The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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Eclectic Theosophist
respect the subject......

respect the subject......

You still, busy at it Freelight? What do you hope to
accomplish here?

I'm a contributor to the purpose, exploration and learning of the thread subject here, unlike yourself who has been for the most part "trolling" the thread. Anyone is free to deduce by their own reading, what I'm about, here or any other thread or location on the forum. Since consciousness is ever unfolding, inter-acting and expanding, makes for a wonderful journey I think.

I would appreciate a civil and
serious response?

I've been pretty civil and quite serious in most of my responses to you (actually quite charitable with commentary, explanations and resource links with a mind that you might actually enlighten yourself thereby, but that hasn't yet been forthcoming since you are irresponsible), correcting your misconceptions and calling you out on your buffoonery.

If you had a mind to know what 'creative dialogue' is, you might venture forth to do more to initiate or respond in a way that would encourage real dialogue, instead of drive by pot shots, ridiculing and playing the 'clown'. If you've got the intelligence and wherewithal to engage in an actual 'discussion' (civil, constructive, respectful), then prove it.


Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
I'm a contributor to the purpose, exploration and learning of the thread subject here, unlike yourself who has been for the most part "trolling" the thread. Anyone is free to deduce by their own reading, what I'm about, here or any other thread or location on the forum. Since consciousness is ever unfolding, inter-acting and expanding, makes for a wonderful journey I think.

I've been pretty civil and quite serious in most of my responses to you (actually quite charitable with commentary, explanations and resource links with a mind that you might actually enlighten yourself thereby, but that hasn't yet been forthcoming since you are irresponsible), correcting your misconceptions and calling you out on your buffoonery.

If you had a mind to know what 'creative dialogue' is, you might venture forth to do more to initiate or respond in a way that would encourage real dialogue, instead of drive by pot shots, ridiculing and playing the 'clown'. If you've got the intelligence and wherewithal to engage in an actual 'discussion' (civil, constructive, respectful), then prove it.


Unacceptable response! :kookoo:


Eclectic Theosophist
Its about theology............

Its about theology............

This has to be one of the longest and most to one of the most useless, anti-theological threads I have seen on TOL

Not really ktoyou, only in that trolls have put a negative spin on things, when the UB covers the most essential and important principles within religion, science and philosophy, and opens up wonderful discussion in all these areas, especially 'theology', if any are up to actually engage the subject.

I think my posts speak for themselves here, as to actually trying to engage in discussion, commentate, answer questions and expound my own views and interpretation of the material. Have you been following the dialogues and looked into the resource material provided here (from the OP onwards), or read the first 5 papers as an introduction to the material? I'd gather that's fair, if you're going to learn what it teaches, and see if its valid or that you have any interest in it. - to say nothing of this being a requirement if you're going to debate anything about it.

With such a wondrous and controversial subject as the UB itself, it lends new inroads and innovations of thought, insights into the nature of reality, the universe, the cosmos, the nature and destiny of the soul, the most sublime concepts and ideals of goodness, truth and beauty, and at last immortality.



How do you know what Jesus taught? He taught that he would be killed for the sins of the world. If this part of the record of his teaching is inaccurate, how do you know the rest of the record is accurate? This is what I don't understand about people who don't believe the whole Bible, or even a whole book of the Bible, is true. You arbitrarily say "This part is true and this part isn't." How? If I found major untruths in the Bible, why would I spend my time with any of it?

Your interpretation or what has been pounded into your head is that "he would be killed for the sins of the world."

You answered your own dilemma, you confuse faith in the Bible for faith in God. You professed a common way of thinking, If one part of one book is wrong then everything in it must be wrong. I'm just as curious to know why you think like that????

I've known there were major errors in the Bible since I was a child yet I have faith in God.....because my faith is in God, not men and certainly not church government.

How do I know? Just a little common sense in most cases. For example the earth is quite old, life is quite old, Cain was afraid of tribes out around the earth and God agreed with him. The UB helped me understand the story much better. As with many parts of the scripture there is a basis in truth, how holy men understood and arranged them into narratives is a different matter.

Noah's flood never made since to me. God has never regretted anything he has done, is doing or will ever do, ever, in all eternity. So the characterization about God regretting that he had made man is preposterous! That's obviously human thinking......and its a story that appears within the genealogy of the Hebrew authors writing about their own ancestors. NO other culture anywhere on earth traces their ancestors back to Noah! And I find the flood story itself completely and utterly unbelievable!


There is no error in God, books written about him are a different matter..... including the UB.

Personally to my private myself, after reading up on Ivan Panin works and , I confirmed the numbers with my own calculator, I believe no man can really write like that without God . Most respond back with Moby Dick excuses. Recently, I read the headlines that the koran includes the same numerical patterns while Panin claims it's not.
I think the UB is inspired by an unknown spirit but I can't tell if that's good or bad or in between

Those that attack such things are really low level thinkers and afriad the moon will crush their house. I ignore them since I have much, much, much, much, much better things to do.


The Bible is unique. It is 100% inspired by God. There is no error in It.

The Catholic bible? Ivan Panin calculated the other books not included in the 66 book are not inspired by God.
That means you will have to treat those extra man made books the same as UB


Eclectic Theosophist


The Bible is unique. It is 100% inspired by God. There is no error in It.

And many bible critics and non-believers who find inconsistencies on various levels would disagree with this "assumption". This is your personal 'belief'. This is a ridiculous assumption really, - even the UB does not anywhere pretend to such a belief that its 'revelatory upgrade' to mankinds religious and cosmological knowledge is somehow 'innerrant', 'absolute' or even 'final' for that matter, since as long as man exists and is still learning, growing, developing, moving towards perfection, there will be 'progressive revelation'. So, you can see how 'far-fetched' your estimation of the bible is, since its a complilation of many authors from different generations and even cultural-influences, plus being 'coloured' by those various authors and their sundry temperments and belief-systems, further 'doctored' by scribes to suit the needs of the community.

