Yes, Paul wrote about it, silly.
Then they weren't new were they?
The Hebrew Bible had been around for several years before Paul.
Just because Christ had to explain the scriptures to Paul doesn't mean no one understood it.
Yes, Paul wrote about it, silly.
You focus entirely on commentariesCol 1:13 is therefore baloney
with Eph 1:20 with 2:6 which is saying we were raised to reign with Christ when He was
with Rom 14:17 and its practical solutions to cultural/tradition divisions...
It's all baloney, folks!
RD's statement was that Paul learned by revelation, brand new information that nobody else knew. He wrote about it, sillyThen they weren't new were they?
The Hebrew Bible had been around for several years before Paul.
Just because Christ had to explain the scriptures to Paul doesn't mean no one understood it.
baloney, we are in the BOC
Paul taught from the Hebrew Bible.
RD's statement was that Paul learned by revelation, brand new information that nobody else knew. He wrote about it, silly
Yes, he did but not exclusively.
Paul also taught information that the ascended Lord in heaven revealed to him directly, things that were not in the OT Hebrew Bible, things that also were not revealed to the twelve.
Possibly things that that twelve did not quite grasp, but it definitely was what was in the OT. He says so in Eph 3 and in rom 16. He says that 2 things were a 'divine/royal order/decree': the unhiding of Christ in the OT and the incoming of the Gentiles. the things now revealed are made known through the prophetic writings.
RD's statement was that Paul learned by revelation, brand new information that nobody else knew. He wrote about it, silly
You focus entirely on commentaries
Ephesians 3:6 This mystery is that through the gospel the Gentiles are heirs together "with Israel", members together of one body, and sharers together in the promise in Christ Jesus.
Galatians 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
Oh IP... you crack me up!
RD's statement was that Paul learned by revelation, brand new information that nobody else knew. He wrote about it, silly
Paul taught SOME things that NOBODY else knew until God revealed them to and through Paul.
The NEW things were not the ONLY things that Paul taught.
Hence, Paul's statement about "ALL the counsel of God".
watch thisAnd the body is the church.
"And He is the head of the body, the church." (Colossians 1:18)
"Thou hast put everything in subjection under his feet. For this subjecting of the universe to man implies the leaving nothing not subject to him. But we do not as yet see the universe subject to him.
But Jesus — who was made a little inferior to the angels in order that through God's grace He might taste death for every human being — we already see wearing a crown of glory and honor because of His having suffered death." (Hebrews 2:8-9 Weymouth NT)
Possibly things that that twelve did not quite grasp, but it definitely was what was in the OT. He says so in Eph 3 and in rom 16. He says that 2 things were a 'divine/royal order/decree': the unhiding of Christ in the OT and the incoming of the Gentiles. the things now revealed are made known through the prophetic writings.
You may be interested to know from a conservative Jew, Dennis Prager, that his view is that only the Torah was inspired. So the 'trinity' of Judaism is 'torah--yhwh--'eretz.' He does not really accept the prophetic writings as inspired. One of the reasons is the obvious messianic reference to Christ. What is interesting about this position for a NT believer is that Christ's power is shining through the OT, and so here is a fine, conservative Jew who would prefer to say only 'torah' is inspired, to evade the prophets.
Who was first in the Bible, prophets or apostles?
Why does Paul list apostles as being first in the BOC and prophets being second?
Yeah, I know all that.
On the prophets, I don't think he meant the OT prophets. There are several lists like this, and he meant contemporary people, like in Acts 11:27. But what do I know? I "disdain" the scriptures.
On the prophets, I don't think he meant the OT prophets.
There are several lists like this, and he meant contemporary people, like in Acts 11:27.
I don't subscribe to BOC so I can't agree to anything there.
To the D club it is a mystery manifestation of believers, couched in legal terms that do not conflict with the other reality of the Bible (they say), which is Judaism and its land, which the Bible will 'go back to' after while.
It just doesn't happen to be that way in Rom 2, 8, I Cor 15, Heb 9, 2 Tim 2, I Jn 2, 4, Acts 17, 2 Peter 3 about the 2nd coming. There is nothing Judaic/Judean there.
Yeppers.There are some references in the NT writings that pertain to the restoration of Israel under Messiah, but you either ignore them or have assigned them to allegory.