The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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Eclectic Theosophist
'earning' your 'learning'......

'earning' your 'learning'......

Talk to Caino, Freelight, or Zeke if you're interested in getting
involved with a Sci-Fi sort of cultish, Twilight Zone, kind of
rubbish? Frankly, I find it boring!

Truth is truth wherever it is found, within any book that provides the conceptual frames, language and symbology in which to reference and relate it. This is something you might to do well to recognize, instead of hanging onto a golden calf, which only temporarily gives the religious ego a sense of 'security' or 'orthodoxy'. Again the opportunity in every dialogue is yours to research the truth within any given situation, and also be 'creative' while your doing it.

Franky, I find believing in an antiquated, wrathful, capricious, mighty man of war 'god' who commands genocide, gives his tribal clan a list of 613 laws, among other extravagances, not only 'boring' but rather insane. Couple that with lots of fantastic, miraculous stories, supernatural events and mythological embellishments, and sure, you have what is universally acclaimed to be a "best seller". To find out that much of it may be 'religious fiction' and 'embellishments' could deal a harsh blow to the religious ego. But if you're serious about 'truth', you're willing to investigate to discover for yourself.

The Bible by no means has a monopoly on 'truth', as if you could ever prove such, since other cultures and schools have also their ample share of 'scriptures', whose universal wisdom is available to all, shared within their own unique terms, meanings and cultural-context. The entire cosmos is a universal school, a vast university with many classes, subjects and specialties. If you think your concept of 'God' or religious CULT is the only true one further sanctioned by your 'version' of 'God', then you'll have a great surprise awaiting you, once your willing to drop those assumptions and LEARN. You were interesting in 'learning', no? You see, a closed mind cannot learn,...a stubborn and presumptuous attitude...hardly.



Well-known member
Having a closed mind to The Word of God is far worse than having a closed mind to everything that is NOT anything like God.


Eclectic Theosophist
tuff toots.......

tuff toots.......

Having a closed mind to The Word of God is far worse than having a closed mind to everything that is NOT anything like God.

All you have is a false caricature straw man you're attacking with a slew of red herrings, as far as your knowledge of the 'God' revealed in the papers goes. If you want a foundation of the nature and character of 'God' in the UB, read at least the first 5 papers, to give you a proper grounding in the fundamentals....otherwise you're just blowing hot air.



Well-known member
No, if other writings actually agreed with Scripture, they would be in agreement with the most important part of those Scriptures: The Blood of The Lamb.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Truth is truth wherever it is found, within any book that provides the conceptual frames, language and symbology in which to reference and relate it. This is something you might to do well to recognize, instead of hanging onto a golden calf, which only temporarily gives the religious ego a sense of 'security' or 'orthodoxy'. Again the opportunity in every dialogue is yours to research the truth within any given situation, and also be 'creative' while your doing it.

Franky, I find believing in an antiquated, wrathful, capricious, mighty man of war 'god' who commands genocide, gives his tribal clan a list of 613 laws, among other extravagances, not only 'boring' but rather insane. Couple that with lots of fantastic, miraculous stories, supernatural events and mythological embellishments, and sure, you have what is universally acclaimed to be a "best seller". To find out that much of it may be 'religious fiction' and 'embellishments' could deal a harsh blow to the religious ego. But if you're serious about 'truth', you're willing to investigate to discover for yourself.

The Bible by no means has a monopoly on 'truth', as if you could ever prove such, since other cultures and schools have also their ample share of 'scriptures', whose universal wisdom is available to all, shared within their own unique terms, meanings and cultural-context. The entire cosmos is a universal school, a vast university with many classes, subjects and specialties. If you think your concept of 'God' or religious CULT is the only true one further sanctioned by your 'version' of 'God', then you'll have a great surprise awaiting you, once your willing to drop those assumptions and LEARN. You were interesting in 'learning', no? You see, a closed mind cannot learn,...a stubborn and presumptuous attitude...hardly.


