O great and Magnificent Lon,.....patronizing us poor lost sinners deceived by the celestials holding court in Nebadon.
Or with it for that matter...apparently...What would we do without your dispensations of grace? :crackup:![]()
,Your addresses are filled with so much pomp and presumption (most anyways). You have the audacity to actually question or reject our own personal religious experience, or spiritual journey, while knowing very little of it,
Lost is lost, as I was myself. I know humanity, his vainglories and disobedience (the UB and this thread are exactly that).let alone who we might be as human beings. Seriously. You've only got a little sliver of info. about any one of us,
Yeah, you do. Not just me, talk to any on TOL that claims that God has made him or her born again. You are on a Christian website. Get used to either a caring correction; or ridicule, which may either represent disdain or a wake-up call, depending on the intent of the person.but here I'll speak for myself, and with that little information, distorted or assumed by your limited perceptions convoluted by religious bias and bigotry, you presume to be hold court to extend grace to us poor beguiled souls who need your 'version' of theological truth to set us on the straight and narrow.
Um, Christian website.You have no place to judge the hearts or souls of another by your own prescribed standards which are nothing but your own preferred exclusive beliefs (pre-scriptions) about 'God', the 'Bible', what qualifies as truth, etc.
Then what are you complaining about? Knight has said you can be here, I think, exactly for this kind of scrutiny. Ask him, he absolutely thinks this is anti-Christ, if I know him at all.On this thread, the subject will be respectfully engaged in a myriad of dimensions, religiously speaking. And we've such done so far, despite resistence, trolling, marginalization, ridicule and the rest. After all, its just a discussion thread,...but a lot is here for anyone interested in expanding their horizons, to question, research and explore things for themselves, since each are responsible for what they come to know, consider and contemplate upon. Life is a journey and a school.
I am not looking for approval of man here...exaggeration or otherwise. Again, as I told Caino, I'm not really wanting to carry this into the this season further. I'm leaving you alone with whatever message you receive. Pharoah didn't listen to Moses either. He at least had sense enough to know his gods and Moses' god were not the same.Your claim that we are looking for the approval of man is also exaggerated, while real dialogue and engaging discussion upon the subjects within the UB is encouraged, especially discussing the meanings and values revealed, which include the whole breadth of religion, science and philosophy. That's the main purpose of the thread, not necessarily to convince or convert anyone, but to share, discuss and explore. This outline is prefaced in the OP.
Incorrect. That is your bound dogma and you were born in it.It just so happens I'm not bound by a dogmatic belief in the exclusivity or infallibility of a particular book (the UB or any other), or any one particular religious cult, although I may freely affiliate with and study with a variety of them at any given point in time, in the true tradition of the Eclectic schoolIn any case, you misjudge, presume and pontificate, which obscures or retards any real discussion, since your mind is already made up. You know, in religious 'grid-lock'
Thankfully, the cosmic matrix provides an endless network of worlds and libraries one can draw upon in his search for truth, and that makes the spiritual journey a joyous one. "Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty". This takes on more significance and wonder when one considers infinity.
Have a Merry Christmas
How? Your book attacks this season's core message... :idunno:
Some Christians, even, may agree with you. I can compromise or at least meet you halfway if you intend to wish us a Merry Christmas anyway. This is not my problem with "Merry Christmas" from a U-rant. Rather, "Merry Christ-mas" as I understand it is against the U-B and vise versa. For me (not really needed thread discussion), there is no such thing as a "Roman Pagan Holiday" because all days belong solely to God. "This is the day the Lord hath made, we will be glad and rejoice in it" means it doesn't really matter because everyday is Christmas to a Christian. We celebrate "Merry Christmas" all year long. Admittedly, I give December 25 more attention, because we are all off that day in my immediate and extended family. It is thus convenient to celebrate that day as well and with the added attention.Actually Christianity celebrates the birth of Christ on the Roman Pagan holiday December 25.
"All that night Mary was restless so that neither of them slept much. By the break of day the pangs of childbirth were well in evidence, and at noon, August 21, 7 B.C., with the help and kind ministrations of women fellow travelers, Mary was delivered of a male child. Jesus of Nazareth was born into the world, was wrapped in the clothes which Mary had brought along for such a possible contingency, and laid in a near-by manger."
Some Christians, even, may agree with you. I can compromise or at least meet you halfway if you intend to wish us a Merry Christmas anyway. This is not my problem with "Merry Christmas" from a U-rant. Rather, "Merry Christ-mas" as I understand it is against the U-B and vise versa. For me (not really needed thread discussion), there is no such thing as a "Roman Pagan Holiday" because all days belong solely to God. "This is the day the Lord hath made, we will be glad and rejoice in it" means it doesn't really matter because everyday is Christmas to a Christian. We celebrate "Merry Christmas" all year long. Admittedly, I give December 25 more attention, because we are all off that day in my immediate and extended family. It is thus convenient to celebrate that day as well and with the added attention.
