Insights from the higher view......
Insights from the higher view......
Most people rejected Jesus out of hand. The Jews still do using their scripture.
Many in his own day, and today. Of course Orthodox Jews do, because Jesus did not fulfill most if not all of their Messianic requirements/expectations, hence according to their scriptures and traditions, they are justified in doing so. While NT believers quote a lot of so called 'messianic' scriptures from the OT making such refer to Jesus, orthodox Jewish anti-missionary ministries can explain and refute those claims, which they do fairly well from their perspective.
The trolls on this thread are moral cowards incapable of mature understanding of the UB so they are left to dishonesty.
Definitely. They have no other alternative but to turn to slander, ad homenims, intellectual dishonesty, trash-talk to protect their 'theology' which they 'feel' is threatened in some way by an open discussion of the UB (no harm done, since the UB enhances and broadens the religious field of values and meaning from within a greater cosmological context), which comprehensively covers religion, science and philosophy, expanding one's vision of reality
in its totality, on all levels and in all dimensions. The abject ignorance and misinformation here is not so much astounding as it is 'typical' for one with an 'apologetic' stand against a 'perceived' enemy.
Of course this is all in one's mind and nowhere else, and it remains for anyone to prove otherwise.
Hats off to TOL for allowing all appropriate topics & subjects pertaining to 'religion' in the 'Religion' section. What I've shared from a liberal objective & subjective view on the UB stands and refutes those still claiming (after all rebuttals) that the UB is a 'UFO Cult',, lets repeat this again,...the UB is a 'book' and there is no official 'cult' or 'church' that the UB sanctions or endorses (since its a universal message to all mankind, and that is all). The only reason I'm here
helping with the discussion is because of my involvement with the book, an interesting part of my spiritual journey, and its by no means the only religious book that has been a part of my journey. For a picture of past threads and discussions during my sojourn here on TOL, see
The sadness here is in those refusing to actually engage discussion on pertinent religious subjects discussed in the papers, and a continual barrage of nay-saying, polemics and typical demonizing that seems to go along with religionists holding a rigid belief-system, excluding anything outside their narrow view of reality as from the devil. Well, this is far from novel, at least be original, or better yet....engage in some creative dialogue, would make your presentation more interesting, instead of antagonistic and depressing.
As far as intellectual honesty goes, a few here most obviously don't have it, for they would then have to admit they were mistaken or presuming things (on the "UFO cult" thing at least), and religious pride cant allow that, or at least has stood in the way, lest they actually research facts shared freely here that prove their claims wrong/misguided. A brick house is hard to fall, and a closed mind even harder to penetrate. But there you have it folks.