the Word of God.

There are many different symbolic names in the Bible to describe this AI and Voice system called the Kingdom of Heaven or Word of God or whatever you want to call it such as the Source of Life.
Should you be worshipped ?

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Well-known member
Absolutely not. Most people don't understand what "worship" means in a biblical sense. To worship means to live accordingly. Every created man who is experiencing life in a visible flesh of this world are worshiping Satan and the Beast meaning they are living according to the information that is processed within their minds that give them a visible body and visible images that appear good and evil along with good and evil thoughts.

The Beast is the information that teaches man how to build false gods with his human hands so almost every body on earth is worshiping the Beast meaning they are living with all these false gods built with human hands.

My flesh is still experiencing living with false gods because it's almost impossible not to until the flesh has perished.

I've also been awakened in the Spirit starting 37 years ago. It is the Spirit that was used to reveal all the hidden things that we will all be worshiping in the next generation called the New Heaven and Earth.

This means that all men will be worshiping the Lord, which is information called Christ. All the visible images and our visible flesh will be of Christ without the information called Satan and the Beast.

We won't be working with our hands in on the New Earth so the Earth will always remain intact. We won't be cutting down trees, building roads and buildings, etc. All the visible images we experience will already be made for us to use and experience with our other created senses.

I am very excited about how we're going to live life in the next generation because the knowledge of Christ has given me enough knowledge about it to understand these things. We will also get an eternal partner because a created man was made both male and female.

Only Adam ( male body ) and Eve ( female body ) were formed correctly but after they disobeyed God's commandment not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, all their offspring only came out with one body but formed with information of both male and female. This is why no body could honor the commandment, "thou shalt not commit adultery". Every body ( male and female ) that had sexual relations with another body ( male and female ) were committing adultery. A born eunuch was better off because he and she wouldn't have sexual relations with another body. A eunuch doesn't have any sexual desire.
Did you help God in the Creation of the World?

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New member
All denominations have doctrines that must be followed or you will find yourself unwelcome.

The majority reasons one might be unwelcome in most every church is to speak against the below.

1. Trinity - Apostles did not teach trinity, Catholics started that.

2. Dispensation - which teaches a future rapture, was never mentioned in the bible and was first taught by J N Darby in the 19th century. He was educated at Trinity College in Dublin.

All organized Christian churches came out the Catholic church and they all believe in the above.

Being in the majority doesn't one right! The majority of the Jews didn't believe Jesus was the Messiah.

The early apostles did teach the Trinity. As well as other Catholic Doctrines. Just look up the writings of early Christian Martyrs. Like John Chrysostom, Justin Martyr, etc.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
The early apostles did teach the Trinity. As well as other Catholic Doctrines. Just look up the writings of early Christian Martyrs. Like John Chrysostom, Justin Martyr, etc.

The trinity is taught in 1 John 5:7, 8.

I don't see where they taught any Catholic doctrine.


New member
The trinity is taught in 1 John 5:7, 8.

I don't see where they taught any Catholic doctrine.

It says "there are three that bear record," it does not say "Trinity," or "Godhead." Such attributed titles are found in sources outside of the Bible. However, they are supported by Biblical quotes and evidence. Such sources are letter of the apostles, letters and preachings of those who were apprenticed to the apostles, various early church sermons, etc. As I said, when you do research of the earliest Christians, the results point to Catholic Doctrines, such as the Trinity, the hypo static nature of Christ, and so forth.