The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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Do the urantia UFO cult members believe:

1 - That the Holy Bible is God's Word - inspired by Him and true?

2 - That the Creation account in Genesis is accurate?

3 - That the story of Noah is true and accurate?

4 - That the writings of the Apostle Paul are inspired by God and true?

5 - That Jesus Christ is God, One with God the Father and God the Holy Spirit?

6 - That Genesis 19:26 is true?

7 - That only portions of the Holy Bible that agree with the urantia book are true?

* the UFO term is troll bait from an immature mind.

1) No, the bible books don't claim divine inspiration, that is a creation of the church used to establish controlling authority. The church has murdered hundreds of thousands of Gods children and retarded science and civilization using false heresy and blasphemy systems of contrived law. The bible books are a reflection of the beliefs of those who created them.

2) No, life was planted on the earth by the Life Carriers 550,000,000 years ago. Adam and Eve arrived on a populated earth 39,000 years ago. The 6 day creation is a legend from the fact that Adam and Eve spent the first 6 days surveying the garden prepared for them by Van and his followers.

3) No, but while Noah really lived and saved his family from a large local flood, the Hebrew redactors in Babylon used the familiar legend to drown the whole world in its own wickedness because they were not able to trace their blood lines back to Adam. The 2 flood stories appear in a genealogical account.

4) No, Paul never dreamed that his simple letters of correspondence would be made equal to the words of Jesus.

5) Yes! Jesus is God, he came down from heaven.

6) Sort of, Sodom and Gomorra was destroyed by natural means, a meteorite explosion. It was an immoral time for the region, but the ancients saw God in everything that happened.

7) Yes, the authors of the Bible weren't always correct in their assumptions.


Did Jesus really call a women Gentile dog?

This is what really happened:

1. The Syrian Woman

(1734.3) 156:1.1 There lived near the home of Karuska, where the Master lodged, a Syrian woman who had heard much of Jesus as a great healer and teacher, and on this Sabbath afternoon she came over, bringing her little daughter. The child, about twelve years old, was afflicted with a grievous nervous disorder characterized by convulsions and other distressing manifestations.

(1734.4) 156:1.2 Jesus had charged his associates to tell no one of his presence at the home of Karuska, explaining that he desired to have a rest. While they had obeyed their Master’s instructions, the servant of Karuska had gone over to the house of this Syrian woman, Norana, to inform her that Jesus lodged at the home of her mistress and had urged this anxious mother to bring her afflicted daughter for healing. This mother, of course, believed that her child was possessed by a demon, an unclean spirit.

(1734.5) 156:1.3 When Norana arrived with her daughter, the Alpheus twins explained through an interpreter that the Master was resting and could not be disturbed; whereupon Norana replied that she and the child would remain right there until the Master had finished his rest. Peter also endeavored to reason with her and to persuade her to go home. He explained that Jesus was weary with much teaching and healing, and that he had come to Phoenicia for a period of quiet and rest. But it was futile; Norana would not leave. To Peter’s entreaties she replied only: “I will not depart until I have seen your Master. I know he can cast the demon out of my child, and I will not go until the healer has looked upon my daughter.”

(1734.6) 156:1.4 Then Thomas sought to send the woman away but met only with failure. To him she said: “I have faith that your Master can cast out this demon which torments my child. I have heard of his mighty works in Galilee, and I believe in him. What has happened to you, his disciples, that you would send away those who come seeking your Master’s help?” And when she had thus spoken, Thomas withdrew.

(1735.1) 156:1.5 Then came forward Simon Zelotes to remonstrate with Norana. Said Simon: “Woman, you are a Greek-speaking gentile. It is not right that you should expect the Master to take the bread intended for the children of the favored household and cast it to the dogs.” But Norana refused to take offense at Simon’s thrust. She replied only: “Yes, teacher, I understand your words. I am only a dog in the eyes of the Jews, but as concerns your Master, I am a believing dog. I am determined that he shall see my daughter, for I am persuaded that, if he shall but look upon her, he will heal her. And even you, my good man, would not dare to deprive the dogs of the privilege of obtaining the crumbs which chance to fall from the children’s table.”

