How come I don't see any bible quotes from urantians here? No quotes from God but quotes from unfamiliar spirits.
This is the UB thread however we do quote the Bible at times for comparison.
How come I don't see any bible quotes from urantians here? No quotes from God but quotes from unfamiliar spirits.
How come I don't see any bible quotes from urantians here? No quotes from God but quotes from unfamiliar spirits.
This is the UB thread however we do quote the Bible at times for comparison.
On my former observations and Robert's video above, do you have any comments? He does make a good case for there needing to be a religious movement including 'ritual' and 'symbolism' to carry the Jesusonian gospel forward. As I shared I don't know if this can be done within existing liberal progressive Christian denominations interblending the UB with the Bible as 2 accompanying textbooks to be used in religious services, or if a totally new formation or organization with accompanying chapters be formed as a Urantian Fellowship movement. If churches were to be set up, not sure what name would be settled on. Its an interesting thought, if such organization would assist in sharing the FER with all, and maintaining a steady momentum with such endeavors. In the meantime there are mostly online networks, UB study groups, conventions, etc. Thoughts?
All passages in the 66 books are from the Lord but you're afraid to quote it cause it might be in error. You quote ub as errorless and have more confidence in celestials than God Himself.Not all passages in the Bible are a 'Thus saith the Lord' specifically indicating that the LORD or 'God' is SPEAKING. In that case, you can dismiss the whole NT, and a good portion of the OT since they are NOT "quotes from God". Do any 'Thus saith the Lord' passages exist in the NT?
And? :idunno: Has no relevance to anything here.New Zealand Pastor Blames Earthquakes on Homosexuals (and Other Sinners)
:doh: Hate to tell you this....It IS the academic level I expect however.120:0.1 "... intrusted ...."
87:7.4 The early Christian cult was the most effective, appealing, and enduring of any ritual ever conceived or devised, but much of its value has been destroyed in a scientific age by the destruction of so many of its original underlying tenets. The Christian cult has been devitalized by the loss of many fundamental ideas.
And? :idunno: Has no relevance to anything here.
:doh: Hate to tell you this....It IS the academic level I expect however.lain:
:nono: This is ignorant (see above also). Take 120 years man is limited to by God and given in the O.T. Stands true today against scientific attempts. Nice try U-rant people 120 years ago. You weren't open to truth and you weren't all that bright to try and start a new false cult in your apartment. For him who has ears to hear....
All passages in the 66 books are from the Lord but you're afraid to quote it cause it might be in error.
You quote ub as errorless and have more confidence in celestials than God Himself.
Look to Jesus, not to self. He is greater than all of your failures.
120:0.1 "... intrusted ...."
:doh: Hate to tell you this....It IS the academic level I expect however.lain:
7:4.7 The Eternal Son is the personal trustee, the divine custodian, of the Father's universal plan of creature ascension. Having promulgated the universal mandate, “Be you perfect, even as I am perfect,” the Father intrusted the execution of this tremendous undertaking to the Eternal Son; and the Eternal Son shares the fostering of this supernal enterprise with his divine co-ordinate, the Infinite Spirit. Thus do the Deities effectively co-operate in the work of creation, control, evolution, revelation, and ministration—and if required, in restoration and rehabilitation.
More only comes from the truth straight from God. Ub is far less and the least. You put more and least over most and truths. You have more confidence in lies from demon celestials who made you think less is good. Your loss. We gain, you lose. When you go low, we go high.If there wasn't truth in what the UB says, it wouldn't bother you so much.
We have so much more information now that would expand your mind and heart to a greater understanding.
More only comes from the truth straight from God. Ub is far less and the least. You put more and least over most and truths. You have more confidence in lies from demon celestials who made you think less is good. Your loss. We gain, you lose. When you go low, we go high.
I know I can probably google this, but can someone give me a TLDR version of this cult
More only comes from the truth straight from God. Ub is far less and the least.
You put more and least over most and truths.
You have more confidence in lies from demon celestials who made you think less is good.
Your loss. We gain, you lose. When you go low, we go high.
That's all you keep spouting. How much of the UB have you read to make an adequate and valid assessment of it? Have you read the first 12 papers at least? Index here (no exuse if you really want to discuss the actual material). If not, you really cant judge, except from ignorance and presumption. Seems a whole lot of that going on.
Truth is wherever you find it. That fact of life seems to evade you.
Can you specifically share any lies? Mostly just broad brush generalizations, projections, assumptions. Same ole spin.
Uhhhh,...who had made this into a contest? (with political overtones). Has it come down to something so petty as a theological duel or some kind of one-up-man-ship? The UB is not about such squabbles, but is one religious testament sharing much more important and universal questions and answers regarding man's origin, condition, potentials and divine destiny. I think it would be wise to attend to these matters and the principles and precepts expounded upon in the papers. If nothing to at least have an open and honest discussion of the topics covered, primarily 'theology'. That's the purpose of the thread. It would be advantageous if we attended to it, in a creative, constructive and positive manner.
You guys wouldn't even bother with this thread as much as you do if there wasn't truth being spoken here. You have soooooo much faith in Satan and his ability to write books, I cant imagine living in such a paranoid world. The religious people who tried to stop Jesus and previous prophets of truth had to contend with the same narrow-mindedness. I'm so grateful to be free from the idolatry of Biblical indoctrination.
We have a much beter explanation now about the events of the past that were recorded in the bible books.
Sadly they protest and accuse us of trying to 'recruit' or 'convert' them just because we recommend they read an adequate portion of the material before judging and have a good enough grasp to have a actual discussion. For instance I always recommend the basic first 10 - 12 papers at least...for a universal solid foundation of its theology, as it expands out further into the cosmology of the universe.
Why would anyone who accepts The Bible as the ONLY inspired written word of God, have a desire to read The Urantia Book, The Book of Mormon, The Watchtower, etc? Why is that such a surprise to you and Caino?