The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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New member
Inequitous double standard again. Same song, bazillionth verse.

More bare assertion. That's all there is from you and the "others".

Your inheritance is your own ego. I'm engrafted into the hypostasis of God as partaker of His divine nature, having put on the prosopon of Christ... NOW.

I'm the one who is fully extracted. All you've done is piddle in the puddle of the legal name and a few other things. You're still comatose.

That's the same kind of foolishness you all apply to Me, and you as always "WILL" Never give the Truth of Judgment of Christ to Prove anything for anyone who disagrees with YOU!!

Now Go and (( study your foolish head off )), so you can do the same thing again!!

( BUT ), I'm telling you that (( I never have to study )), I haven't studied for at least 3 years, and you still cannot do (( What God said to DO, but I DO ))!!!!
(( 1 Peter 3:15 KJV )) -- 15- "( But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts ): ((( and be ready always ))) to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear". --//-----

Paul, David -- 081814


Well-known member
Inequitous double standard again. Same song, bazillionth verse.

More bare assertion. That's all there is from you and the "others".

Your inheritance is your own ego. I'm engrafted into the hypostasis of God as partaker of His divine nature, having put on the prosopon of Christ... NOW.

I'm the one who is fully extracted. All you've done is piddle in the puddle of the legal name and a few other things. You're still comatose.

Takes an ego to know an ego, you are reflecting again in the hall of mirrors. Get over I know the only salvation way, you haven't mastered the ego yet even though mentally you think you have, sorry but the intellectual dung meter is pegged.

But I do appreciate all that christian love you saved folks are demon-strating here.


Well-known member
Caino sorry for constant interaction off topic, I just can't help myself, I love a carnival act, and these saved christians are good ego entertainment.


TOL Subscriber
That's the same kind of foolishness you all apply to Me,

I don't recall ever applying anything to you. I've never addressed you or conversed with you, as far as I can remember. I even ignored a few of your post-quotes to me in this thread, so you must have me confused with someone else.

and you as always "WILL" Never give the Truth of Judgment of Christ to Prove anything for anyone who disagrees with YOU!!

I've posted much in various threads. I don't utilize the same tact with UB interlopers as with actual Believers.

Now Go and (( study your foolish head off )), so you can do the same thing again!!

This is odd, since you know nothing of me.

( BUT ), I'm telling you that (( I never have to study )), I haven't studied for at least 3 years, and you still cannot do (( What God said to DO, but I DO ))!!!![

I recall you saying you haven't read scripture for 3 years, and I now recall that was the only time I responded to you. I don't see how anyone has a viable spiritual walk without some kind of scripture regularity in their life, but you may do as you wish.

(( 1 Peter 3:15 KJV )) -- 15- "( But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts ): ((( and be ready always ))) to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear". --//-----

Paul, David -- 081814

I've given that answer to those who ask. Those who challenge and demean and belittle aren't "asking" in accordance with that scripture.

Belligerence, apostasy, and reprobation can't be the source of true inquiry. Nobody in this thread is asking for any reason of the hope that is within Christians. They're promoting another Jesus and another Gospel without asking except to challenge.

Wouldn't you agree that there are false Gospels?


TOL Subscriber
Takes an ego to know an ego,

Bare assertion. But it would follow then that YOU are ego if you insist I am ego. This is like the black pot and kettle. Neither would escape unscathed.

But it's still your bare assertion, even before the paradox.

you are reflecting again in the hall of mirrors.

Bare assertion.

Get over I know the only salvation way,

Bare assertion. (And here it comes next... wait for it...)

you haven't mastered the ego yet even though mentally you think you have,

But you just declared it takes ego to know ego. So now you've impugned yourself by whatever you say by that previous bare assertion.

See how that gets you in trouble? Now you are forever trapped by your own words. You haven't mastered the ego yet even though mentally you think you have. Because it takes YOUR ego to know MY ego.

That's what YOU said.

sorry but the intellectual dung meter is pegged.

Yes, and you just pegged it. Again. Along with the paradox meter.

