The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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Eclectic Theosophist
we are not alone........

we are not alone........

No one knows about the UFOs yet.

All we have are matching testimonies.

the universe is too big for idiots to refuted against it .

Those interested in UFOs and exopolitics can research my Disclosure Project thread here (also in my signature links). Its focus is more on the politics of extraterrestrial contact, diplomacy, social interaction, government, etc. Its in the Politics section. A forthcoming new 'ET Theology' thread may come to replace my old one, focusing more on the religious-spiritual teachings revealed by extraterrestrial contacts and their messengers. In the tradition of my last one it will a liberal, eclectic and all-inclusive exploration/study.



Eclectic Theosophist
honesty in reading.......

honesty in reading.......

You didn't test the spirits

Indeed, we test the spirits behind a teaching and the spirit in which a teaching is being given. This includes the thought, feeling, intention, ethic, moral sense, inner meaning, principle, value being shared....what is being communicated. Thats what counts, no matter what terms, symbols, legends are being used.....we look thru the mythology of language and look to the soul or spirt of the word. A 'story' is used to 'communicate'.



Indeed, we test the spirits behind a teaching and the spirit in which a teaching is being given. This includes the thought, feeling, intention, ethic, moral sense, inner meaning, principle, value being shared....what is being communicated. Thats what counts, no matter what terms, symbols, legends are being used.....we look thru the mythology of language and look to the soul or spirt of the word. A 'story' is used to 'communicate'.


Those that Judge before testing are just scaried.

Scared lititle stupid dogs



New member
Then there are those who judge wrongly and make fairy tales into truth. It's really pretty sad, and I feel sorry for them.


Then there are those who judge wrongly and make fairy tales into truth. It's really pretty sad, and I feel sorry for them.

Like the two different Noah's ark stories, or the 6 day creation, or parting seas, pillars of salt, destroying the Canaanites, fire from the sky.......


Eclectic Theosophist
continue learning.........

continue learning.........

Like the two different Noah's ark stories, or the 6 day creation, or parting seas, pillars of salt, destroying the Canaanites, fire from the sky.......

Dont forget talking donkeys, unicorns, saints bursting out of their tombs, floating axes, urim and thummims, manna, walking on water, chariots of fire, etc. Then you have a host of interpretations and assumptions concerning the text to boot divided into hundreds of 'denominations'. Splendid.

At least the UB admits its using source material upon which it expands, with its limitations of language and that more dispensations of knowledge/truth will come in a future time because of progressive revelation.

This is one of the longest threads here....there is no exuse for anyone being ignorant about the UB with this thread existing from which to learn, so investigators can make a more informed decision about whether to accept or rejects parts or the whole...and still always...theres more to learn, correlate, connect and synthesize with the information.



New member
The urantia UFO cult denies the power of Almighty God and the truth of His Word. However, I wouldn't expect any more from someone so gullible to believe urantia nonsense.


The urantia UFO cult denies the power of Almighty God and the truth of His Word. However, I wouldn't expect any more from someone so gullible to believe urantia nonsense.

2. God’s Infinite Power

(46.5) 3:2.1 All the universes know that “the Lord God omnipotent reigns.” The affairs of this world and other worlds are divinely supervised. “He does according to his will in the army of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth.” It is eternally true, “there is no power but of God.”

(46.6) 3:2.2 Within the bounds of that which is consistent with the divine nature, it is literally true that “with God all things are possible.” The long-drawn-out evolutionary processes of peoples, planets, and universes are under the perfect control of the universe creators and administrators and unfold in accordance with the eternal purpose of the Universal Father, proceeding in harmony and order and in keeping with the all-wise plan of God. There is only one lawgiver. He upholds the worlds in space and swings the universes around the endless circle of the eternal circuit.