(1735.2) 156:1.6 At just this time the little girl was seized with a violent convulsion before them all, and the mother cried out: “There, you can see that my child is possessed by an evil spirit. If our need does not impress you, it would appeal to your Master, who I have been told loves all men and dares even to heal the gentiles when they believe. You are not worthy to be his disciples. I will not go until my child has been cured.”

(1735.3) 156:1.7 Jesus, who had heard all of this conversation through an open window, now came outside, much to their surprise, and said: “O woman, great is your faith, so great that I cannot withhold that which you desire; go your way in peace. Your daughter already has been made whole.” And the little girl was well from that hour. As Norana and the child took leave, Jesus entreated them to tell no one of this occurrence; and while his associates did comply with this request, the mother and the child ceased not to proclaim the fact of the little girl’s healing throughout all the countryside and even in Sidon, so much so that Jesus found it advisable to change his lodgings within a few days.

(1735.4) 156:1.8 The next day, as Jesus taught his apostles, commenting on the cure of the daughter of the Syrian woman, he said: “And so it has been all the way along; you see for yourselves how the gentiles are able to exercise saving faith in the teachings of the gospel of the kingdom of heaven. Verily, verily, I tell you that the Father’s kingdom shall be taken by the gentiles if the children of Abraham are not minded to show faith enough to enter therein.”


New member
NOTHING really happened in the urantia book unless it was stolen from the Holy Bible or other sources. Otherwise, the urantia book is a piece of fabricated, fiction, junk.


NOTHING really happened in the urantia book unless it was stolen from the Holy Bible or other sources. Otherwise, the urantia book is a piece of fabricated, fiction, junk.

Had you actually read the UB you wouldn't say such goofy stuff.

Revelation must always keep in touch with previous religion. Jesus borrowed from Judaism, Moses reformed previous beliefs of the religion of the emancipated Egyptian slaves, Melchizedek reformed religion among the Chaldeans. Abram was a follower of Melchizedeks Salem religion. The Melchizedeks headquarter world is known as "Jerusum". Salem eventually became Jerusalem.

7. Psalms and the Book of Job

(1060.1) 96:7.1 Under the leadership of their sheiks and priests the Hebrews became loosely established in Palestine. But they soon drifted back into the benighted beliefs of the desert and became contaminated with the less advanced Canaanite religious practices. They became idolatrous and licentious, and their idea of Deity fell far below the Egyptian and Mesopotamian concepts of God that were maintained by certain surviving Salem groups, and which are recorded in some of the Psalms and in the so-called Book of Job.

(1060.2) 96:7.2 The Psalms are the work of a score or more of authors; many were written by Egyptian and Mesopotamian teachers. During these times when the Levant worshiped nature gods, there were still a goodly number who believed in the supremacy of El Elyon, the Most High.

(1060.3) 96:7.3 No collection of religious writings gives expression to such a wealth of devotion and inspirational ideas of God as the Book of Psalms. And it would be very helpful if, in the perusal of this wonderful collection of worshipful literature, consideration could be given to the source and chronology of each separate hymn of praise and adoration, bearing in mind that no other single collection covers such a great range of time. This Book of Psalms is the record of the varying concepts of God entertained by the believers of the Salem religion throughout the Levant and embraces the entire period from Amenemope to Isaiah. In the Psalms God is depicted in all phases of conception, from the crude idea of a tribal deity to the vastly expanded ideal of the later Hebrews, wherein Yahweh is pictured as a loving ruler and merciful Father.

(1060.4) 96:7.4 And when thus regarded, this group of Psalms constitutes the most valuable and helpful assortment of devotional sentiments ever assembled by man up to the times of the twentieth century. The worshipful spirit of this collection of hymns transcends that of all other sacred books of the world.

(1060.5) 96:7.5 The variegated picture of Deity presented in the Book of Job was the product of more than a score of Mesopotamian religious teachers extending over a period of almost three hundred years. And when you read the lofty concept of divinity found in this compilation of Mesopotamian beliefs, you will recognize that it was in the neighborhood of Ur of Chaldea that the idea of a real God was best preserved during the dark days in Palestine.

