Paul clearly said what they gave him was a gift that no other church gave him, explain to me how you consider that a salary?
Paul did not accept salary, but he is endorsing to support the pastors get salary.
Paul supported himself.
Paul clearly said what they gave him was a gift that no other church gave him, explain to me how you consider that a salary?
Paul did not accept salary, but he is endorsing to support the pastors get salary.
Paul supported himself.
Well So that I can properly understand what you are seeing, show me who accepted a salary in the NT. Show me where you see Paul endorsing a clergy salary. I mean, its not in there in my view, but show me your view.
Yes, it is there. I will not baby feed you.
It does not say they accepted but Paul certainly taught the pastors should be getting income from congregation to support and their family..
FYI, I don't think anyone should get income from Jesus' followers. But I know what Paul taught to the churches.
Paul was correcting money for the poor, not for himself.
:think:I don't mind being baby fed, its still being fed. In these discussions we have, I would not expect anyone to take my word for it. We have time, find your scriptures and express yourself including them. And I will believe them when I see them; I just have not saw them on a salary for clergy in the NT. I have seen them give an Apostle a gift of money, but never a salary. A salary would be a weekly or even regular monthly amount; no NT church did that for any of its leaders. If its not in scripture, why believe it??
Yes, how else can a Church survive, the need tithes
The church Christ started survived for years without tithing.
Collection of the money is just fine as long as they use it for God's kingdom.
It should not be used to feed the pastors to live luxuriously which is the case in many churches now a days.
When Jesus talks about the blessings, it is spiritual blessings, not material blessings. It is clear when you read His word.
That's right, and its how the original church was designed. They met in houses and shared only food together; food and drink.
Yes. Now it is lost.
It is all about power, pride and greed, now a days, it seems.
Of course it is. Their not giving money to God, what would God need with money? Why are they saying give to God? God has never held not one penny of any churches money.
:nono: John 13:29That's right, and its how the original church was designed. They met in houses and shared only food together; food and drink.
:doh: There were three verses there. You latched onto the one you could twistPaul clearly said what they gave him was a gift that no other church gave him, explain to me how you consider that a salary?
:nono: John 13:29
:doh: There were three verses there. You latched onto the one you could twistlain: Is this how you do all your theology? Pick-n-choose every step of the way?
It is hard to strive to be true to Jesus. But we know what Jesus taught. It is in the gospel.
God looks into our heart. All we can do is do our best and we have nothing to worry, friend.
We are blessed that we have Jesus' word. We don't have to rely any man to teach us to learn how to serve God and Jesus.
Jesus is the perfect Teacher of love.
Collection of the money is just fine as long as they use it for God's kingdom.
It should not be used to feed the pastors to live luxuriously which is the case in many churches now a days.
When Jesus talks about the blessings, it is spiritual blessings, not material blessings. It is clear when you read His word.
Well yes, I agree, that is so true! And I have discovered that even those who do not do their best, have forgiveness through Christ.
Jesus says to "love the Lord your God all your heart, soul, strength and mind."
This is very serious, friend.