ECT The letter for Hebrews


Well-known member
No one would refer to a prophesied or mystery grace unless they were reading lots of MAD books. They are always coming up with jargon like that.

Hki and check 1 Peter 1:10 where they all were searching for the PROPHESIED GRACE !!

And this shows that Peter did not know any thing about GRACE !!

dan p


New member
As Paul the apostle would say, let you go to hell for preaching a gospel other than the one he was given for this dispensation. The above is the opposite of what Paul preached, and right in line with the red letters. Let you be accursed. You have been shown over and over, and do not care.

Everywhere Paul preached, he preached baptism (although he didn't actually do the baptizing himself very often).

How do I know he preached baptism?
1) The book of Acts is full of testimony that after he preached, people got baptized-sometimes in the middle of the night. It was urgent.
2) Paul was very much in control of what happened when he preached. People would not have been baptized without his instruction. Gentiles and others don't just decide to get baptized of their own accord.
3) we have specific examples of it - the men who were baptized in Acts 19 (actually rebaptized because they had never been baptized in the name of Jesus)

Do you teach the same things that Paul did? If you are intent on putting people under Paul's curse, you better be absolutely certain that you are practicing what he practiced.

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Right Divider

Body part
Everywhere Paul preached, he preached baptism (although he didn't actually do the baptizing himself very often).

How do I know he preached baptism?
1) The book of Acts is full of testimony that after he preached, people got baptized-sometimes in the middle of the night. It was urgent.
2) Paul was very much in control of what happened when he preached. People would not have been baptized without his instruction. Gentiles and others don't just decide to get baptized of their own accord.
3) we have specific examples of it - the men who were baptized in Acts 19 (actually rebaptized because they had never been baptized in the name of Jesus)

Do you teach the same things that Paul did? If you are intent on putting people under Paul's curse, you better be absolutely certain that you are practicing what he practiced.
Why don't you take your fixation with getting wet to another thread!

This THREAD is about the book to the HEBREWS.


New member
Why don't you take your fixation with getting wet to another thread!

This THREAD is about the book to the HEBREWS.

My point isn't about water baptism, it's about one, consistent Gospel preached by Paul, Peter and Apollos (or whoever the writer of Hebrews is).

One message. One Gospel.

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Right Divider

Body part
My point isn't about water baptism, it's about one, consistent Gospel preached by Paul, Peter and Apollos (or whoever the writer of Hebrews is).

One message. One Gospel.
There are many gospels in the Bible. That's why the term "the gospel OF" is used so many times.

Start a different thread if you want to get off topic.

P.S. Apollos did not know about the gospel that Paul preached, That's why he had to be taken aside and informed about it.


Well-known member
There are many gospels in the Bible. That's why the term "the gospel OF" is used so many times.

Start a different thread if you want to get off topic.

P.S. Apollos did not know about the gospel that Paul preached, That's why he had to be taken aside and informed about it.

When you get to the NT, there is only one Gospel. It is the same throughout. The age of the Gospel was expected since the beginning, and refreshed in Isaiah. Most people know what the latter half of Israel is centered around in ch 53, but not all.

RD is right on one minor point: that there was a good news for the generation of the exodus, Heb 4. The event, however, was a picture or shadow or copy of the real one that was coming which was when Jewish Christians would need to 'leave' the 'Egypt' that 1st century Israel had become. That was 'in slavery with her children.' The previous one was meant to be a lesson to the decisive 1st century generation, so the writer of Hebrews labors long on that analogy of the new day of 'rest' etc. That would be the generation of 30-70 roughly.


Well-known member
Weren't the Jargonians those half black/half white aliens on Star Trek?

No, sorry, they were the red dirt people that made Abe Lincoln come back to life and fight Klingons.

Can you summarize what Holford wrote? Do you know what he was trying to communicate to Paine?


Well-known member

NHNE event
Gospel event
Glommed on

speaking of jargon

NHNE is not an event. It is next after the judgement of this world. All NT passages in normal language on the 2nd coming say so, and say it is a swift transition.

The Gospel is both an event and good news. Do you have a problem with that? If so you have a problem with historic Christianity, which says God was in Christ resolving man's sin debt. That's an event and is good news.

Glommed on: to have a completely unnatural presence. Like I said yesterday, the NT is full of a unifying message and its community is unified. There is no 'Israel-uber-alles' like RD writes about. D'ism never sounds like the NT. That in itself is suspicious. D'ism is contorted, complicated and full of its own exceptions.