(47.1) 3:2.3 Of all the divine attributes, his omnipotence, especially as it prevails in the material universe, is the best understood. Viewed as an unspiritual phenomenon, God is energy. This declaration of physical fact is predicated on the incomprehensible truth that the First Source and Center is the primal cause of the universal physical phenomena of all space. From this divine activity all physical energy and other material manifestations are derived. Light, that is, light without heat, is another of the nonspiritual manifestations of the Deities. And there is still another form of nonspiritual energy which is virtually unknown on Urantia; it is as yet unrecognized.

(47.2) 3:2.4 God controls all power; he has made “a way for the lightning”; he has ordained the circuits of all energy. He has decreed the time and manner of the manifestation of all forms of energy-matter. And all these things are held forever in his everlasting grasp — in the gravitational control centering on nether Paradise. The light and energy of the eternal God thus swing on forever around his majestic circuit, the endless but orderly procession of the starry hosts composing the universe of universes. All creation circles eternally around the Paradise-Personality center of all things and beings.

(47.3) 3:2.5 The omnipotence of the Father pertains to the everywhere dominance of the absolute level, whereon the three energies, material, mindal, and spiritual, are indistinguishable in close proximity to him — the Source of all things. Creature mind, being neither Paradise monota nor Paradise spirit, is not directly responsive to the Universal Father. God adjusts with the mind of imperfection — with Urantia mortals through the Thought Adjusters.

(47.4) 3:2.6 The Universal Father is not a transient force, a shifting power, or a fluctuating energy. The power and wisdom of the Father are wholly adequate to cope with any and all universe exigencies. As the emergencies of human experience arise, he has foreseen them all, and therefore he does not react to the affairs of the universe in a detached way but rather in accordance with the dictates of eternal wisdom and in consonance with the mandates of infinite judgment. Regardless of appearances, the power of God is not functioning in the universe as a blind force.

(47.5) 3:2.7 Situations do arise in which it appears that emergency rulings have been made, that natural laws have been suspended, that misadaptations have been recognized, and that an effort is being made to rectify the situation; but such is not the case. Such concepts of God have their origin in the limited range of your viewpoint, in the finiteness of your comprehension, and in the circumscribed scope of your survey; such misunderstanding of God is due to the profound ignorance you enjoy regarding the existence of the higher laws of the realm, the magnitude of the Father’s character, the infinity of his attributes, and the fact of his free-willness.

(47.6) 3:2.8 The planetary creatures of God’s spirit indwelling, scattered hither and yon throughout the universes of space, are so nearly infinite in number and order, their intellects are so diverse, their minds are so limited and sometimes so gross, their vision is so curtailed and localized, that it is almost impossible to formulate generalizations of law adequately expressive of the Father’s infinite attributes and at the same time to any degree comprehensible to these created intelligences. Therefore, to you the creature, many of the acts of the all-powerful Creator seem to be arbitrary, detached, and not infrequently heartless and cruel. But again I assure you that this is not true. God’s doings are all purposeful, intelligent, wise, kind, and eternally considerate of the best good, not always of an individual being, an individual race, an individual planet, or even an individual universe; but they are for the welfare and best good of all concerned, from the lowest to the highest. In the epochs of time the welfare of the part may sometimes appear to differ from the welfare of the whole; in the circle of eternity such apparent differences are nonexistent.

(48.1) 3:2.9 We are all a part of the family of God, and we must therefore sometimes share in the family discipline. Many of the acts of God which so disturb and confuse us are the result of the decisions and final rulings of all-wisdom, empowering the Conjoint Actor to execute the choosing of the infallible will of the infinite mind, to enforce the decisions of the personality of perfection, whose survey, vision, and solicitude embrace the highest and eternal welfare of all his vast and far-flung creation.

(48.2) 3:2.10 Thus it is that your detached, sectional, finite, gross, and highly materialistic viewpoint and the limitations inherent in the nature of your being constitute such a handicap that you are unable to see, comprehend, or know the wisdom and kindness of many of the divine acts which to you seem fraught with such crushing cruelty, and which seem to be characterized by such utter indifference to the comfort and welfare, to the planetary happiness and personal prosperity, of your fellow creatures. It is because of the limits of human vision, it is because of your circumscribed understanding and finite comprehension, that you misunderstand the motives, and pervert the purposes, of God. But many things occur on the evolutionary worlds which are not the personal doings of the Universal Father.