(1060.6) 96:7.6 In Palestine the wisdom and all-pervasiveness of God was often grasped but seldom his love and mercy. The Yahweh of these times “sends evil spirits to dominate the souls of his enemies”; he prospers his own and obedient children, while he curses and visits dire judgments upon all others. “He disappoints the devices of the crafty; he takes the wise in their own deceit.”

(1060.7) 96:7.7 Only at Ur did a voice arise to cry out the mercy of God, saying: “He shall pray to God and shall find favor with him and shall see his face with joy, for God will give to man divine righteousness.” Thus from Ur there is preached salvation, divine favor, by faith: “He is gracious to the repentant and says, ‘Deliver him from going down in the pit, for I have found a ransom.’ If any say, ‘I have sinned and perverted that which was right, and it profited me not,’ God will deliver his soul from going into the pit, and he shall see the light.” Not since the times of Melchizedek had the Levantine world heard such a ringing and cheering message of human salvation as this extraordinary teaching of Elihu, the prophet of Ur and priest of the Salem believers, that is, the remnant of the onetime Melchizedek colony in Mesopotamia.

(1061.1) 96:7.8 And thus did the remnants of the Salem missionaries in Mesopotamia maintain the light of truth during the period of the disorganization of the Hebrew peoples until the appearance of the first of that long line of the teachers of Israel who never stopped as they built, concept upon concept, until they had achieved the realization of the ideal of the Universal and Creator Father of all, the acme of the evolution of the Yahweh concept.

(1061.2) 96:7.9 [Presented by a Melchizedek of Nebadon.]
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Well-known member
* the UFO term is troll bait from an immature mind.
No, the real 'trolls' are the demon spirits which inspired the Urantia book. That's the Truth.
1) No, the bible books don't claim divine inspiration, that is a creation of the church used to establish controlling authority. The church has murdered hundreds of thousands of Gods children and retarded science and civilization using false heresy and blasphemy systems of contrived law. The bible books are a reflection of the beliefs of those who created them.
Hogwash. There is NO FACTS stated in The Holy Scriptures which have even ever been proven wrong. We started have WAY more women die from childbirth when a doctor read Leviticus and decided to start washing his hands between patients. It eventually led to sterile conditions in hospitals even before the microbe was discovered. The cleanliness laws stated there are what caused Jews in Europe to not be effected by the plague and led to Catholics hating them, since they suspected they were witches, since most Jews did not contract plague.
2) No, life was planted on the earth by the Life Carriers 550,000,000 years ago. Adam and Eve arrived on a populated earth 39,000 years ago. The 6 day creation is a legend from the fact that Adam and Eve spent the first 6 days surveying the garden prepared for them by Van and his followers.

I'm sorry, but that is really funny!
3) No, but while Noah really lived and saved his family from a large local flood, the Hebrew redactors in Babylon used the familiar legend to drown the whole world in its own wickedness because they were not able to trace their blood lines back to Adam. The 2 flood stories appear in a genealogical account.
The flood was necessary to wipe out a race of giant men spawned by Urantia-type demons. One day soon we'll have the same problem. Jesus will slay every one of them with His Word when He sets Foot on Mt. Olivet at His second coming.
4) No, Paul never dreamed that his simple letters of correspondence would be made equal to the words of Jesus.
The Holy Spirit, Who inspired him to write certainly revealed not only what to write but what would come of his writings. :duh:
7) Yes, the authors of the Bible weren't always correct in their assumptions.
Amen. They were perfect in their transcription of God's Word, though. That's all that matters. No human (except The God-Man Jesus) is perfect. We all have error, due to our fallen mind operating in a fallen world.


New member
* the UFO term is troll bait from an immature mind.

1) No, the bible books don't claim divine inspiration, that is a creation of the church used to establish controlling authority. The church has murdered hundreds of thousands of Gods children and retarded science and civilization using false heresy and blasphemy systems of contrived law. The bible books are a reflection of the beliefs of those who created them.

2) No, life was planted on the earth by the Life Carriers 550,000,000 years ago. Adam and Eve arrived on a populated earth 39,000 years ago. The 6 day creation is a legend from the fact that Adam and Eve spent the first 6 days surveying the garden prepared for them by Van and his followers.