You post copious amounts of words that, I can't get myself to read!
Hopefully, you think you're speaking to "other observant's" and not
just old GM? If your words are only meant for me then, you're just
wasting your time! Basically, you say the same things over and over
again. So, I need not bother reading your posts! You actually believe
I'll increase my IQ, by feasting on the "Urantia Book" and all of its
magnificence? Think again? I've read enough of it to realize that it;
adds to the "inspired word of God." (The Bible) Although,
nothing about the "Urantia Book" is inspired by God! It's just a
bunch of imaginative, "Scientology type of, waste material!"

Its been referred to, as a, "UFO Cult" in the Internet! In my opinion,
it's a close relative of Scientology, which you, Caino, and Zeke the
Freak, will deny! So, ramble on, you'd make L. Ron Hubbard proud!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Here first.

As far as 'programming' goes, you ought to look into your own 'belief-system', and see how much 'programming' is involved there. Better yet, are you courageous enough to continually research and question your present beliefs, opinions, the event that more light, revelation or truth is available to change or modify your present conclusions? If not, you are in no position to learn, progress or receive anything beyond your 'mental box', and that is no better than a 'golden calf' because its given a false sense of value, which can never hold as a finality of truth, since 'revelation' is 'progressive. A finite mind can barely wrap itself around infinity, much less comprehend in full what is beyond it.

How bout a more important subject that the UB expounds on, like doing the will of God?

The chief motiviation of life itself, as inspired by the divine spirit in man, is to do and fulfill the will of God (love). This message is fundamental and consistent in the papers. Such truths shared therein far outweigh your brash attempts at ridicule and false equivocations. You might do well to recognize and appreciate such truths.


I already told you, I don't read your posts! I'm just here to
ridicule you! For obvious reasons.

Mark SeaSigh

Hey, M8!

What is this Horrendous Heap of Steaming Extra-Biblical Non-Sense?!!

Thanks, Casino!


I just Read the OP; and, This Religion could make a Mormon Uncomfortable.

This is all just a Result of;

Old Merkabahlistic Teachings; that's right, they win again, for Most Direct and Obvious Lies about the Biblical Work.
Those lies got passed down to the RCC, and now we have: Symbolism, Geometries, and Extra-Biblical Spirituality; all over the TV.
What's Worst; Is I have to see it when I watch TV.


Hey, M8!

What is this Horrendous Heap of Steaming Extra-Biblical Non-Sense?!!

Thanks, Casino!


I just Read the OP; and, This Religion could make a Mormon Uncomfortable.

This is all just a Result of;

Old Merkabahlistic Teachings; that's right, they win again, for Most Direct and Obvious Lies about the Biblical Work.
Those lies got passed down to the RCC, and now we have: Symbolism, Geometries, and Extra-Biblical Spirituality; all over the TV.
What's Worst; Is I have to see it when I watch TV.

Oh boy, the circus must be in town! :juggle:


All you have is a false caricature straw man you're attacking with a slew of red herrings, as far as your knowledge of the 'God' revealed in the papers goes. If you want a foundation of the nature and character of 'God' in the UB, read at least the first 5 papers, to give you a proper grounding in the fundamentals....otherwise you're just blowing hot air.


The Son of God is The Word, but the church made the books of men the Word.


Before Jesus began his public work he traveled extensively in various capacities. On a year long caravan trip to Rome and back through Persia Jesus stopped at Corinth. This is a recital of some of the interesting events that occurred there when Jesus was 29 years old.

At Corinth

(1471.5) 133:3.1 By the time they reached Corinth, Ganid was becoming very much interested in the Jewish religion, and so it was not strange that, one day as they passed the synagogue and saw the people going in, he requested Jesus to take him to the service. That day they heard a learned rabbi discourse on the “Destiny of Israel,” and after the service they met one Crispus, the chief ruler of this synagogue. Many times they went back to the synagogue services, but chiefly to meet Crispus. Ganid grew to be very fond of Crispus, his wife, and their family of five children. He much enjoyed observing how a Jew conducted his family life.

