The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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TOL Subscriber
Certainly smells like bigot, sounds like bigots, acts like bigots, classless like bigots, why Archie Bunker lives on under the banner of christian, what a joke these clown are compared to the real deal, they think they are defending something but their doing more harm than good, carry on Archie your doing this thread more good than harm..Oh look what is that? why it's the south end of a north bound donkey with a PPS brand.

You need to pull out the stops, even if it means being more vulgar. You're funnier than that. That was SO lame. Step it up. I know you can. Fire up that ever-driven ego and give us some guffaw material. That was a yawn because there was venom and vitriol. Let it go.



New member
Instead of looking for demonic activity in others, you ought to
spend time reading/studying what Paul has to say about the
"Dispensation of Grace!" We first, hear the word of our salvation,
then, we must place our faith in Christ as our Lord and Savior,
then, we are indwelt/sealed by the Holy Spirit and positioned
into the "Body of Christ!"

Amen! - Good post. Welcome back Brother.


Literal lunatic
How do you know what is God's word and how can you prove its limited to any one collection of writings?

Jesus said search the scriptures, the last ones were written some 2,000 years ago.

Simple as that.

Remember the talk with Nathaniel here ?

Like I already told you, deal with the first two lies I exposed according to scripture.

Another assertion from the same source has no bearing.


Eclectic Theosophist
Jesus said search the scriptures, the last ones were written some 2,000 years ago.

Simple as that.

Like I already told you, deal with the first two lies I exposed according to scripture.

Another assertion from the same source has no bearing.

Link? It helps .......don't recall your reference.



Well-known member
You need :help: time to check into a ego twelve step program your losing what little composer you had. Don't you have some fellow literal blood bought christians to go belittle? Oh I forgot they can't stand you either.

Actually we each have our gift. His seems to be stepping on your little demon toes. :chuckle:


Literal lunatic
"God could be great and absolute, somehow even intelligent and personal, in philosophy, but in religion God must also be moral; he must be good. Man might fear a great God, but he trusts and loves only a good God. This goodness of God is a part of the personality of God, and its full revelation appears only in the personal religious experience of the believing sons of God."


Proverbs 9

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,
and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
11 For through wisdom your days will be many,
and years will be added to your life.
12 If you are wise, your wisdom will reward you;
if you are a mocker, you alone will suffer.

Your Satan God if a figment of your imagination.

The urantia book is the mocker. :duh:


Well-known member
Instead of looking for demonic activity in others, you ought to
spend time reading/studying what Paul has to say about the
"Dispensation of Grace!" We first, hear the word of our salvation,
then, we must place our faith in Christ as our Lord and Savior,
then, we are indwelt/sealed by the Holy Spirit and positioned
into the "Body of Christ!"

He ought to, but I don't think he's interested in the gospel of grace. It's simply too good to be true for most citizens of this world.


Well-known member
You need to pull out the stops, even if it means being more vulgar. You're funnier than that. That was SO lame. Step it up. I know you can. Fire up that ever-driven ego and give us some guffaw material. That was a yawn because there was venom and vitriol. Let it go.


Still headed north hot shot? lots of smoke but no fire PPS.


Well-known member
Actually we each have our gift. His seems to be stepping on your little demon toes. :chuckle:

No I am just playing the same game he is, it amounts to nothing but ego based BS, I don't take him serious nor the theology you both have been programed to spout. Been their done that.


TOL Subscriber
Still headed north hot shot? lots of smoke but no fire PPS.

You're gonna need to step up the comedy and humor. It really has to be television quality to compensate for your self-god delusion schtuff.

Come on.... Dig deep. You're the court jester up in h'yar. Get to it, tumble toes.

We're all waiting for some real entertainment. Freelight's just a kook spouting bare assertion of every ancient and modern form of occultic drivelous spewage. Caino, his queen, is on a 5-year mission to seek out new life and new civilizations in his vast sub-conscious.

We need more court jester (which is sorta like more cowbell, only way weirder).

Come on widdit, leprechan man. Do your dancing dwarf or sumptink.


TOL Subscriber
No I am just playing the same game he is, it amounts to nothing but ego based BS, I don't take him serious nor the theology you both have been programed to spout. Been their done that.

