The real book on Christianity.


New member
You will very rarely see a Christian reading this thread; it would hurt them too much, you know, like the truth hurting.


New member
The real book on Christianity is they cannot look in the mirror of their past; like a vampire with no reflection, paganism has sucked the things God had placed in it- out! And it injected something other than the truth into Christianity's bloodstream. A powerful injection, a Christian can read this and what I am talking about will just go right over their heads, they cannot see it. The deception is very well done. The finest I have ever seen; a whole religion, the largest on earth, has been deceived, their doctrines perverted, and they themselves are not able to be consciously aware of it; its stunning!

Its an incredible thing to behold!


New member
Have you ever seen the statues in Christian churches , or the stained glass windows of Jesus or biblical figures;

born straight out of paganism. And they don't care, they will not give those traditions up.


New member
There are many reasons why the Christian church is scared of their history, because if you peel it back, its going to reveal a lot of fraud. And they can't handle that. Like Tithing, the original church did not tithe, its nowhere in the New Testament. Tithing did not happen until 500 years after Christ had set the church up, and the Catholic church set it up.

You remember the Catholic church, its what the original church mutated into.


New member
There are many reasons why the Christian church is scared of their history, because if you peel it back, its going to reveal a lot of fraud. And they can't handle that. Like Tithing, the original church did not tithe, its nowhere in the New Testament. Tithing did not happen until 500 years after Christ had set the church up, and the Catholic church set it up.

You remember the Catholic church, its what the original church mutated into.


Well-known member
Christians are about 1/3 of humanity; that's , more or less, about 2. 3 billion people. That's a whole lot of people! Christianity is a giant, its NOT the small church that satan is chasing in the book of Revelations. Christians are all over the place; I disagree with the Atheist who love to claim that Christianity is shrinking; when your that big, the number of people who leave is insignificant.

Catholics are different from many other forms of Christianity, but they are still Christian. And I think they were the first brand of Christianity that evolved from the first church after Christ left the earth. In Acts 11:26, " The disciples were " Called" Christians " First" in Antioch." They were called that by other people, not themselves. And the only other people around at that time , were Romans, Pagans, Philosophers and more Pagans. They used to call themselves " The Way." But more or less, Christianity was born here; right here in history. In Rome. After that, the Genesis of this great church began.

I believe that original first church, that first century church, was the church in its purest form; never to be that pure again! That was the church before it was tainted and corrupted. That church was an organic church, an organism that breathed in and out the truth; and that truth today, looks nothing like it did back then.

The DNA of the Christian church has changed; and this is perhaps best told by someone " outside" of the church, because religious self evaluation is the worse kind; its far too selfish, too self sacrosanct.

The real historical story of Christianity is one of God's people absorbing foreign elements into their bloodstream, and historically never exhaling those elements. The incredible traditions that were tacked on to Christianity over the years, would fill volumes in books, and the incredible self absorbed mentality of all of Christianity to never even notice their true history and how off course it has become, is simply stunning! The way the religion protects itself is astounding; and yet no one is safe from true history. It will tell the truth, no matter who is unable to absorb it.

"After the Romans destroyed Jerusalem in AD 70, Judaic Christianity waned in numbers and power. Gentile Christianity dominated, and that " New Faith" began to absorb Greco-Roman philosophy and ritual. It was a period of pagan culture, and much of what Christianity does today, was lifted directly out of pagan culture. Paganism dominated the Roman Empire up until the 4th century, and many of its elements were absorbed by Christians in the first half of the first millennium." ( Pagan Christianity, pg.6, by Frank Viola and George Barna).

Not that paganism or philosophy are wrong in and of themselves, they are not; but these two concepts obviously molded and shaped Christianity, like no other element has shaped this incredible giant of a church.

Lets take a closer look at how.

Re the paragraph "Not that paganism..."
1, apparently you don't read the Bible even though you are talking about it. In the category of 'wrong' (in the Bible) you would have quite a few propositions made by both paganism and philosophy. In Greek philosophy, 'atheism' meant that you did not believe in the plethora of gods, but then there was also Ovid whom Dr. Schaeffer encountered just before becoming a Christian. Ovid had a very modern-sounding kind of atheism.

In Acts 17, you have the exchange between Paul and the Aeropagus. There were a few things wrong to be dealt with.

