The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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Yes......the essence of what Jesus taught about the kingdom in Part 4 is just that...if you want to stick to its simplicity. The papers as a whole however give the bigger picture and background of the order, organization, function and government of the cosmos, extending into the local universe systems. The cosmology may be a more complex/complicated study however. One can go as far they choose in study.


Intro. to the UB for conservative Christians

UB differences from traditional-orthodox Christian beliefs


I don't want to confuse my brain with too much stuff. Plain Jesus' teachings are more than good enough for me.:)


New member
I don't want to confuse my brain with too much stuff. Plain Jesus' teachings are more than good enough for me.:)

There is NO ( Plain ) Teaching of Jesus!!

It's ( THE ) Word of God, with the word (( THE )), meaning ( A ) single Word must be received, which is Christ, not just a part of Him!!!

Paul, David -- 081814


If we didn't need them: God would have kept him from writing 2/3 of the New Testament, don't you think?

Men canonized the NT, and those who canonized the NT are not of God, because Jesus is the Lord and His word should be main thing about His salvation, not Paul. He is not Lord. Paul is your Lord..


Well-known member
Men canonized the NT, and those who canonized the NT are not of God, because Jesus is the Lord and His word should be main thing about His salvation, not Paul. He is not Lord. Paul is your Lord..

Spirit filled men recognized what was inspired and what was not.
Paul's letters are among the earliest writings in the NT. They were circulated and preserved in the growing Church. When false writings were introduced it was the 'canon/measuring stick' of the NT writings which proved which writings were it is today.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Men canonized the NT, and those who canonized the NT are not of God, because Jesus is the Lord and His word should be main thing about His salvation, not Paul. He is not Lord. Paul is your Lord..

With that said, you meshak, cannot trust any part of the new testament even the gospels which also were written by men. They and their accounts of Jesus' words may be a lie also, how do you accept any of the Bible if even one verse is a lie, it was all penned by men after all. You either agree that Gods word in it's entirety is all true inspired works, or it is all a cannot pick & choose and if you do what is your standard.


Well-known member
Well, you Likely were speaking "Casually", in "Casual" terms, which can be dangerous to one's thought, or Idea.

SO, -- Christ is the average Christian, and all Christians are suppose to be Like Him, making the Body of HIM, all the Same, and EQUAL. -- (( Not of the Flesh ))!!!! Only in the Spirit can that be "DONE".

Paul, David -- 081814

Yes this is a spiritual issue, when the outer limits start to get involved the ego is fed by all sorts of rationality, we have all done it, its called scripting what is going to happen next in this matrix.


TOL Subscriber
Yes this is a spiritual issue, when the outer limits start to get involved the ego is fed by all sorts of rationality, we have all done it, its called scripting what is going to happen next in this matrix.

Why don't you EVER have anything but bare assertion? I guess it's because you're god, as you've said.


You're jacked up.:doh:


Well-known member
In the hall of mirrors there is a tendency for the mind to assume an enemy or war out there.....Hence the ego fortifies itself in apologetic or attack mode. These gestures only exist by virtue of the egoic reflex.

Truth can be discerned in any given allegorical context or conceptual it fiction or non-fiction. Labels are cosmetic.

Truth to an individual perspective is relative....if it is subject to any kind of conditioning or interpretation variables. Naturally so.


2:7.1 All finite knowledge and creature understanding are relative. Information and intelligence, gleaned from even high sources, is only relatively complete, locally accurate, and personally true.

2:7.2 Physical facts are fairly uniform, but truth is a living and flexible factor in the philosophy of the universe. Evolving personalities are only partially wise and relatively true in their communications. They can be certain only as far as their personal experience extends. That which apparently may be wholly true in one place may be only relatively true in another segment of creation.

2:7.3 Divine truth, final truth, is uniform and universal, but the story of things spiritual, as it is told by numerous individuals hailing from various spheres, may sometimes vary in details owing to this relativity in the completeness of knowledge and in the repleteness of personal experience as well as in the length and extent of that experience. While the laws and decrees, the thoughts and attitudes, of the First Great Source and Center are eternally, infinitely, and universally true; at the same time, their application to, and adjustment for, every universe, system, world, and created intelligence, are in accordance with the plans and technique of the Creator Sons as they function in their respective universes, as well as in harmony with the local plans and procedures of the Infinite Spirit and of all other associated celestial personalities.

- Divine truth and beauty


Yea the spirit has no need to react, our ego demands a response in like manner. Better be careful looks like the macho christian element has entered the demarcation zone you sissy. LOL.


One cannot be Spirit-filled without coming to the cross of Christ.

Do you even know what you are saying? You guys parrot each other and by knowing those kind of clichés, you think you are saved and true Christian.

You keep disregard Jesus' word.


Well-known member
Do you even know what you are saying? You guys parrot each other and by knowing those kind of clichés, you think you are saved and true Christian.

You keep disregard Jesus' word.

I know what I'm saying.

You prove to be more and more clueless by what you say in this thread.


