The Myth of unMerited Favor and Grace

God's Truth

New member
Obeying Jesus' teachings in the Holy Bible is the only way to find him.

The Catholics say do this and do that, but everything they say to do is what God in the Holy Bible says NOT to do.

The Calvinists say we cannot believe and we cannot obey, but God in the Holy Bible says no such thing.

The Baptist and the many other faith alone denominations say believe but you cannot do anything else or it is a works salvation condemnable. What separates each of these many faith alone denominations? They all teach some falseness.

How does one know which denomination?

It is no denomination.

Jesus says he reveals himself to those who get his teachings and obeys them.


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Obeying Jesus' teachings in the Holy Bible is the only way to find him.

The Catholics say do this and do that, but everything they say to do is what God in the Holy Bible says NOT to do.

The Calvinists say we cannot believe and we cannot obey, but God in the Holy Bible says no such thing.

The Baptist and the many other faith alone denominations say believe but you cannot do anything else or it is a works salvation condemnable. What separates each of these many faith alone denominations? They all teach some falseness.

How does one know which denomination?

It is no denomination.

Jesus says he reveals himself to those who get his teachings and obeys them.
Jesus did not say that you have to obey every command He ever gives, now did He GT????
And yet you have continually stated that one must obey EVERYTHING Jesus commands.
Why do you do that, GT?
Why do you purposely keep telling that lie?
Why is it so important to you to protect that lie of yours?


New member
Obeying Jesus' teachings in the Holy Bible is the only way to find him.

The Catholics say do this and do that, but everything they say to do is what God in the Holy Bible says NOT to do.

The Calvinists say we cannot believe and we cannot obey, but God in the Holy Bible says no such thing.

The Baptist and the many other faith alone denominations say believe but you cannot do anything else or it is a works salvation condemnable. What separates each of these many faith alone denominations? They all teach some falseness.

How does one know which denomination?

It is no denomination.

Jesus says he reveals himself to those who get his teachings and obeys them.

You can't render obedience to anything Jesus or Paul or John or Peter said because you are a sinner! All the laws and commandments and ordinances that have ever been given were designed to teach you that one lesson. Repentant sinners do not try to obey and I know that may be a shock to some. They rest in the finished work of Christ and allow him to have control.


New member
People do not see themselves as sinners. It's so obvious. Just watch the news when someone dies and everyone says oh he was such a good person who did all these wonderful things and never hurt anybody. And the guy was a crack addict!

God's Truth

New member
Jesus did not say that you have to obey every command He ever gives, now did He GT????
And yet you have continually stated that one must obey EVERYTHING Jesus commands.
Why do you do that, GT?
Why do you purposely keep telling that lie?
Why is it so important to you to protect that lie of yours?

Matthew 28:20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

God's Truth

New member
You can't render obedience to anything Jesus or Paul or John or Peter said because you are a sinner! All the laws and commandments and ordinances that have ever been given were designed to teach you that one lesson. Repentant sinners do not try to obey and I know that may be a shock to some. They rest in the finished work of Christ and allow him to have control.

Are they repentant sinners, or not?

God's Truth

New member
People do not see themselves as sinners. It's so obvious. Just watch the news when someone dies and everyone says oh he was such a good person who did all these wonderful things and never hurt anybody. And the guy was a crack addict!

Listen to what you said. You said, "People do not see themselves as sinner."

You are right. Many do not see themselves as sinners.

Jesus tells us that if you want to be saved, you have to admit you are a sinner.

If you do that, you have obeyed something Jesus said in order to be saved.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Jesus did not say that you have to obey every command He ever gives, now did He GT????
And yet you have continually stated that one must obey EVERYTHING Jesus commands.
Why do you do that, GT?
Why do you purposely keep telling that lie?
Why is it so important to you to protect that lie of yours?

Matthew 28:20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
Back to square one I see.

Jesus also said to sell all.
Jesus also said not to tell anyone He was the Christ.
Jesus also said not to go to the Gentiles.

So to quote one verse and declare that is the end of the story is foolishness on your part.

God's Truth

New member
Back to square one I see.

Jesus also said to sell all.
Jesus also said not to tell anyone He was the Christ.
Jesus also said not to go to the Gentiles.

So to quote one verse and declare that is the end of the story is foolishness on your part.

Follow what Jesus says, for he is the Lord. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Jesus did not tell everyone to sell all that they had.

The disciples went from door to door to preach the gospel.

Do you really think they went to everyone's house and said, "Sell this house if you want to be saved, and everything in it"?!!!


New member
We do NOT disregard ANY scripture. We put it ALL in its proper CONTEXT, unlike most here.

The context of scripture is we are all sinners in need of the grace of God. Going on Jesus brought good news , which Calvinists have perverted, Jesus said whosoever believes and yet Calvinists say NOT so it is IF you were chosen.

Now I believe in predestination which is obvious in scripture in SOME cases but NOT in all cases. REMEMBER God is sovereign NOT Calvin. IN Romans 10 again we see whosoever yet Calvinists say NOT SO.

The Phillipian jailer when he asked what must I do to be saved was told believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and believe in your heart that God raised Hm from the dead, and yet Calvinists say NOT SO.
Act 16:30
And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?

And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.

Will there ever be another Crucifixion of Jesus ? NO , it is FINISHED.

Will there ever be another Abraham ? NO.

Will there ever be another red sea crossing ? No.

Will there ever be another virgin girl that births God ? No.

Will there ever be another world wide flood ? No.

And the list goes on and on. God does as HE decrees NOT what man thinks , believes, or hopes.

Right Divider

Body part
The context of scripture is we are all sinners of need the grace of God. Going on Jesus brought good news , which Calvinists have perverted, Jesus said whosoever believes and yet Calvinists say NOT so it is IF you were chosen.

Now I believe in predestination which is obvious in scripture in SOME cases but NOT in all cases. REMEMBER God is sovereign NOT Calvin. IN Romans 10 again we see whosoever yet Calvinists say NOT SO.

Will there ever be another Crucifixion of Jesus ? NO , it is FINISHED.

Will there ever be another Abraham ? NO.

Will there ever be another red sea ? No.

Will there ever be another virgin girl that births God ? No.

Will there ever be another world wide flood ? No.

And the list goes on and on. God does as HE decrees NOT what man thinks , believes, or hopes.
Wow.... that's quite the ridiculous rant.

I was responding to your and GT's comment that some of us "disregard the 'gospels'" (just another false accusation).

So where does all of this other irrelevant ranting come from? Do you have some other deep seated problem that you'd like to discuss?


New member
Wow.... that's quite the ridiculous rant.

I was responding to your and GT's comment that some of us "disregard the 'gospels'" (just another false accusation).

So where does all of this other irrelevant ranting come from? Do you have some other deep seated problem that you'd like to discuss?

Nope, do you ?