(48.3) 3:2.11 The divine omnipotence is perfectly co-ordinated with the other attributes of the personality of God. The power of God is, ordinarily, only limited in its universe spiritual manifestation by three conditions or situations:

(48.4) 3:2.12 1. By the nature of God, especially by his infinite love, by truth, beauty, and goodness.

(48.5) 3:2.13 2. By the will of God, by his mercy ministry and fatherly relationship with the personalities of the universe.

(48.6) 3:2.14 3. By the law of God, by the righteousness and justice of the eternal Paradise Trinity.

(48.7) 3:2.15 God is unlimited in power, divine in nature, final in will, infinite in attributes, eternal in wisdom, and absolute in reality. But all these characteristics of the Universal Father are unified in Deity and universally expressed in the Paradise Trinity and in the divine Sons of the Trinity. Otherwise, outside of Paradise and the central universe of Havona, everything pertaining to God is limited by the evolutionary presence of the Supreme, conditioned by the eventuating presence of the Ultimate, and co-ordinated by the three existential Absolutes — Deity, Universal, and Unqualified. And God’s presence is thus limited because such is the will of God.​

Mark SeaSigh

Hey, Peter and Tink!!!

I brought you guys something to show you; just in case you didn't, or have not seen it:


What about that Elongated Skull?

Ever seen that Before?

It's real as rocks and water.

What do you make of this?


For an interesting creationist's point of view of the Elongated Skull, see;



Hey, Peter and Tink!!!

I brought you guys something to show you; just in case you didn't, or have not seen it:


What about that Elongated Skull?

Ever seen that Before?

It's real as rocks and water.

What do you make of this?


For an interesting creationist's point of view of the Elongated Skull, see;


1. Adam and Eve on Jerusem

(828.2) 74:1.1 The Planetary Adam and Eve of Urantia were members of the senior corps of Material Sons on Jerusem, being jointly number 14,311. They belonged to the third physical series and were a little more than eight feet in height.

(828.3) 74:1.2 At the time Adam was chosen to come to Urantia, he was employed, with his mate, in the trial-and-testing physical laboratories of Jerusem. For more than fifteen thousand years they had been directors of the division of experimental energy as applied to the modification of living forms. Long before this they had been teachers in the citizenship schools for new arrivals on Jerusem. And all this should be borne in mind in connection with the narration of their subsequent conduct on Urantia.

(828.4) 74:1.3 When the proclamation was issued calling for volunteers for the mission of Adamic adventure on Urantia, the entire senior corps of Material Sons and Daughters volunteered. The Melchizedek examiners, with the approval of Lanaforge and the Most Highs of Edentia, finally selected the Adam and Eve who subsequently came to function as the biologic uplifters of Urantia.

(828.5) 74:1.4 Adam and Eve had remained loyal to Michael during the Lucifer rebellion; nevertheless, the pair were called before the System Sovereign and his entire cabinet for examination and instruction. The details of Urantia affairs were fully presented; they were exhaustively instructed as to the plans to be pursued in accepting the responsibilities of rulership on such a strife-torn world. They were put under joint oaths of allegiance to the Most Highs of Edentia and to Michael of Salvington. And they were duly advised to regard themselves as subject to the Urantia corps of Melchizedek receivers until that governing body should see fit to relinquish rule on the world of their assignment.

(829.1) 74:1.5 This Jerusem pair left behind them on the capital of Satania and elsewhere, one hundred offspring — fifty sons and fifty daughters — magnificent creatures who had escaped the pitfalls of progression, and who were all in commission as faithful stewards of universe trust at the time of their parents’ departure for Urantia. And they were all present in the beautiful temple of the Material Sons attendant upon the farewell exercises associated with the last ceremonies of the bestowal acceptance. These children accompanied their parents to the dematerialization headquarters of their order and were the last to bid them farewell and divine speed as they fell asleep in the personality lapse of consciousness which precedes the preparation for seraphic transport. The children spent some time together at the family rendezvous rejoicing that their parents were soon to become the visible heads, in reality the sole rulers, of planet 606 in the system of Satania.