New member
Why don't you EVER have anything but bare assertion? I guess it's because you're god, as you've said.


You're jacked up.:doh:

What?? -- Where in the Bible did you find such negativism, about what Zeke said?? -- Are any of you; - what ever kind of "Christian" you are; - EVER going to Prove ANYTHING???

Paul, David -- 081814


This is how sissies think.


(1607.4) 143:1.2 A question asked by Philip was typical of their difficulties. Said Philip: “Master, these Greeks and Romans make light of our message, saying that such teachings are fit for only weaklings and slaves. They assert that the religion of the heathen is superior to our teaching because it inspires to the acquirement of a strong, robust, and aggressive character. They affirm that we would convert all men into enfeebled specimens of passive nonresisters who would soon perish from the face of the earth. They like you, Master, and freely admit that your teaching is heavenly and ideal, but they will not take us seriously. They assert that your religion is not for this world; that men cannot live as you teach. And now, Master, what shall we say to these gentiles?”

(1607.5) 143:1.3 After Jesus had heard similar objections to the gospel of the kingdom presented by Thomas, Nathaniel, Simon Zelotes, and Matthew, he said to the twelve:

(1608.1) 143:1.4 “I have come into this world to do the will of my Father and to reveal his loving character to all mankind. That, my brethren, is my mission. And this one thing I will do, regardless of the misunderstanding of my teachings by Jews or gentiles of this day or of another generation. But you should not overlook the fact that even divine love has its severe disciplines. A father’s love for his son oftentimes impels the father to restrain the unwise acts of his thoughtless offspring. The child does not always comprehend the wise and loving motives of the father’s restraining discipline. But I declare to you that my Father in Paradise does rule a universe of universes by the compelling power of his love. Love is the greatest of all spirit realities. Truth is a liberating revelation, but love is the supreme relationship. And no matter what blunders your fellow men make in their world management of today, in an age to come the gospel which I declare to you will rule this very world. The ultimate goal of human progress is the reverent recognition of the fatherhood of God and the loving materialization of the brotherhood of man.

(1608.2) 143:1.5 “But who told you that my gospel was intended only for slaves and weaklings? Do you, my chosen apostles, resemble weaklings? Did John look like a weakling? Do you observe that I am enslaved by fear? True, the poor and oppressed of this generation have the gospel preached to them. The religions of this world have neglected the poor, but my Father is no respecter of persons. Besides, the poor of this day are the first to heed the call to repentance and acceptance of sonship. The gospel of the kingdom is to be preached to all men — Jew and gentile, Greek and Roman, rich and poor, free and bond — and equally to young and old, male and female.

(1608.3) 143:1.6 “Because my Father is a God of love and delights in the practice of mercy, do not imbibe the idea that the service of the kingdom is to be one of monotonous ease. The Paradise ascent is the supreme adventure of all time, the rugged achievement of eternity. The service of the kingdom on earth will call for all the courageous manhood that you and your coworkers can muster. Many of you will be put to death for your loyalty to the gospel of this kingdom. It is easy to die in the line of physical battle when your courage is strengthened by the presence of your fighting comrades, but it requires a higher and more profound form of human courage and devotion calmly and all alone to lay down your life for the love of a truth enshrined in your mortal heart.

(1608.4) 143:1.7 “Today, the unbelievers may taunt you with preaching a gospel of nonresistance and with living lives of nonviolence, but you are the first volunteers of a long line of sincere believers in the gospel of this kingdom who will astonish all mankind by their heroic devotion to these teachings. No armies of the world have ever displayed more courage and bravery than will be portrayed by you and your loyal successors who shall go forth to all the world proclaiming the good news — the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of men. The courage of the flesh is the lowest form of bravery. Mind bravery is a higher type of human courage, but the highest and supreme is uncompromising loyalty to the enlightened convictions of profound spiritual realities. And such courage constitutes the heroism of the God-knowing man. And you are all God-knowing men; you are in very truth the personal associates of the Son of Man.”


Well-known member
Why don't you EVER have anything but bare assertion? I guess it's because you're god, as you've said.


You're jacked up.:doh:

And this is substance on your part? Still waiting after all these post for you to make the christian case. Don't quit your day job.

Oh and yes I did come from the light just like every energy source did, call it what you will but the reluctance on your part to claim that inheritance is a fault I don't share. Stay a servant.


TOL Subscriber
And this is substance on your part? Still waiting after all these post for you to make the christian case. Don't quit your day job.

Inequitous double standard again. Same song, bazillionth verse.

Oh and yes I did come from the light just like every energy source did,

More bare assertion. That's all there is from you and the "others".

call it what you will but the reluctance on your part to claim that inheritance is a fault I don't share.

Your inheritance is your own ego. I'm engrafted into the hypostasis of God as partaker of His divine nature, having put on the prosopon of Christ... NOW.

Stay a servant.

I'm the one who is fully extracted. All you've done is piddle in the puddle of the legal name and a few other things. You're still comatose.
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