Every time you've ever identified ego, it's your own ego that knows that. That's YOUR bare assertion.

You can never wriggle out of your own paradoxical inequitous double standard. Just like I said.

Trapped by your own words.

But I do appreciate all that christian love you saved folks are demon-strating here.

If you knew what agape actually IS, you'd know I am demonstrating it. Your ego keeps you from that, too, evidently.

And nooooooooooow..... it's over. Your own words have paradoxicalized yourself as ego to know my (alleged) ego.

Bam. Buh-bye, now.



New member
I don't recall ever applying anything to you. I've never addressed you or conversed with you, as far as I can remember. I even ignored a few of your post-quotes to me in this thread, so you must have me confused with someone else.

I've posted much in various threads. I don't utilize the same tact with UB interlopers as with actual Believers.

This is odd, since you know nothing of me.

I recall you saying you haven't read scripture for 4 years, and I now recall that was the only time I responded to you. I don't see how anyone has a viable spiritual walk without some kind of scripture regularity in their life, but you may do as you wish.

I've given that answer to those who ask. Those who challenge and demean and belittle aren't "asking" in accordance with that scripture.

Belligerance, apostasy, and reprobation can't be the source of true inquiry. Nobody in this thread is asking for any reason of the hope that is within Christians. They're promoting another Jesus and another Gospel.

Wouldn't you agree that there are false Gospels?

I don't care who you are. - I respond to Satan that is in anyone. - Everyone IS What they Teach!! -- Satan and his Children is the LIE, And Christ and His Children is the Truth!! -- That's what God says!!

Paul, David -- 081814


TOL Subscriber
I don't care who you are. - I respond to Satan that is in anyone. - Everyone IS What they Teach!! -- Satan and his Children is the LIE, And Christ and His Children is the Truth!! -- That's what God says!!

Paul, David -- 081814

Well... I teach that Jesus Christ is the Logos in the flesh, and that those who repent and believe are baptized in water and fire and have put on Christ and been engrafted to be partaker of the divine nature of God. Just as scripture clealy says.

That's what I teach, and there's no Satan in that.


Eclectic Theosophist
This is how sissies think.


Your response itself reveals a retardation of intelligence....even if in jest. Prove your claim or what is wrong with the passages concerning the relativity of truth that were afforded you if you wish to engage an actual discussion. Here.



Well-known member
Bare assertion. But it would follow then that YOU are ego if you insist I am ego. This is like the black pot and kettle. Neither would escape unscathed.

But it's still your bare assertion, even before the paradox.

Bare assertion.

Bare assertion. (And here it comes next... wait for it...)

But you just declared it takes ego to know ego. So now you've impugned yourself by whatever you say by that previous bare assertion.

See how that gets you in trouble? Now you are forever trapped by your own words. You haven't mastered the ego yet even though mentally you think you have. Because it takes YOUR ego to know MY ego.

That's what YOU said.

Yes, and you just pegged it. Again. Along with the paradox meter.

Every time you've ever identified ego, it's your own ego that knows that. That's YOUR bare assertion.

You can never wriggle out of your own paradoxical inequitous double standard. Just like I said.

Trapped by your own words.

If you knew what agape actually IS, you'd know I am demonstrating it. Your ego keeps you from that, too, evidently.

And nooooooooooow..... it's over. Your own words have paradoxicalized yourself as ego to know my (alleged) ego.

Bam. Buh-bye, now.


Hey I make no bones that I deal with you on the ego level, glad to do it mate. You need some body to respond to your concerns for all mankind. You are a intellectual peach, bravo your making points with the bloody man up stairs.


Well-known member
Your response itself reveals a retardation of intelligence....even if in jest. Prove your claim or what is wrong with the passages concerning the relativity of truth that were afforded you if you wish to engage an actual discussion. Here.


Come on freelight come clean, we all know your master plan is to steal souls from the christian deity.


TOL Subscriber
Hey I make no bones that I deal with you on the ego level, glad to do it mate.