(1472.1) 133:3.2 While Ganid studied family life, Jesus was teaching Crispus the better ways of religious living. Jesus held more than twenty sessions with this forward-looking Jew; and it is not surprising, years afterward, when Paul was preaching in this very synagogue, and when the Jews had rejected his message and had voted to forbid his further preaching in the synagogue, and when he then went to the gentiles, that Crispus with his entire family embraced the new religion, and that he became one of the chief supports of the Christian church which Paul subsequently organized at Corinth.

(1472.2) 133:3.3 During the eighteen months Paul preached in Corinth, being later joined by Silas and Timothy, he met many others who had been taught by the “Jewish tutor of the son of an Indian merchant.”

(1472.3) 133:3.4 At Corinth they met people of every race hailing from three continents. Next to Alexandria and Rome, it was the most cosmopolitan city of the Mediterranean empire. There was much to attract one’s attention in this city, and Ganid never grew weary of visiting the citadel which stood almost two thousand feet above the sea. He also spent a great deal of his spare time about the synagogue and in the home of Crispus. He was at first shocked, and later on charmed, by the status of woman in the Jewish home; it was a revelation to this young Indian.

(1472.4) 133:3.5 Jesus and Ganid were often guests in another Jewish home, that of Justus, a devout merchant, who lived alongside the synagogue. And many times, subsequently, when the Apostle Paul sojourned in this home, did he listen to the recounting of these visits with the Indian lad and his Jewish tutor, while both Paul and Justus wondered whatever became of such a wise and brilliant Hebrew teacher.

(1472.5) 133:3.6 When in Rome, Ganid observed that Jesus refused to accompany them to the public baths. Several times afterward the young man sought to induce Jesus further to express himself in regard to the relations of the sexes. Though he would answer the lad’s questions, he never seemed disposed to discuss these subjects at great length. One evening as they strolled about Corinth out near where the wall of the citadel ran down to the sea, they were accosted by two public women. Ganid had imbibed the idea, and rightly, that Jesus was a man of high ideals, and that he abhorred everything which partook of uncleanness or savored of evil; accordingly he spoke sharply to these women and rudely motioned them away. When Jesus saw this, he said to Ganid: “You mean well, but you should not presume thus to speak to the children of God, even though they chance to be his erring children. Who are we that we should sit in judgment on these women? Do you happen to know all of the circumstances which led them to resort to such methods of obtaining a livelihood? Stop here with me while we talk about these matters.” The courtesans were astonished at what he said even more than was Ganid.

(1472.6) 133:3.7 As they stood there in the moonlight, Jesus went on to say: “There lives within every human mind a divine spirit, the gift of the Father in heaven. This good spirit ever strives to lead us to God, to help us to find God and to know God; but also within mortals there are many natural physical tendencies which the Creator put there to serve the well-being of the individual and the race. Now, oftentimes, men and women become confused in their efforts to understand themselves and to grapple with the manifold difficulties of making a living in a world so largely dominated by selfishness and sin. I perceive, Ganid, that neither of these women is willfully wicked. I can tell by their faces that they have experienced much sorrow; they have suffered much at the hands of an apparently cruel fate; they have not intentionally chosen this sort of life; they have, in discouragement bordering on despair, surrendered to the pressure of the hour and accepted this distasteful means of obtaining a livelihood as the best way out of a situation that to them appeared hopeless. Ganid, some people are really wicked at heart; they deliberately choose to do mean things, but, tell me, as you look into these now tear-stained faces, do you see anything bad or wicked?” And as Jesus paused for his reply, Ganid’s voice choked up as he stammered out his answer: “No, Teacher, I do not. And I apologize for my rudeness to them — I crave their forgiveness.” Then said Jesus: “And I bespeak for them that they have forgiven you as I speak for my Father in heaven that he has forgiven them. Now all of you come with me to a friend’s house where we will seek refreshment and plan for the new and better life ahead.” Up to this time the amazed women had not uttered a word; they looked at each other and silently followed as the men led the way.

