Anyone else play with musicians that can knock your ego down a few notches with their talents?
Naw, I was always too good. (just kidding) :chuckle:
On a different note, did anyone see the Grammy show honoring Stevie Wonder the other night? I was actually stunned by how good it was! The last few times I saw Stevie Wonder perform he was way overweight, out of breath, off key, and forgot the words. It was embarrassing. I remember thinking he should just retire.
But, wow! Not this time! He looked great, sounded great, and every performer there to honor him stepped their own performances a few notches as well. Every performance was really well done! And it was indeed a testament to the incredible music and talent that Stevie Wonder has shared over the years, and still is.
My only complaint is that for some reason, the Grammy people, or CBS, or both, will not allow any form of reshowing of any of the performances. They did that last year with the Beatles tribute show, too. So that if you didn't see it on Monday night, you ain't ever gong to see it. Which is very unfortunate, for everyone involved.