just out of curiosity, and bearing in mind that the last eight years of ineffectual "diplomacy" by bammy's state department has brought us to this, what do you suggest Trump might do differently?
Obama's diplomacy wasn't ineffectual, it was rational ...
i spose you could claim it wasn't ineffectual if bammy's intent was to allow Nork to develop nukes and ICBMs :idunno:
so here we are, eight years later, and that "rational and effectual" policy of our former affirmative action wunderkind has led us to a Nork with nukes and ICBMs
now what?
North Korea started its nuclear program on Reagan's watch, and conducted its first nuclear test on Bush 43's watch.
so your answer to "now what" is "invent a time machine"?
...Trump can't fix it either.
so now what?
He could start by letting someone else handle the diplomacy. Someone who knows what they're doing.
Trump ... (has) flipped on many of the dangerous/stupid/evil things he promised to do....
and where has diplomacy gotten us in the past eight years?
Hi Kat. Thank you.The thread does have its moments. :chuckle:
I don't know much about the market - actually, I should say I don't know anything about the market.
the difference between my posts and your post
my posts: make you look like a retard
your post: makes you look like a retard
:think: how about that? there is no difference :banana:
It looks as if imminent war with North Korea is on the horizon. Thank God we have a President like Donald J. Trump in charge at this point in history. Both Clinton and Obama basically ignored North Korea while in office and as a result, North Korea was allowed Carte Blanche to continue to raise the ante militarily.
Now our Nation is at a crossroads, ought we to attack N. Korea's Missile bases now or wait until they have a viable ICBM in which to mount a Nuclear warhead? Both Russia and China seem to think we should "stand down" at this point, for obvious reasons. Our military MUST stay in that area of the world at least as a deterrent to North Korea's plans to destroy the U.S. and some of our allies.
At this point, we ought to stand by and be patient. At least we're right at their doorstep and ready.Personally, I believe we ought to abandon our position so far as Syria goes. Syria is a "Hot button" so far as Russia is concerned. We ought to concentrate our focus entirely on N. Korea, for they are a clear and present danger to us and our allies. We dare not spread ourselves too thin at this juncture. Germany lost WW2 because they were fighting two separate fronts simultaneously. We know have Japanese ships in the vicinity, however, it's a shame that more of our allies are not backing us up, as well. It looks like there's a better chance of war now than during the "Cuban Missile Crisis" in the early sixties.
I'll guide you to what you're pretending you don't already know: Obama didn't "lead us to a Nork with nukes." It's a decades-old problem, and Trump can't fix it either.
And it seems that South Koreans are much more concerned about Trump doing something stupid than Kim Jong-Un doing something stupid.
well, no