(1473.1) 133:3.8 Imagine the surprise of Justus’ wife when, at this late hour, Jesus appeared with Ganid and these two strangers, saying: “You will forgive us for coming at this hour, but Ganid and I desire a bite to eat, and we would share it with these our new-found friends, who are also in need of nourishment; and besides all this, we come to you with the thought that you will be interested in counseling with us as to the best way to help these women get a new start in life. They can tell you their story, but I surmise they have had much trouble, and their very presence here in your house testifies how earnestly they crave to know good people, and how willingly they will embrace the opportunity to show all the world — and even the angels of heaven — what brave and noble women they can become.”

(1473.2) 133:3.9 When Martha, Justus’ wife, had spread the food on the table, Jesus, taking unexpected leave of them, said: “As it is getting late, and since the young man’s father will be awaiting us, we pray to be excused while we leave you here together — three women — the beloved children of the Most High. And I will pray for your spiritual guidance while you make plans for a new and better life on earth and eternal life in the great beyond.”

(1473.3) 133:3.10 Thus did Jesus and Ganid take leave of the women. So far the two courtesans had said nothing; likewise was Ganid speechless. And for a few moments so was Martha, but presently she rose to the occasion and did everything for these strangers that Jesus had hoped for. The elder of these two women died a short time thereafter, with bright hopes of eternal survival, and the younger woman worked at Justus’ place of business and later became a lifelong member of the first Christian church in Corinth.

(1473.4) 133:3.11 Several times in the home of Crispus, Jesus and Ganid met one Gaius, who subsequently became a loyal supporter of Paul. During these two months in Corinth they held intimate conversations with scores of worth-while individuals, and as a result of all these apparently casual contacts more than half of the individuals so affected became members of the subsequent Christian community.

(1473.5) 133:3.12 When Paul first went to Corinth, he had not intended to make a prolonged visit. But he did not know how well the Jewish tutor had prepared the way for his labors. And further, he discovered that great interest had already been aroused by Aquila and Priscilla, Aquila being one of the Cynics with whom Jesus had come in contact when in Rome. This couple were Jewish refugees from Rome, and they quickly embraced Paul’s teachings. He lived with them and worked with them, for they were also tentmakers. It was because of these circumstances that Paul prolonged his stay in Corinth. UB 1955


Jesus of the UB:

P1931:5, 178:1.14 "You are not to be passive mystics or colorless ascetics; you should not become dreamers and drifters, supinely trusting in a fictitious Providence to provide even the necessities of life. You are indeed to be gentle in your dealings with erring mortals, patient in your intercourse with ignorant men, and forbearing under provocation; but you are also to be valiant in defense of righteousness, mighty in the promulgation of truth, and aggressive in the preaching of this gospel of the kingdom, even to the ends of the earth."

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Freelight, GM just finds your opinions, theories, fantasy belief
system, and Scientology type of "religion" one gigantic fraud!
That's all! No need for you to get so upset? Try to control your
emotions a little bit better? You seem to be on the brink of
"Hysteria?" Your "UFO Cult" just doesn't jive well on a Christian
type forum! Why not search for a "Multi-Cultish sight?" I believe
you, Caino, and Zeke would really 'flourish' on such a forum?


Eclectic Theosophist
trap and skeet.......

trap and skeet.......

Hey, M8!

What is this Horrendous Heap of Steaming Extra-Biblical Non-Sense?!!

Thanks, Casino!


I just Read the OP; and, This Religion could make a Mormon Uncomfortable.

This is all just a Result of;

Old Merkabahlistic Teachings; that's right, they win again, for Most Direct and Obvious Lies about the Biblical Work.
Those lies got passed down to the RCC, and now we have: Symbolism, Geometries, and Extra-Biblical Spirituality; all over the TV.
What's Worst; Is I have to see it when I watch TV.

You're all over map here; going shotgun? The UB has nothing to do with 'witchcraft' if you're drawing some kind of correlation there, neither does it have to do with the 'kaballah', which have a thread on that already here. Those of us who have studied occult teachings and various esoteric schools of wisdom, know better :) - opinions vary, but we'll let the masters speak on that.