It goes without saying one ought to worship 'God' alone (pure Life, Spirit, Consciousness, Truth, Reality), not a collection of books. It might do well to know the difference.

In the Foreword there is this Acknowledgement:

0:12.11 In formulating the succeeding presentations having to do with the portrayal of the character of the Universal Father and the nature of his Paradise associates, together with an attempted description of the perfect central universe and the encircling seven superuniverses, we are to be guided by the mandate of the superuniverse rulers which directs that we shall, in all our efforts to reveal truth and co-ordinate essential knowledge, give preference to the highest existing human concepts pertaining to the subjects to be presented. We may resort to pure revelation only when the concept of presentation has had no adequate previous expression by the human mind.

0:12.12 Successive planetary revelations of divine truth invariably embrace the highest existing concepts of spiritual values as a part of the new and enhanced co-ordination of planetary knowledge. Accordingly, in making these presentations about God and his universe associates, we have selected as the basis of these papers more than one thousand human concepts representing the highest and most advanced planetary knowledge of spiritual values and universe meanings. Wherein these human concepts, assembled from the God-knowing mortals of the past and the present, are inadequate to portray the truth as we are directed to reveal it, we will unhesitatingly supplement them, for this purpose drawing upon our own superior knowledge of the reality and divinity of the Paradise Deities and their transcendent residential universe.

0:12.13 We are fully cognizant of the difficulties of our assignment; we recognize the impossibility of fully translating the language of the concepts of divinity and eternity into the symbols of the language of the finite concepts of the mortal mind. But we know that there dwells within the human mind a fragment of God, and that there sojourns with the human soul the Spirit of Truth; and we further know that these spirit forces conspire to enable material man to grasp the reality of spiritual values and to comprehend the philosophy of universe meanings. But even more certainly we know that these spirits of the Divine Presence are able to assist man in the spiritual appropriation of all truth contributory to the enhancement of the ever-progressing reality of personal religious experience—God-consciousness.

0:12.14 [Indited by an Orvonton Divine Counselor, chief of the corps of superuniverse personalities assigned to portray on Urantia the truth concerning the Paradise Deities and the universe of universes.]

The UB presents itself as the 5th epochal revelation to the planet -

92:4.4 -5. The Urantia Papers. The papers, of which this is one, constitute the most recent presentation of truth to the mortals of Urantia. These papers differ from all previous revelations, for they are not the work of a single universe personality but a composite presentation by many beings. But no revelation short of the attainment of the Universal Father can ever be complete. All other celestial ministrations are no more than partial, transient, and practically adapted to local conditions in time and space. While such admissions as this may possibly detract from the immediate force and authority of all revelations, the time has arrived on Urantia when it is advisable to make such frank statements, even at the risk of weakening the future influence and authority of this, the most recent of the revelations of truth to the mortal races of Urantia.

Paper 92 - The Later Evolution of Religion

The papers share much on the nature and process of 'revelation' and how such interfaces with man's natural evolutionary growth and progress. Actual divine revelations are given most significantly during special dispensations when man is ready for such, further enhancing and augmenting the natural evolution of progress. The more man moves forward in his ascension towards God-consciousness and perfection, naturally older revelations will be enhanced, expanded and innovated to greater clarity and comprehensions levels. The very fact that there is an 'Old' and 'New' Testament (covenant) proves 'progressive revelation'.



Eclectic Theosophist
Personally to my private myself, after reading up on Ivan Panin works and , I confirmed the numbers with my own calculator, I believe no man can really write like that without God . Most respond back with Moby Dick excuses. Recently, I read the headlines that the koran includes the same numerical patterns while Panin claims it's not.
I think the UB is inspired by an unknown spirit but I can't tell if that's good or bad or in between

To learn something and discern its spiritual quality, ethic, value and meaning, must read and absorb a good portion of its essence and fundamental teaching. Otherwise its just guesswork eh?

Those that attack such things are really low level thinkers and afriad the moon will crush their house. I ignore them since I have much, much, much, much, much better things to do.

Truth stands on its own, it has no need of defense or apology. It is. Those 'attacking' anything are coming from a position of fear, unreality, distrust, dis-ease, NOT love. Love acknowledges, responds wisely, uplifts, encourages, enhances, empowers, restores, amplifies the human spirit and soul. Any 'attackers' out there show themselves to be insecure, not established in truth, insane.



New member
Urantia New Age UFO Cult

Urantia New Age UFO Cult

Urantia cult

Urantia book, Urantia Society, Urantia Foundation, Urantia Fellowship and the Urantia Brotherhood


This fast growing cult is considered a "new age", UFO cult. It is based on a book called the "Urantia" book. The word "Urantia" is allegedly an ancient name for the Earth. This cult is also known as the "Urantia Society", "Urantia Foundation", "Urantia Fellowship" and the "Urantia Brotherhood". Like other cults that claim extra-Biblical revelations, it is claimed that the Urantia book compliments the Bible, and that Christians should not be wary of it. But in reality, the Urantia book is in direct conflict with the Bible on many important doctrines, including the most important one which is the issue of salvation from eternal damnation in Hell through faith in Jesus Christ."

If you want to read much more and follow some informative links, go to:


New member
Didn't Archarya S write the Christ Conspiracy? She's not even a guru. She's a liar. The Christ Conspiracy is filled with outright lies.
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