the devil and his minions, defeated!
the devil and his minions, defeated!
141:4.8 Jesus explained to his apostles on several occasions the nature, and something concerning the origin, of these evil spirits, in that day often also called unclean spirits. The Master well knew the difference between the possession of evil spirits and insanity, but the apostles did not. Neither was it possible, in view of their limited knowledge of the early history of Urantia, for Jesus to undertake to make this matter fully understandable. But he many times said to them, alluding to these evil spirits: “They shall no more molest men when I shall have ascended to my Father in heaven, and after I shall have poured out my spirit upon all flesh in those times when the kingdom will come in great power and spiritual glory."
Evil or malevolent spirits recognize the authority in Jesus name, because of
who He is and his victory over "the devil" (here we include all those involved in the Lucifer Rebellion revealed in the papers, the Bible and elsewhere, - Caligastia, Daligastia, Belzebub, Satan, etc.), via his incarnation, resurrection and ascension into glory, sealing his Sovereign lordship over this world and this universe of which he is the Creator (and 'Savior'), being our Creator-Son, the Creator-Son of this universe. It may be noted that the papers speak of the significant defeat of Satan in the wilderness when Jesus was tempted and faced off with Satan fully pledging his unwavering loyalty to the Universal Father, - this event was the initial meeting showing Jesus commitment to his universe rule and power (all else following was just a culmination of universe orders, affairs and various adjudications being carried out in his re-establishing power), also at the '
Transfiguration' as well (the papers reveal that it was Gabriel and Father Melchizedek who appeared to him in council at that time. Peter mistook the 2 personages for Elijah and Moses).
Evil spirits, demons and other spirits are casted out in Jesus name, so those spirits obviously recognize spiritual authority, and this is common when working in the healing ministry while preaching the gospel of the kingdom (Christ's rule on earth),...some conditions do have psychological factors involved independent of spirit-influence, while other maladies or illnesses are connected to spirits. In the healing ministry, ministers are to operate by the Spirit's discretion and guidance, with the spiritual authority of Christ ministering healing and deliverance to those held captive, respecting both 'psychological' and 'spiritual' components involved. True healing is always 'holistic', treating spirit, soul and body. Much is also up to the individual as well, to maintain their victory in Jesus and live a Spirit-led life.