Rumor has it that, L. Ron Hubbard was one of the "entities" that spoke through
that, "chosen human conduit?" Right after he had written, "Dianetics!"
GM is just a tool... according to my perception of the Woodshed's response to his trolling, that is.
From Knight
5. Thou SHALL NOT hijack threads or be a "thread pest" (Hijacking a thread means intentionally changing the subject of a thread to discredit the thread's purpose. And being a "thread pest" means you pop into random threads just to make a mocking comment with no other purpose than to marginalize the discussion). If you are not interested in the topic of a thread, you might just want to stay out of it.
7. Thou SHALL NOT troll our forums. If you are here to make outlandish, crazy statements merely to get a rise out of the membership and cause trouble, please save yourself the time and leave.
Originally Posted by Knight![]()
Dear Urantia people. Wouldn't you be happier on a forum that was more receptive to your beliefs??
Seriously.... I think you guys are pure nuts.
I'm sure you are all really nice folks in person but this stuff just doesn't seem to fit here on TOL. I can't continue to protect you from other members that want to mock your because frankly I agree with them.
Maybe the time has come for you to move on. :dunno:
You don't get it: the urantia UFO cult garbage has nothing to do with the true and living God, nor does it have anything to do with Christianity - except being anti-Christ and anti-Christian. It's a total fabrication - FICTION.Saul also hated Christians and Jesus but one day that all changed and he had a sudden attitude adjustment. Often those who come to scoff remain to pray. :hetro:
Proverbs 14:12
There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
Dear Urantia people. Wouldn't you be happier on a forum that was more receptive to your beliefs??
Seriously.... I think you guys are pure nuts.
I'm sure you are all really nice folks in person but this stuff just doesn't seem to fit here on TOL. I can't continue to protect you from other members that want to mock your because frankly I agree with them.
Maybe the time has come for you to move on. :dunno:
You won't convince the Christians here on TOL of your Bat in the Belfry crazy doctrines. Offering it to us is like offering slurry as food, altogether unappealing and not nourishing.
As the old saying goes, you get what you ask for. You post it here in front of people that don't want it and of course they are going to say negative things about it. Take Knight's suggestion to heart and perhaps open it someplace where it will be more appreciated.
From Knight
5. Thou SHALL NOT hijack threads or be a "thread pest" (Hijacking a thread means intentionally changing the subject of a thread to discredit the thread's purpose. And being a "thread pest" means you pop into random threads just to make a mocking comment with no other purpose than to marginalize the discussion). If you are not interested in the topic of a thread, you might just want to stay out of it.
7. Thou SHALL NOT troll our forums. If you are here to make outlandish, crazy statements merely to get a rise out of the membership and cause trouble, please save yourself the time and leave.
Says Grosnick who has started 2 additional threads about the Urantia revelation.![]()
I really don't care about your opinion, especially about the urantia UFO cult garbage that you're trying to sell. NO SALE.
Breaking TOL rules:
TOL is a biased forum, leaning very far to the Christian right, and therefore we interpret our rules from OUR perspective. There are many dissenting voices on TOL who have been debating us and fellowshipping with us for years, but those voices understand whose house party they are at and are respectful of that.
1. Thou SHALL NOT use Crass potty humor here at TOL.
Grosnick, have you tried Viagra? Maybe that would help your unhappy disposition and obsession with this thread?3. Thou SHALL NOT be intentionally blasphemousAnd many other instances of blasphemy against our God and Jesus Christ.You idiots think it was a good thing for Jesus to be rejected and killed!.....albeit, Jesus used the occasion his death for a good purpose, and those who did it were then left to destruction! What fools you are!
4. Thou SHALL NOT call other TOL members names without cause.
You idiots think it was a good thing for Jesus to be rejected and killed!.....albeit, Jesus used the occasion his death for a good purpose, and those who did it were then left to destruction! What fools you are!... swine who ignore education and enlightenment and are unwilling to be honest about biblical flaws. :wave:6. Thou SHALL NOT post copyrighted material on our website (without prior approval). Plagiarism is also a bannable offense(1141.4) 103:9.6 When theology masters religion, religion dies; it becomes a doctrine instead of a life. The mission of theology is merely to facilitate the self-consciousness of personal spiritual experience. Theology constitutes the religious effort to define, clarify, expound, and justify the experiential claims of religion, which, in the last analysis, can be validated only by living faith. In the higher philosophy of the universe, wisdom, like reason, becomes allied to faith. Reason, wisdom, and faith are man’s highest human attainments. Reason introduces man to the world of facts, to things; wisdom introduces him to a world of truth, to relationships; faith initiates him into a world of divinity, spiritual experience.This whole thread.7. Thou SHALL NOT troll our forums. If you are here to make outlandish, crazy statements merely to get a rise out of the membership and cause trouble, please save yourself the time and leave.
