"I Am"
"I Am"
Well I don't know God, so I have to walk alone.
Appreciate your honesty. Some do claim to know 'God', which must be a subjective claim by 'faith' or by some 'relationship', but its still subject to some 'criteria' by which such 'knowledge' is proved, and at last this must be by
'personal experience'. One can know many 'concepts' or 'information'
about 'God',...but how does one actually KNOW? - we are back to issues of epistemology, faith, philosophy, reason, etc. Beyond all this, there is one thing we do know from moment to moment, the reality of our existence, or taken further.....Existence Itself
I hope he is involved in my life at some level; I can only hope in that.
If 'God' is really omnipresent, then there is no way you could be separate from 'God', and if we hold to the truth of omnipresence, assuming it is so, then your 'belief' or 'perception' of being 'seperate' is erroneous. If we assume the 3 Omni's of classical theism,....'God' is omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent on the absolute level of his Godhood, whether or not we can conceptualize these attributes as being 'modified' in the worlds of space and time. As a mystic, I like to consider "there is nowhere where God is not", "no place empty of Him", "closer than hands and feet"

Or we can take it to a more fuller consideration that
God is All There IS (as pure Spirit-Energy-Consciousness). If God is the one
absolute reality, the First Source and Center of
all....then nothing can exist outside of Him, neither independent of Him.
But I certainly do believe that we need his guidance; now IF one is receiving that, I cannot say.
Plenty of scritpures and religious writings claim that if we ask God for divine guidance (or wisdom), in full faith,...we shall receive what we ask for. How does God guide us? Well He couldn't without his own presence or creative direction. - also consider the 'God' that dwells within your own mind and body. God is not limited by space or matter. God is INFINITE. Our body is the temple of God. - So where is God? If God guides us, by some
spiritual presence within, it is by some intuitive faculty within the soul by which he directs, is that not reasonable to assume? Spirit can also inspire reason, logic, conscience, imagination, vision, seeing and knowing.
I can only speak for myself. I don't know how much God is involved in my life, IF he is.
I'd encourage a greater exploration of the infinite, and your own 'being' and 'consciousness' that cannot exist outside of or separate from what is infinite.