Well-known member
Many people on the forum claim to be Christian but bear no resemblance. They are poor representatives of even Paul's gospel about Jesus.
That's what we are saying about Urantia.
Many people on the forum claim to be Christian but bear no resemblance. They are poor representatives of even Paul's gospel about Jesus.
The TRUE and LIVING GOD - not the god (little "g") of the urantia UFO Cult.
The writers of the ub proved that you can make up things and expound on the make-believe, and a few bozos will buy it.
Don't compare the ub to anything REAL or FACTUAL.
The Holy Bible is REAL and FACTUAL.
I discern them. Without doing so, you read and then adopt their doctrine.
Jesus isn't the spirit behind the Urantia papers, obviously.
Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
Not necessarily. I simply suggested to discern all things, and in relation to their context. In a different 'context' or 'contextualization' of a sharing, the relative truth, meanings or values of certain terms could be different, as they apply to that particular 'context', any concept subject to space-time conditioning is relative.
[SIZE="4"]Also, who said I've adopted any UB doctrine necessarily?[/SIZE] Show me anywhere in my vast commentaries where I've proclaimed the UB as the inerrant, perfect, infallible word of God or even hailed it as the one and only true revelation given to the planet. Good luck on that score. The problem with many of the trolls and buffoons here, is their assuming just because I enjoy as a creative eclectic writer, to be an expounder/expositor of certain concepts in the papers (because this is the subject of the thread...hello?), is that I am a fundamentalist UB only believer. Hardly. Anyone who knows my theological quest and journey here, knows I'm very eclectic, and more of a universalist/spiritualist/theosophist/gnostic....who also can sometimes have skeptical/agnostic tendencies on certain points and subjects. So you see, there is so much ignorance on many levels from the get-go, presumptions, presuppositions, that the web many are stuck in, is too thick to untangle, until they become intellectually responsible and more spiritually intelligent.
I read a lot,....this does not mean I ADOPT everything I read :doh:
After Pentecost if their were any more demons left on our world they could no longer cause problems:
....."And this is the first case where Jesus really cast an “evil spirit” out of a human being. All of the previous cases were only supposed possession of the devil; but this was a genuine case of demoniac possession, even such as sometimes occurred in those days and right up to the day of Pentecost, when the Master’s spirit was poured out upon all flesh, making it forever impossible for these few celestial rebels to take such advantage of certain unstable types of human beings."
No, I glory in It, since He lives in me. He cannot live in you, remember.
You're anathema.
I trample upon Jebus, the false god of Urantia, who doesn't even exist.
Originally Posted by journey![]()
Just remember that the ub UFO cult garbage is NOT an authority or source of truth on a single thing. It's made up - total FICTION. The REAL and LIVING GOD is found in the Holy Bible - God's Word - NOT the ub comic book. Quoting the ub as if it's a great revelation from God is a really bad JOKE.
That's not very Christian.
From what I understand however, Caligastia and some rebellious midwayers are still roaming freely, although it is true that since Pentecost and the outpouring of the Son's Spirit of Truth,...the majority of rebel spirit powers and personalities were neutralized more or less, with some personalities being detained awaiting judgment, while some are still loose. This is an area we'd need to research more as far as specifics given in the papers, as it does bear an interesting perspective relative to what actual rebel powers or entities are actually ABLE to influence the minds of men, but it appears some restraints have been imposed that limit some of these beings from totally possessing a person. Again,...have to study more on this.
There's nothing about the ub UFO cult garbage that is Christian. What have folks been trying to tell you all this time? The ub UFO cult garbage is anti-Christ and anti-Christian - other than being a total fabrication - FICTION. Worse - there are claims that it's from God, and the urantia garbage has nothing to do with the true and Living God. If you want to read God's Word - read the Holy Bible - not the urantia UFO cult garbage. That's about as plain and blunt as I can make it.
From what I understand however, Caligastia and some rebellious midwayers are still roaming freely, although it is true that since Pentecost and the outpouring of the Son's Spirit of Truth,...the majority of rebel spirit powers and personalities were neutralized more or less, with some personalities being detained awaiting judgment, while some are still loose. This is an area we'd need to research more as far as specifics given in the papers, as it does bear an interesting perspective relative to what actual rebel powers or entities are actually ABLE to influence the minds of men, but it appears some restraints have been imposed that limit some of these beings from totally possessing a person. Again,...have to study more on this.
Face the truth Freelight; "You're a Nut!" Oh, and so is Caino!
Well said! The Urantions are a cancerous tumor on TOL!
I gave up on "UFOs" when I was a kid! Obviously, Caino and Freelight
haven't outgrown those, "Little green men!" They're what you'd call;
The Urantia revelation validates things taught in the Bible
* God the Son (Jesus, aka Christ Michael) created the earth through a process that we would consider long but was relatively short for his time reckoning.
The Andronover Nebula
(651.3) 57:1.1 Urantia is of origin in your sun, and your sun is one of the multifarious offspring of the Andronover nebula, which was onetime organized as a component part of the physical power and material matter of the local universe of Nebadon. And this great nebula itself took origin in the universal force-charge of space in the superuniverse of Orvonton, long, long ago.
(651.4) 57:1.2 At the time of the beginning of this recital, the Primary Master Force Organizers of Paradise had long been in full control of the space-energies which were later organized as the Andronover nebula.
(651.5) 57:1.3 987,000,000,000 years ago associate force organizer and then acting inspector number 811,307 of the Orvonton series, traveling out from Uversa, reported to the Ancients of Days that space conditions were favorable for the initiation of materialization phenomena in a certain sector of the, then, easterly segment of Orvonton.
(655.4) 57:4.8 6,000,000,000 years ago marks the end of the terminal breakup and the birth of your sun, the fifty-sixth from the last of the Andronover second solar family. This final eruption of the nebular nucleus gave birth to 136,702 suns, most of them solitary orbs. The total number of suns and sun systems having origin in the Andronover nebula was 1,013,628. The number of the solar system sun is 1,013,572.
(655.9) 57:5.4 4,500,000,000 years ago the enormous Angona system began its approach to the neighborhood of this solitary sun. The center of this great system was a dark giant of space, solid, highly charged, and possessing tremendous gravity pull.
The birth of our Earth
(656.1) 57:5.5 As Angona more closely approached the sun, at moments of maximum expansion during solar pulsations, streams of gaseous material were shot out into space as gigantic solar tongues. At first these flaming gas tongues would invariably fall back into the sun, but as Angona drew nearer and nearer, the gravity pull of the gigantic visitor became so great that these tongues of gas would break off at certain points, the roots falling back into the sun while the outer sections would become detached to form independent bodies of matter, solar meteorites, which immediately started to revolve about the sun in elliptical orbits of their own.
(658.7) 57:6.10 2,500,000,000 years ago the planets had grown immensely in size. Urantia was a well-developed sphere about one tenth its present mass and was still growing rapidly by meteoric accretion.
(660.3) 57:8.1 1,000,000,000 years ago is the date of the actual beginning of Urantia history. The planet had attained approximately its present size. And about this time it was placed upon the physical registries of Nebadon and given its name, Urantia.