The Sabbath


What is the punishment for breaking the Sabbath?
What is the punishment for transgressing the Sabbath Commandment?


Do you know that Jacob will not stop harassing you?

he does not know he is harassing or trolling.

All you can do is to put him on ignore and do not read or reply to his replies.

I guess you can say he has more patience than you.


I have many trolls or harassers in my threads too.

I put them all on ignore because it is a waste of time talking to them, IMO.

Jacob was trolling and hijacking my thread too.


Do you know that Jacob will not stop harassing you?

he does not know he is harassing or trolling.

All you can do is to put him on ignore and do not read or reply to his replies.

I guess you can say he has more patience than you.

I said
lolol I haven't really figured him out yet. Whether he is a child, or just incredible stupid. He could be a muslim trying to cause confusion to the Christian community. It seems his goal is to turn every conversation into a stupid conversation. So no one will follow it.
What I do know is he is not a Christian or a Jew. Christians are not allowed to lie the way he does. Jews are not allowed to lie the way he does. But from what I have heard muslims can lie, cheat, steel.


I have many trolls or harassers in my threads too.

I put them all on ignore because it is a waste of time talking to them, IMO.

Jacob was trolling and hijacking my thread too.

I said
I know I've seen him do it on a lot of threads. But what better way to expose him as a fraud then to get him to talk.
[Mat 12:37
37 "For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned."


I said
I know I've seen him do it on a lot of threads. But what better way to expose him as a fraud then to get him to talk.
[Mat 12:37
37 "For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned."

Like I said, you have a patience. good for you.


BTW, I dont think he is trying to be disrupted. He truly believe he is teaching you and everyone.


I said
I will have to disagree, no one is that stupid.

I have been trying to figure out what he is doing for years by talking to him.

He changed his faith many times. and he finally figured out where to stay, it is Judaism.

And even that it is so inconsistent and he does not recognize that.

He will be in that state, I believe.

I have been giving him the benefit of doubt many years.

he is in delusion. It will take miracle to wake him up.


I have been trying to figure out what he is doing for years by talking to him.

He changed his faith many times. and he finally figured out where to stay, it is Judaism.

And even that it is so inconsistent and he does not recognize that.

He will be in that state, I believe.

I have been giving him the benefit of doubt many years.

he is in delusion. It will take miracle to wake him up.

I said
By talking to someone for a while you can see the foundation of their beliefs. If I talk to a Christian I can see from their reply whether or not their a Christian. If I talk to a Jew the foundation of what they believe comes through in their replies.
Jacob has no foundation for his beliefs. He jumps around to much he lies to much. He makes up things to much. He has no foundation.


I said
By talking to someone for a while you can see the foundation of their beliefs. If I talk to a Christian I can see from their reply whether or not their a Christian. If I talk to a Jew the foundation of what they believe comes through in their replies.
Jacob has no foundation for his beliefs. He jumps around to much he lies to much. He makes up things to much. He has no foundation.

I know that. That's why I say he is delusional.

I was trying to figure out if he is sincere in what he is doing.

But he cannot do much in delusional state.


I believe that God is merciful that he gives him credit for his effort to be faithful to his God.



Today is Shlishli, Aviv 18. It is day.

I am of Israel. Judaism as a religion is not so important, if there has ever been anything wrong with Judaism. Like with Christianity when I was a Christian. I am a Jew. I have chosen the tribe of Levi. I am an Israelite. I have asked if Judaism is a religion or a faith. But where I am living I have made a comment about religion, to the effect that it is not important to me. Meaning, I am not religious. Some people want me to be religious. Others do not. It is what people say, and the things that I have said. But when a person decides to be religious or to be religious on their own terms they need to think about what they are doing and what stress or stresses and pressures they are placing others, or putting others, in or under. Freedom of religion and freedom of religious expression are different, in a Judeo-Christian nation such as the United States of America. The fact that Muslims were not allowed in the military and Muslims were in the military has been a stress upon my life as a Citizen of the United States of America not in the military. If I have freedom of religion as a Jew, then the Muslim wants freedom of religion too. To this is a Christian nation. I grew up Christian. I do not need to put people under religion. I am Jewish. I am a proselyte and a convert to Israel and Judaism. The people or nation or the people and nation of Israel and God's Commands or God's Commandments the Commandments of Torah and the New Covenant are more important than Judaism or whether or not Judaism is a religion. Is Judaism a faith? Some say so. But I still don't have an answer for what other people think beyond Judaism being a faith or a religion, though I have asked.

In the book of James we read that pure religion in the sight of our God and Father is to visit orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world. There is nothing wrong with this. This is pure religion. And religion is our practice, not our intellectual or emotional sensibilities.

We are in the Feast of Unleavened Bread. A person noticed me eating Matzah, and commented on either my religion or I think Judaism. Yes. But, that is not why I do what I do. It is because of God's Commandments as one of Israel. People get caught up in religion or it is an explanation for what a person does. Though I live my life different from other people and don't feel myself relegated to a religion, it is because of God that I do what I do not because I am religious.

