If you have any questions regarding these new guidelines please ask them on this thread.
Caino undermines large parts of the Bible by placing his sources as the legitimate truth.
Should he be allowed to post here?
If you have any questions regarding these new guidelines please ask them on this thread.
not a step backwards my friend, since there are many christian churches who believe different things it is good for us to "test" the spirits to see if they are true Debate doesn't have to mean fight we are all seeking the truth here. let us proceed wisely and in meekness of spirit, with the spirit of love which seeks not it's own but the best for each other.Unfortunately, I may be the only one who sees this as a step backwards, rather than forward.
I do not believe that everyone that comes here is here to debate, and there should be a sanctuary (of sort) to actually be safe from those who have no other agenda but to steal the truth from those who truly have a heart to know what that truth is.
I know that this may not be the main purpose of this site, but some people may have no other place to turn, and there are many out there who are hurting, and need to hear the hope that only those who have faith in the Jesus of the bible can offer them.
My main reason for being here, is to reach those people, and to stand firm in a presentation of the gospel that is undefiled, unperverted, and pure in it's simplicity.
That opportunity has been greatly diminished, and the cultist have won their day.
When we see the list of threads how can we tell which ones are Exclusively Christian Theology?
... or disparage another Jew because he believes in Jesus and calls himself a Christian. lain:
.On 13Jan04 Knight: ... Said in short ... This particular forum will be dedicated to debating biblical issues
without debating the legitimacy of the Bible itself.
There are plenty of other forums here at TOL for debating the legitimacy of the Bible.
tx say: Dear Mr Knight, where is the Bible Study forum?
I seem to remember it was around here somewhere, but now I can't find it.
What's up with that?
You mean this?---->Tags -call-out thread I assume that is what you mean.Greetings Inzl Kett,
I understand that you are a senior moderator so I thought I would ask something of you.
I just noticed something that may have been there before but slipped my notice....that being a sticky note attached to the Letter to Colossians thread...I just noticed this 10 minutes ago and checked the forum rules in the Home Page top left corner to get some clarrification but could not see anything there that seemed relevant.
Tags are supposed to help the forum search feature and Google search find the post. The search feature operates off of words in posts but it also operates off of tags. Tags are not a 'sticky'.I will pose a series of questions to explore the issue...I am new hear and not familiar with any background issues of forum protocols that may have been developed over the years...so my questions are not to be understood as accusatory or interagative in a negative fashion...but exploratory in the sense of local terrain features
Could you explain to me the significance of the tag in terms of what exactly is signified to others, or myself, by its attachment ?
Any subscriber last time I checked, can tag a thread with any tag he wishes. Admittedly many users make a poor choice when making tags.What decision making process is involved to have such a sticky attached ?
The author when making the thread can attach two tags of his choice. Still other users can add two addition tags of their choice. Sometime mods will remove tags at their discretion if the tags are name calling the thread author or someone else without cause or if they are designed to provoke.Does the author of the thread so designated have any input in this process ?
Nope.Is there any protocol requireing the author of the tread to be notified by PM of such an action being taken ?
If you don't see an edit tags button, then you have to be subscriber to edit tags. Then you will be able to tag any thread you wish.Can I tag a thread of my choosing with such a sticky unilaterally ?
The tag author is anonymous, that is how v-bulletin software is written. It doesn't track who assigns what tag. Only you know what two tags you put on a thread.Can the person authorizing or desiring such a sticky to be attached be publicly identified ? .... if not Why not ?
Tags are not anything significant enough to warrant authorities stepping in unless they abused as a form of 'brinking'--pushing people's buttons. As explained above, they are a tool for the Google search and forum search.What catergory of persons have the ability or authority to take such unilateral action ?
Somebody tagged it that because they thought it was a call out thread--A thread that targets a user, usually for something that have done wrong. I will review the thread and see if the tag is appropriate.Is the "call out" designation substantiated in terms of qualifing for this identification.... by either, one, or both, of these two subject matters ie. a particular posters username in the OP title [or anywhere in the content of post], or the actual subject matter discussed ?
The Religion section and the ECT do not have specifically assigned moderators.Can you provide me with a list of all moderators associated with the religion section in general and the hierarchy if any ?
Thank you. I hope you do become a subscriber. :e4e:I am considering becoming a financial member of TOL so as to reap additional benefits from being a more integral member of the community here...I will appreciate your response...and look forward to a productive relationship with yourself and TOL.
Yours sincerely,
Brian Parker - aka moonbeam
My tags you mean the little words at the bottom correct? Subscribers can tag a thread and folks on TOL have made a game of tagging threads. Sometimes they will put tags on a thread that have nothing to do with the thread at all. If a tag is too disruptive or becomes name calling to the user without cause sometime a mod will remove it at his discretion.
Tags actually are supposed to help the search function when you are using to find a thread on a subject. But the way people on here use them, it can defeat that purpose.
We will get more of that not less."I do not believe that everyone that comes here is here to debate, and there should be a sanctuary (of sort) to actually be safe from those who have no other agenda but to steal the truth from those who truly have a heart to know what that truth is."
I have heard of it. It is one of the books I want to look at.Inzl Kett
Thanks for the response...I understand the function now.
I thought it was a harbinger of doom.
The Harbinger by Rabbi Cahn (Christian) 56 min long on youtube I watched yesterday...very interesting...if you haven't seen it.
Kind regards.
I have heard of it. It is one of the books I want to look at.