But God has a SOUL. A SOUL is a body with a spirit.
No, GT, a soul is NOT a body with a spirit.
A soul is different than a body and different than a spirit.
Man is made of body AND soul AND spirit. How can man be made of body and (body with a spirit) and spirit? Why not just say "body and spirit"?
1 Thessalonians 5:23 explicitly states all three as individual parts, and Hebrews 4:12 says that soul and spirit can be divided, which is not possible if "soul" means "body with a spirit."
(Leviticus 26:11) (Leviticus 26:30) (Isaiah 42:1) (Zechariah 11:8) (Matthew 12:18) (Hebrews 10:38).
These scriptures speak of God having a soul…
So? He also has a spirit and a body.
Namely: Father, Son, Holy Spirit.
a soul is a body with a spirit.
Nope. See above.
If these scriptures are not about Jesus, and if Jesus did not exist in a Spiritual body, then how God who lives in unapproachable light that no one has seen have a body?
God the Father and God the Holy Spirit do not have bodies, they have never had a body. God the Son did not have a body until the incarnation in the four Gospels. Now God the Son has a body where he didn't before.
A body allows us to interact with the physical world.
A soul allows us to interact with other creatures that have souls.
A spirit allows us to interact with God.
All three make up man, and is what is meant by God making man in His "image."