(829.2) 74:1.6 And thus did Adam and Eve leave Jerusem amidst the acclaim and well-wishing of its citizens. They went forth to their new responsibilities adequately equipped and fully instructed concerning every duty and danger to be encountered on Urantia.​

Mark SeaSigh

So, you Were already aware of that Find in Peru, then?

Well, can't impress them all.

Oh well.

: D I hope you liked it anyway, Piano.



Eclectic Theosophist
Not a UFO cult,...only 'assumed'..........

Not a UFO cult,...only 'assumed'..........

The urantia UFO cult denies the power of Almighty God and the truth of His Word. However, I wouldn't expect any more from someone so gullible to believe urantia nonsense.

Refuted here, many times over.



Eclectic Theosophist
humans, hybrids, giants and ETs.......

humans, hybrids, giants and ETs.......

Hey, Peter and Tink!!!

I brought you guys something to show you; just in case you didn't, or have not seen it:


Reminds me of the star child skull here, as far as being an anomaly. It appears only a few of these odd skulls/skeletons are found, so doesn't seem like much evidence for a whole race or tribe of such creatures/humans existing, unless such is probable. The skull/mummy you shared, ...would need to research more.

As far as giants go, this is a fascinating field of study, some claim that giant skulls and skeletons have been found, see some photos online, but are these authentic? - and would museums and the scientific community want to share such findings or hide them from the general public? The UB shares much about 'eugenics', how Adam and Eve came down to Urantia (earth) to serve as 'biologic uplifters' to the race, so it is true according to the papers that sons of God came down (angelic descent and merging dna) and inter-bred with man, to sow a more pure advanced genetic stream into the human bloodline, and this affected the different racial lines, various families identified by various colours; - the violet, blue, red, yellow races, etc. - I've not delved too deep into the papers on this particular subject, so its not my forte' at the moment.

Truly 'God' is the creative spirit-energy and intelligence behind creation, but He uses various Creator-Sons and their associative angelic ministers to assist in the transportation and implementation of life, among the various inhabitable worlds in space. An order of being called 'Life-carriers' are very instrumental in this process, at least in the primal initial stages of initiating the most simple life-forms/cells from which all other life forms evolve.

Now if we could find more than one actual human/giant/ET skeleton/skull, and find a consistent kind of particular species, THAT would be amazing. So far however, as far as human lineage is concerned, man's evolution, this is a hot topic for some, whether the physical body of man did evolve from primates (lemurs, etc.), or that 'God' supernaturally created him in one 'moment', or that sons of God come down and assist in the 'biologic upliftment' of evolving planets, as a matter of creative protocol, for all inhabited worlds, etc. I've usually held to a form of 'theistic evolution', which the papers concur with, more or less.



New member
Do the urantia UFO cult members believe:

1 - That the Holy Bible is God's Word - inspired by Him and true?

2 - That the Creation account in Genesis is accurate?

3 - That the story of Noah is true and accurate?

4 - That the writings of the Apostle Paul are inspired by God and true?

5 - That Jesus Christ is God, One with God the Father and God the Holy Spirit?

6 - That Genesis 19:26 is true?

7 - That only portions of the Holy Bible that agree with the urantia book are true?


New member
The urantia book is NOT the standard for truth in anything - not a single thing. The Holy Bible is God's Word, and the Holy Bible is the standard for truth. The urantia book disagrees with the Holy Bible in almost countless ways, not to mention the made-up information in the urantia book. The urantia book is nothing more than fiction and does not represent a progressive revelation from God. In short, the urantia book is CULT material used by the urantia UFO CULT. It should not be taken seriously on a single thing.
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