3) No, but while Noah really lived and saved his family from a large local flood, the Hebrew redactors in Babylon used the familiar legend to drown the whole world in its own wickedness because they were not able to trace their blood lines back to Adam. The 2 flood stories appear in a genealogical account.

4) No, Paul never dreamed that his simple letters of correspondence would be made equal to the words of Jesus.

5) Yes! Jesus is God, he came down from heaven.

6) Sort of, Sodom and Gomorra was destroyed by natural means, a meteorite explosion. It was an immoral time for the region, but the ancients saw God in everything that happened.

7) Yes, the authors of the Bible weren't always correct in their assumptions.

1) The Bible DOES claim divine inspiration. I don't know if you've ever read the Bible, but it is full of "Thus saith the LORD." It says all scripture is God breathed.

Most of your other points are L Ron Hubbard nonsense so I'm not going to address them. The Xenu brought life here a half million years ago" and all that nonsense doesn't deserve my time.


1) The Bible DOES claim divine inspiration. I don't know if you've ever read the Bible, but it is full of "Thus saith the LORD." It says all scripture is God breathed.

Most of your other points are L Ron Hubbard nonsense so I'm not going to address them. The Xenu brought life here a half million years ago" and all that nonsense doesn't deserve my time.

News flash, when the author says "thus saith The Lord" it's the authors characterization, not The Lord. But all religious scripture written by holy men make the same claims of fetish authority.

I have already shown that you speak out of ignorance of the UB in that you haven't read it. So, we can see that you have the time to make troll post but no ability to defend your shallow accusations.


Well-known member
News flash, when the author says "thus saith The Lord" it's the authors characterization, not The Lord.
Actually, Jesus quoted God's Holy Word. He said God's Word is Truth. It still is. The fact is: only The Holy Bible has the opportunity to give you The Spirit of The Author by reading It and obeying It. He witnesses together with our spirit that His Word is Truth. He gives us what we need from it every day. He is The True Manna from Heaven. We eat His Flesh and drink His Blood. If we don't: we have NO LIFE in us.
I have already shown that you speak out of ignorance of the UB in that you haven't read it.
Those who work as tellers in banks NEVER study counterfeit money, either. They know the real thing. That's all they need to know to be able to recognize phony money when it's passed. Same goes for God's Word. Those who know His Word recognize counterfeit. We know The One True God. Why would we bow down to a false god that doesn't even exist. The UB is about Jebus, who is a demon, not a god. It has nothing to do with Truth. It isn't from God. It's from hell. It is leading you and others to hell. Repent!!!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
News flash, when the author says "thus saith The Lord" it's the authors characterization, not The Lord. But all religious scripture written by holy men make the same claims of fetish authority.

I have already shown that you speak out of ignorance of the UB in that you haven't read it. So, we can see that you have the time to make troll post but no ability to defend your shallow accusations.

You guys (Zeke, Caino, and Freelight) have become a 'parody' of


Eclectic Theosophist
earn your learning by sincere research......

earn your learning by sincere research......

You KNOW it's true, FL.

Beyond parodies.....'truth' is a matter of the soul's recognition of an inner light or principle that is consonant with the Spirit of God and one's own 'being'.

Better to be an honest seeker of truth, than a troll or religious bigot.

-----> * Here * <-----

Not going around the same ole mulberry bush, over and over and over and over and over. It accomplishes nothing, but a waste of time, unless one can profit by engaging a productive dialogue. That's the purpose of a discussion forum, in case you didn't know. I've thoroughly addressed you in numerous responses and extensive commentaries, amply provided to be most 'charitable' considering the space, time and effort I put into my writing. Those who value such information, or even just the creative dialogue and expansion of consciousness shared between two persons in a respectful manner....are usually more 'appreciative' and will endeavor to make the most out of a discussion.

The opportunity is here.



My religion, the gospel that I believe, this is what blaspheming fools claim to be "demonically inspired".....