Urantia Book: Dr. Byron Weeks Claims Archangel Michael And Jesus Are Same Person, Prophesied Rise Of False Prophets, Urantia Book Is New Age Poison And Psychobabble, Channeling And Familiar Spirits, Biblical Warnings Regarding Spiritism, Urantia Book Attacks Core Christian Belief: Faith In Jesus' Atonement Sacrifice, Test The Spirits, Excerpts From Weeks' 1996 Letter, Weeks Claims Apostle Paul Invented Doctrine Of Atonement, Weeks Denies That Jesus Came To Die For Our Sins, Urantia Book Claims Bible Is Not Unreliable, Urantia Book Claims Biblical Wrathful God Is Imaginary, Urantia Book Says Jesus' Blood Sacrifice Is Barbarous Primitive Repulsive To God And A Pagan Superstition, Manipulation Of The Scriptures By Religious And Political Authorities, Truths Withheld By Organized Religion, Apostle Paul: Things Hard To Be Uttered, Rise Of The Roman Catholic Church And The Control Exerted By Organized Religion, My Personal Study And Research Habits, Hebrew And Greek Lexicons, Apocryphal And Pseudepigraphical Works, Urantia Book Fails The Test Of Scriptural Scrutiny, Encyclopedia of Biblical Errancy, Goal Of "New Christians" Is To Replace Bible With Urantia Book As A "Superior Work", Another Jesus Another Gospel And Damnable Heresies, God Has Preserved Important Biblical Truths Despite Manipulation By Men, God's Word Endures Forever, Serpent's Deception In Eden
"According to the Urantia Book, The Archangel was the "Archangel OF Michael" for Michael is the Heavenly title or name of Jesus, who is the Creator of this "Local Universe." Melchizedek is one of His Sons, and Not Jesus Christ. "Michael" has a whole hierarchy of Sons which include Lucifer, and his subordinate, Satan . . ."
-----End Of Quote -----
As my regular readers will already know, in quite a few of my articles, I have sounded the alarm regarding the many lies and inaccuracies which are being espoused and propagated in this current "Age Of Deception" by New Age thought advocates and other self-styled false prophets who roam the Internet, and publish books galore. The previous quote is yet another example of the strong delusion which has ensnared so many people who, for whatever their reasons, have rejected God's holy Word; that is, the Bible. In thinking about our current situation and the level of deception which exists, I am reminded of verses such as the following:
"And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many . . . And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many . . . For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect."
Matthew 24:4-5, 11, 24, KJV
"For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock."
Acts 20:29, KJV
"For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works."
2 Corinthians 11:13-15, KJV
"Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;"
1 Timothy 4:1-2, KJV
"But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived."
2 Timothy 3:13, KJV
"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;"
2 Timothy 4:3, KJV
". . . because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:"
2 Thessalonians 2:10b-11, KJV
The previous Scriptures are but a small sample of the many verses which are found in the New Testament, where we are warned to beware of false teachers and false prophets, and the misguided doctrines which they espouse. You will find many more such verses in my companion article entitled "The Urantia Book: An Attack on the Blood Atonement".
While I have read parts of the Urantia Book, I will readily admit that I have not read it in its entirety. However, to be quite honest, based on what I have read, and the grave errors which I have discovered in it, I have no intentions of reading the remainder any time soon, if ever. In my view, to do so would be similar to a person who is drinking a bottle of poison. Once he realizes that he is drinking a poisonous substance, would he continue to drink it, or would he stop? The answer is rather obvious, isn't it?
Taking into consideration the previously-quoted material, as well as another letter that was written by Dr. Weeks in 1996 -- which I will be sharing with you shortly -- personally, I have no doubt whatsoever that the Urantia Book is another product of New Age psychobabble. According to what I have read, this deceptive tome was "received" as a collection of papers from so-called "spiritual entities" during the first half of the twentieth century, under conditions which seem very similar to what is now referred to as channeling. If you are a Bible-believing Christian, then you may know that the Bible refers to such entities as "familiar spirits", and that endeavoring to engage in communication with them is strongly condemned by the same. Consider the following verses:
"Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the LORD your God."
Leviticus 19:31, KJV
"And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off from among his people."
Leviticus 20:6, KJV
If you ever actually read the UB you will know what it is that you disagree with. For now you just cut and paste from the net someone else's opinion.
i won't read it for the same reason i won't read a book on satanism..
If you ever actually read the UB you will know what it is that you disagree with. For now you just cut and paste from the net someone else's opinion.
Incorrect. That is your bound dogma and you were born in it.
How? Your book attacks this season's core message... :idunno:
The Bible has many flaws but book worshipers are too proud to be honest about it so they stay in an unreal bubble.
i won't read it for the same reason i won't read a book on satanism..