2, the dynamic thing about how the Bible, ie NT, uses the term philosophy is that it is wide enough to refer to the type of neo-Judaism that was going on in Little Asia in that period, in the Collosae area. Most of Paul's work was against the backdrop of an attempted resurgence in Judaism; not against modern atheism. The terms apply slightly to modern atheism. But you find all kinds of things 'wrong' with that neo-Judaism. You said such things were not wrong in themselves.

3, Apparently you haven't heard of the Reformation, because if you had, you would be qualifying most of your final paragraph above. The iconoclastic movement was forcibly removing the pagan or Hellenizing elements. I'm not even sure if you are aware that while the Catholic church has large numbers, the number of denominations (in which a platform of beliefs defines a group) is extremely large. Those would be protestant, of course, protesting against an earthly-centralized church. Hopefully, it all looks very different once you absorb that.


Well-known member
No its not, that is just what you have been taught. Its just how selfish Christianity is, they claim the bible for themselves. The real truth, which does not interest Christianity, is that the bible has no copyrights on it. No individual group can claim it as their own. Out of the 66 authors of the bible, only 6 could possibly be considered Christians, so they did not write even half of the bible.

The bible is the book that Christianity has laid claim on, the bible itself has not laid claim on Christianity. The term " Christian" is mentioned once in scripture, twice in some bibles. Jews are mentioned far more than that. Neither God or Christ EVER endorsed Christianity, and no Christian can show that in scripture;

they just can self righteously claim it out of their mouths!

This is pretty confusing. There are both Paul and Jude, for ex., saying that there was one Gospel, or one faith once-and-for-all delivered to the saints (that would be Christians). The authority of the Bible is not derived from a human organization, if that is what you are trying to say, but from the distinct proclamation of a historical event called the Gospel and the propositions about it. By contrast, there are other materials from the time that mention Jesus but the miracles or other details stray widely from the type of thing that came from the 'quelle' (source [German])--the original verbal recitation of the life of Christ, first written down by Mark.

Re the OT, the purpose was not quite the same as the NT, but the NT does quote or allude to it 2500x and says that the Gospel was embedded in it. This makes it more unified than disunified.

Overall your views seem to be unaware of credal history. If you will look that up and chart out when various credal statements were completed, you'll see that the beginning of the faith was pretty consistent doctrinally, when you follow from 'Apostle's' to Nicene.

Your concern about the pagan use of nature has to do with the question: how to communicate to such cultures when they have no background in Judaism. For clearly, the NT is speaking mostly to Judaism, and innovating upon its beliefs. But most people do not have this background.

So one thing that happens is that people try to find similar innovations upon their own cultures.

There is some strong symbolism in the birth of Christ being celebrated in the darkest period of the year, or in the resurrection of Christ being celebrated as spring breaks forth. You can find mistakes about these conceptions--as though it was pantheism. But then if you are too strict, you'd never have 'What Sweeter Music Can We Bring?' lyrics by Robert Herrick in the 17th c.,v:v&hsimp=yhs-001&hspart=mozilla&tt=b

It is a statement that in the darkest, coldest time of the year (and also during a century of cold), the Gospel was the warm sun from God 'that makes December turn to May.' The 'room' we find for him is the heart, not a building...


New member
Did you know that " The Lord's Supper" used to be a full agape meal that was a joyful occasion, and now the Christian church has turned it into a " Cup and piece of bread ritual" that is serious and without the joy is was meant to be.

This came straight out of pagan influences in the late second century.

You could actually inform a Christian of this, and it would be like pouring water on a duck's back; they will just look at you, as if to say, " So what!"


New member
The real book on Christianity is, they were chosen by God to begin the age of deception in his church. And history is the proof of this. Reality is the proof, and 5 of the 7 churches in Revelations are also biblical proof of this. 5 of them are messed up. Because they were supposed to be messed up.


The real book on Christianity is they cannot look in the mirror of their past; like a vampire with no reflection, paganism has sucked the things God had placed in it- out!
Re 18:5 :eek:linger:



New member
Do you think its impossible for a whole religion to be deceived? I mean 3 billion people? That's how large Christianity is.

You'd best read Rev. 12:9 again.


New member
The real book on Christianity is they are the blind leading the blind, but they are so powerful that the pride of their power can only see themselves as the anointed of God, they will NEVER see themselves as anything else. And that is one reason they are so deceived, because they think they can't be deceived.