This whole thread8. Thou SHALL NOT attempt to redirect members to another forum, website, or blog. (Profile and signature links may be allowed with administrator approval.)
9. Thou SHALL NOT disrespect TOL moderators and admins
You idiots think it was a good thing for Jesus to be rejected and killed!.....albeit, Jesus used the occasion his death for a good purpose, and those who did it were then left to destruction! What fools you are!
... the swine who ignore education and enlightenment and are unwilling to be honest about biblical flaws... :wave:
Other things to avoid... These items may or may not cause TOL banishment.
Please do not make posts that are extremely long. Anything over 6 short paragraphs may be considered too long. Don't attempt to make your whole argument in one post.
Yep here here here. Infraction after infraction in the entire thread.
Yep, the entire thread.Please do not copy and paste your previous papers and writings (like high school or college papers) without prior approval. TheologyOnLine is for dialogue.
I guess I figure if we are going to allow you to spread this stuff at a Bible believing Christian forum, the least we could do is allow people to mock you for spreading it.
Mocking those who speak against the Bible as the Word of God has never been against the rules at TOL
7. Thou SHALL NOT troll our forums. If you are here to make outlandish, crazy statements merely to get a rise out of the membership and cause trouble, please save yourself the time and leave.
How quickly you forget. And # 7 is exactly what you are doing. Surely you can't really believe the nonsense you post.
The largest problem is how you try to equalize other writings with scripture. Prophecy from scripture HAS to be fulfilled for another prophet to come. None have since the Apostles. This is your problem of reading and discerning other religions. The closed canon are and will remain mutually exclusive. Jesus told the disciples to do as the Pharisees preached from Scripture, just not to follow anything 'else' they did. The UB is against Christ's own words.
You haven't the authority to declare any book scripture. No man has. This is why the canon is closed, even for you. You are merely usurping the authority of God and will stand at judgment for declaring yourself guru enough to think you can. :nono: Your britches aren't big enough.
You are indoctrinated by wishful thinking and fantasy. Many will come in His name... but He'll say...depart, I never knew you. The book is exclusive. Men will be judged for purposefully following whims/made-up-desires instead of Christ.
"Many false will say come, here's a messiah, there's a prophet...." "Depart from me, I never knew you." Maybe you should think about being afraid to be out of His graces. :think:
Mormon's appeal to the same emotional intangibles.
Gullible, Or is it just exactly what your heart and 'god within" were looking for :think:
2 Peter 1:21-22 20But know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one's own interpretation, 21for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.
And 2 Timothy 3:15-17 15and that from childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. 16All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; 17so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.
Your 'writer' is a charlatan and worse than a liar because he fabricated these writings against the very words of God.
There I no possible way Jesus spoke these words. None.
Anyone with half of a normal wit would know better than to think the UB is anything but pure fiction.The truth is, even for all his fan-fare and 'flaming', a serious person will study the material for himself...
How quickly you forget. And # 7 is exactly what you are doing. Surely you can't really believe the nonsense you post.
The Urantia Papers are against Christianity on these Orthodox points:
Jesus' crucifixion is not considered an atonement for the sins of humanity.[67] The crucifixion is taught to be an outcome of the fears of religious leaders of the day, who regarded his teachings as a threat to their positions of authority.
Jesus is considered the human incarnation of "Michael of Nebadon," one of more than 700,000 "Paradise Sons" of God, or "Creator Sons." Jesus is not considered the second person of the Trinity as he is in Christianity. The book refers to the Eternal Son as the second person of the Trinity.[85]
Jesus was born on earth through natural means of conception instead of a virgin birth.[86]
Jesus did not walk on water or perform some of the miracles that are attributed to him in the Bible.[87]
Urantia people need to understand the Spiritual necessity of canonicity. ONLY Apostles and Prophets could write scripture which were also authenticated by the prophetic and Apostolic office. That means, God first authenticated these people as His instruments, and then, by virtue of their authority penned God's words. Mormons and Urantians 'tried' this exactly backwards. They penned by magically appearing golden plates and magically appearing type written papers which rely on 'mystique' rather than God's authentication.
Both Mormons and Urantians believe based of emotionalism AND a rejection of Biblical truth that they claim is a perversion. The Urantian movement AND presence on TOL is a direct attack upon God, the Cross, Christ, The Holy Spirit, the Church, and Scripture. Because of this, Urantians must come to understand you are enemies to the Cross, Christ, the Church, and Scripture. As soon as you get this point, you'll start making sense of your troubled world. No complaint coming from this thread is going to have any traction. You are enemies, regardless of not liking that status. That Borg assimilation ideology doesn't like that ostracism, but throwing out any part of orthodoxy is a rejection of it all. A rejection of Christianity is your own choosing. You are called by scripture 'enemies of the cross.' Philippians 3:18