Ha. Nice wiggle, but still a paradox via your own false assertion.

You need some body to respond to your concerns for all mankind. You are a intellectual peach, bravo your making points with the bloody man up stairs.

Nope. I am not my performance. I am in Christ. Partaker of God's divine nature.

I don't need or want to be a god of "me". You can be your own god, though. Knock yourself out. And you will.


New member
Well... I teach that Jesus Christ is the Logos in the flesh, and that those who repent and believe are baptized in water and fire and have put on Christ and been engrafted to be partaker of the divine nature of God. Just as scripture clealy says.

That's what I teach, and there's no Satan in that.

OOHHH Boy!! -- The "Baptism of FIRE", is the submerse / or baptism in the (( "Fire" )) of Hell!! -- You've GOT IT!!!

HOW, OH How Do you all do that???

Paul, David -- 081814


Well-known member
Ha. Nice wiggle, but still a paradox via your own false assertion.

Nope. I am not my performance. I am in Christ. Partaker of God's divine nature.

I don't need or want to be a god of "me". You can be your own god, though. Knock yourself out. And you will.

Why that's so sweet of you PPS, now I know you are really concerned about my soul, just like all the other nice christian brothers and sisters posting on this thread! any word from GM and how his vacation is going? well have no other Gods before me is correct interpretation in my cult book.

Are you going to put a hex on me for making fun of your deity?


TOL Subscriber
OOHHH Boy!! -- The "Baptism of FIRE", is the submerse / or baptism in the (( "Fire" )) of Hell!! -- You've GOT IT!!!

HOW, OH How Do you all do that???

Paul, David -- 081814

Umm... God is a consuming fire. It's baptism into Him.

Why would you not know God is a consuming fire?

The Limne tou Puros (Lake of Fire) is not God.


Well-known member
OOHHH Boy!! -- The "Baptism of FIRE", is the submerse / or baptism in the (( "Fire" )) of Hell!! -- You've GOT IT!!!

HOW, OH How Do you all do that???

Paul, David -- 081814

He isn't an equal, the sin program has warped his ability to see his perfection, the need to judge others is the the trap that he will catch himself in. Mirror, mirror is a B_tch.


TOL Subscriber
Why that's so sweet of you PPS, now I know you are really concerned about my soul, just like all the other nice christian brothers and sisters posting on this thread!

The funny thing is how unconcerned you are about any professing Christians. Another of your continuous double standards.:dizzy:

any word from GM and how his vacation is going?

I don't know GM except on here. How would I know?

well have no other Gods before me is correct interpretation in my cult book.

You don't even have a cult book. You're a self-truth unto yourself as god. Good luck with that.:doh:

Are you going to put a hex on me for making fun of your deity?

I'm not into sorcery. I'll leave that to you and the other Esotericists who are so fluent in its practice.



TOL Subscriber
He isn't an equal, the sin program has warped his ability to see his perfection, the need to judge others is the the trap that he will catch himself in. Mirror, mirror is a B_tch.

If you knew what sin was, you wouldn't say that.

Did you know sin isn't a something? Most professing Christians don't know that. They think it's a something.

It's not. It's a somethinglessness. Hamarita is from "a" (no/not) and "meros" (share/part). Sin (hamartia, the noun) is a missing share or part.

There's no need for a "sin program". There's no such thing. Sin is the missingness of God's righteousness. Most Believers think it's acting and actions, but those are just the results.




New member
Umm... God is a consuming fire. It's baptism into Him.

Why would you not know God is a consuming fire?

The Limne tou Puros (Lake of Fire) is not God.

God's Word or teaching is FIRE!!

(( Hebrews 1:7 KJV )) -- 7- "(( And of the Angels He saith )), ( Who maketh His Angels Spirits ), ((( And His "Ministers" "a flame of fire" )))". --//-----

(( The Fire of Hell is not carnal Fire )), it is ( God's Word that the evil will be cast into, -- that Fire CAN Burn the LIE!! -- Who ever told you that a "brush fire" can destroy Satan???

Paul, David -- 081814
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