More of my views on witchcraft, especially after the 'wicca' tradition here. While caution and spiritual discernment is always recommended, one can also wrongly demonize anything that doesn't tickle one's spiritual fancy or religious preferences, add onto that a whole host of assumptions.

TV eh? well, there are some good programs and channels out there, but not sure what particular networks or programs you're referring to,....shall we play 'pin the tail on the donkey'? If you're here and want to engage an actual discussion on the Urantia Papers, you're welcome to, provided you educate yourself about it by reading the thread and resource links provided. The first 5 papers are essential on the nature/character of 'God'.



Eclectic Theosophist
Freelight, GM just finds your opinions, theories, fantasy belief
system, and Scientology type of "religion" one gigantic fraud!
That's all! No need for you to get so upset? Try to control your
emotions a little bit better? You seem to be on the brink of
"Hysteria?" Your "UFO Cult" just doesn't jive well on a Christian
type forum! Why not search for a "Multi-Cultish sight?" I believe
you, Caino, and Zeke would really 'flourish' on such a forum?




Eclectic Theosophist
No greater Love...............

No greater Love...............

Before Jesus began his public work he traveled extensively in various capacities. On a year long caravan trip to Rome and back through Persia Jesus stopped at Corinth. This is a recital of some of the interesting events that occurred there when Jesus was 29 years old.

At Corinth

(1472.5) 133:3.6 When in Rome, Ganid observed that Jesus refused to accompany them to the public baths. Several times afterward the young man sought to induce Jesus further to express himself in regard to the relations of the sexes. Though he would answer the lad’s questions, he never seemed disposed to discuss these subjects at great length. One evening as they strolled about Corinth out near where the wall of the citadel ran down to the sea, they were accosted by two public women. Ganid had imbibed the idea, and rightly, that Jesus was a man of high ideals, and that he abhorred everything which partook of uncleanness or savored of evil; accordingly he spoke sharply to these women and rudely motioned them away. When Jesus saw this, he said to Ganid: “You mean well, but you should not presume thus to speak to the children of God, even though they chance to be his erring children. Who are we that we should sit in judgment on these women? Do you happen to know all of the circumstances which led them to resort to such methods of obtaining a livelihood? Stop here with me while we talk about these matters.” The courtesans were astonished at what he said even more than was Ganid.

(1472.6) 133:3.7 As they stood there in the moonlight, Jesus went on to say: “There lives within every human mind a divine spirit, the gift of the Father in heaven. This good spirit ever strives to lead us to God, to help us to find God and to know God; but also within mortals there are many natural physical tendencies which the Creator put there to serve the well-being of the individual and the race. Now, oftentimes, men and women become confused in their efforts to understand themselves and to grapple with the manifold difficulties of making a living in a world so largely dominated by selfishness and sin. I perceive, Ganid, that neither of these women is willfully wicked. I can tell by their faces that they have experienced much sorrow; they have suffered much at the hands of an apparently cruel fate; they have not intentionally chosen this sort of life; they have, in discouragement bordering on despair, surrendered to the pressure of the hour and accepted this distasteful means of obtaining a livelihood as the best way out of a situation that to them appeared hopeless. Ganid, some people are really wicked at heart; they deliberately choose to do mean things, but, tell me, as you look into these now tear-stained faces, do you see anything bad or wicked?” And as Jesus paused for his reply, Ganid’s voice choked up as he stammered out his answer: “No, Teacher, I do not. And I apologize for my rudeness to them — I crave their forgiveness.” Then said Jesus: “And I bespeak for them that they have forgiven you as I speak for my Father in heaven that he has forgiven them. Now all of you come with me to a friend’s house where we will seek refreshment and plan for the new and better life ahead.”

What Jesus says above about the 2 wayward women is most beautiful, reflecting the Father's love for everyone of his children, with the highest hopes of progress and immortality for everyone. It also shows a deep compassion to know that in each life there is a story and many experiences which affect our choices and those paths and circumstances which we find ourselves in. No matter, like prodigal children, the Father ever awaits for their return. The divine love and will ever avails to call us back home.

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