Final Appearances and Ascension

(2052.1) 193:0.1 "THE sixteenth morontia manifestation of Jesus occurred on Friday, May 5, in the courtyard of Nicodemus, about nine o’clock at night. On this evening the Jerusalem believers had made their first attempt to get together since the resurrection. Assembled here at this time were the eleven apostles, the women’s corps and their associates, and about fifty other leading disciples of the Master, including a number of the Greeks. This company of believers had been visiting informally for more than half an hour when, suddenly, the morontia Master appeared in full view and immediately began to instruct them. Said Jesus:

(2052.2) 193:0.2 “Peace be upon you. This is the most representative group of believers — apostles and disciples, both men and women — to which I have appeared since the time of my deliverance from the flesh. I now call you to witness that I told you beforehand that my sojourn among you must come to an end; I told you that presently I must return to the Father. And then I plainly told you how the chief priests and the rulers of the Jews would deliver me up to be put to death, and that I would rise from the grave. Why, then, did you allow yourselves to become so disconcerted by all this when it came to pass? and why were you so surprised when I rose from the tomb on the third day? You failed to believe me because you heard my words without comprehending the meaning thereof.

(2052.3) 193:0.3 “And now you should give ear to my words lest you again make the mistake of hearing my teaching with the mind while in your hearts you fail to comprehend the meaning. From the beginning of my sojourn as one of you, I taught you that my one purpose was to reveal my Father in heaven to his children on earth. I have lived the God-revealing bestowal that you might experience the God-knowing career. I have revealed God as your Father in heaven; I have revealed you as the sons of God on earth. It is a fact that God loves you, his sons. By faith in my word this fact becomes an eternal and living truth in your hearts. When, by living faith, you become divinely God-conscious, you are then born of the spirit as children of light and life, even the eternal life wherewith you shall ascend the universe of universes and attain the experience of finding God the Father on Paradise.

(2052.4) 193:0.4 “I admonish you ever to remember that your mission among men is to proclaim the gospel of the kingdom — the reality of the fatherhood of God and the truth of the sonship of man. Proclaim the whole truth of the good news, not just a part of the saving gospel. Your message is not changed by my resurrection experience. Sonship with God, by faith, is still the saving truth of the gospel of the kingdom. You are to go forth preaching the love of God and the service of man. That which the world needs most to know is: Men are the sons of God, and through faith they can actually realize, and daily experience, this ennobling truth. My bestowal should help all men to know that they are the children of God, but such knowledge will not suffice if they fail personally to faith-grasp the saving truth that they are the living spirit sons of the eternal Father. The gospel of the kingdom is concerned with the love of the Father and the service of his children on earth.

(2053.1) 193:0.5 “Among yourselves, here, you share the knowledge that I have risen from the dead, but that is not strange. I have the power to lay down my life and to take it up again; the Father gives such power to his Paradise Sons. You should the rather be stirred in your hearts by the knowledge that the dead of an age entered upon the eternal ascent soon after I left Joseph’s new tomb. I lived my life in the flesh to show how you can, through loving service, become God-revealing to your fellow men even as, by loving you and serving you, I have become God-revealing to you. I have lived among you as the Son of Man that you, and all other men, might know that you are all indeed the sons of God. Therefore, go you now into all the world preaching this gospel of the kingdom of heaven to all men. Love all men as I have loved you; serve your fellow mortals as I have served you. Freely you have received, freely give. Only tarry here in Jerusalem while I go to the Father, and until I send you the Spirit of Truth. He shall lead you into the enlarged truth, and I will go with you into all the world. I am with you always, and my peace I leave with you.”

(2053.2) 193:0.6 When the Master had spoken to them, he vanished from their sight. It was near daybreak before these believers dispersed; all night they remained together, earnestly discussing the Master’s admonitions and contemplating all that had befallen them. James Zebedee and others of the apostles also told them of their experiences with the morontia Master in Galilee and recited how he had three times appeared to them." 1955 UB


Eclectic Theosophist
you got banned ?:patrol:

Hes referring to Caino that got banned. If I was banned, my name would be in 'red', with a caption 'banned', and I wouldn't be typing this to you :)

Did u get my note on how experimenting with your creativity in posts while playing in 'preview mode'?


patrick jane

Hes referring to Caino that got banned. If I was banned, my name would be in 'red', with a caption 'banned', and I wouldn't be typing this to you :)

Did u get my note on how experimenting with your creativity in posts while playing in 'preview mode'?


not yet. gotta go - bed. - :patrol:
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