Truth? Ub are most likely channeled by demons and undermines the authority of the Bible.
2:7.1 All finite knowledge and creature understanding are relative. Information and intelligence, gleaned from even high sources, is only relatively complete, locally accurate, and personally true.
2:7.2 Physical facts are fairly uniform, but truth is a living and flexible factor in the philosophy of the universe. Evolving personalities are only partially wise and relatively true in their communications. They can be certain only as far as their personal experience extends. That which apparently may be wholly true in one place may be only relatively true in another segment of creation.
2:7.3 Divine truth, final truth, is uniform and universal, but the story of things spiritual, as it is told by numerous individuals hailing from various spheres, may sometimes vary in details owing to this relativity in the completeness of knowledge and in the repleteness of personal experience as well as in the length and extent of that experience. While the laws and decrees, the thoughts and attitudes, of the First Great Source and Center are eternally, infinitely, and universally true; at the same time, their application to, and adjustment for, every universe, system, world, and created intelligence, are in accordance with the plans and technique of the Creator Sons as they function in their respective universes, as well as in harmony with the local plans and procedures of the Infinite Spirit and of all other associated celestial personalities.
180:5.2 Divine truth is a spirit-discerned and living reality. Truth exists only on high spiritual levels of the realization of divinity and the consciousness of communion with God. You can know the truth, and you can live the truth; you can experience the growth of truth in the soul and enjoy the liberty of its enlightenment in the mind, but you cannot imprison truth in formulas, codes, creeds, or intellectual patterns of human conduct. When you undertake the human formulation of divine truth, it speedily dies. Post-mortem salvage of imprisoned truth, even at best, can eventuate only in the realization of a peculiar form of intellectualized glorified wisdom. Static truth is dead truth, and only dead truth can be held as a theory. Living truth is dynamic and can enjoy only an experiential existence in the human mind.
All in an attempt to eschew Biblical truth. It is one you CANNOT espouse with other books. It is and ever has been exclusive and they are the very words of God, by their own testament. Caino is wrong on this point.It is correct to say I'm not bound to any particular dogmatic creed, cult, definition of theology or religious book at the current time, but am FREE to consider, explore and research any and all.
What we write IS who we are.You still don't know freelight very well. You do not know my history or knowledge, beyond snippets of what is shared here via my own commentary
Been over this: The road is narrow, not wide.Beyond all that there is time being squandered, while not engaging actual points of theology expounded on in the papers (the purpose of the thread). Remember, this is just one religious book among many others that I have taken an interest in, you have no idea of my journey or studies, beyond presuppositions or what I actually share. But this isn't about me. More personal off topic subjects could probably be taken up in my 'cosmic cafe' thread, where you can kick up a chair, grab a hot chocolate and shoot the breeze. I still use that thread however as a 'seg-way' station to connect other discussions or resources. Its kinda like a stargate![]()
Anti-scriptural. Anybody who has read the Bible knows this...The key here is 'expanding consciousness'. - those in 'grid-lock' are still stuck, until they can shake themselves loose from 'programming'. Granted, any belief-system, set of teachings, culture, tradition can be seen as a form of 'programming', so we all have our task before us, to see how much we are programmed or if we really are free spiritual beings with the sovereignty of free will, at least to the degree where we are responsible for our conditions and destiny. The papers here have much to say about 'free will', and its theology has aspects of Process and Open View perspectives regarding freewill and providence, so there are things in common or at least merit serous discussion or exploration, just one among many subjects.
You and Caino are on record rejecting the substitutionary death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is THE gift of Christmas, regardless of what day you imagine such was given. As I told Caino, neither here nor there. There is no such thing as a pagan day. All days are God's alone. They are each day, created by Him alone. The scripture declares therefore 'this' is the day the Lord has made. No pagan affiliation can ever diminish that. It is superficial attachment at best. All days belong to God.This is Laughable. Show where the UB is against 'Christmas'. Beyond that, its pretty much a human made holiday, with pagan affiliations, etc. sure. One naught need to put too much 'meaning' into wishing another a 'Merry Christmas' besides the surface greeting as merely being 'traditional'. So you don't accept my goodwill wish? Lighten up. After all, it comes back to your 'interpretation' of things doesn't it.
You, as well as freelight, emphasize the bible is outdated and inaccurate. ("The Scriptures are faulty and altogether human in origin" (UB-Page 1767) (http://urantiabook.org/newbook/ub/ppr159_4.html#P159_4_3)
***The Bible says in 2 Timothy 3:16, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17 That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished to all good works."
You and Caino are on record rejecting the substitutionary death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is THE gift of Christmas, regardless of what day you imagine such was given. As I told Caino, neither here nor there. There is no such thing as a pagan day. All days are God's alone. They are each day, created by Him alone. The scripture declares therefore 'this' is the day the Lord has made. No pagan affiliation can ever diminish that. It is superficial attachment at best. All days belong to God.