Amazing you should talk about programming, you programmed program. LOL.

I haven't been programmed by the mainstream. I unplugged over 16 years ago.

And you don't even know how to get clear of your legal name and still "straddle" the system without vulnerability or compromise. You're nowhere near "out" yet. Beast.

:bowser: (Beast)


Well-known member
You're gonna need to step up the comedy and humor. It really has to be television quality to compensate of your self-god delusion.

Come on.... Dig deep. You're the court jester up in h'yar. Get to it, tumble toes.

We're all waiting for some real entertainment. Freelight's just a kook spouting bare assertion of every ancient and modern form of occultic drivelous spewage. Caino, his queen, is on a 5-year mission to seek out new life and new civilizations in his vast sub-conscious.

We need more court jester (which is sorta like more cowbell, only way weirder).

Come on widdit, leprechan man. Do your dancing dwarf or sumptink.

Were all waiting for some contextual information instead of side stepping things by playing spin doctor, well we won't hold our breath for that , seeing all you can do is show what kind of christian not to be.
But I wouldn't expect any thing else from a phony and fraud who uses ID, and lies to prisoners about a love you have never experienced your self, sad little man you are PPS.


Well-known member
Amazing you should talk about programming, you programmed program. LOL.

I haven't been programmed by the mainstream. I unplugged over 16 years ago.

And you don't even know how to get clear of your legal name and still "straddle" the system without vulnerability or compromise. You're nowhere near "out" yet. Beast.

:bowser: (Beast)

Haven't had any ID or License for four years so you haven't a clue about what I do or don't do. I want that prison name so I can find out if you use ID, if you do then your a fake and fraud.


TOL Subscriber
Were all waiting for some contextual information instead of side stepping things by playing spin doctor, well we won't hold our breath for that , seeing all you can do is show what kind of christian not to be.
But I wouldn't expect any thing else from a phony and fraud who uses ID, and lies to prisoners about a love you have never experienced your self, sad little man you are PPS.

No, no, no. You're supposed to be entertaining us all with humor and sarcasm. And a little self-deprecation would be good to join in the fun.

No more of this droll snore-fest of trying to be serious. You're the stinkin' court jester, bell-britches. Do the hokey pokey and turn yourself around or sumptink. We need you to do a wittle god dance, you divine you, you.

Go, gawd, go. Jest it up, z-man... z-meister... z-amundo. Zekeficationerifficus. Gawd George Neffertiti. Bid us. We await the divine command of thine hand. (Go back and listen to that in yer mind in slow-mo with the bass turned up.)

Sing us a song, gawd. Sing unto thineselfness. "I praise me, the Zekeness. I worship at my feet of mine presence with presents."

Something like that. We need an encore for an encore.

You're up. Let's hear it. Make it roar. Big smile.

BIIIIIIIIIG smile. :dizzy:


Well-known member
No, no, no. You're supposed to be entertaining us all with humor and sarcasm. And a little self-deprecation would be good to join in the fun.

No more of this droll snore-fest of trying to be serious. You're the stinkin' court jester, bell-britches. Do the hokey pokey and turn yourself around or sumptink. We need you to do a wittle god dance, you divine you, you.

Go, gawd, go. Jest it up, z-man... z-meister... z-amundo. Zekeficationerifficus. Gawd George Neffertiti. Bid us. We await the divine command of thine hand. (Go back and listen to that in yer mind in slow-mo with the bass turned up.)

Sing us a song, gawd. Sing unto thineselfness. "I praise me, the Zekeness. I worship at my feet if mine presence with presents."

Something like that. We need an encore for an encore.

You're up. Let's hear it. Make it roar. Big smile.

BIIIIIIIIIG smile. :dizzy:

How about that ID there phony little man? lots of Rambo puffing but all's well here at the Zeke ranch, that spiritual power you claim to have is pretty limp, must be hard sleeping knowing your a hypocrite and a fake christian, pretty sad little man PPS.


TOL Subscriber
Haven't had any ID or License for four years so you haven't a clue about what I do or don't do. I want that prison name so I can find out if you use ID, if you do then your a fake and fraud.

Four years? Novice. Newbie. Add a decade and then we'll talk. And others put me in the shade. I know several who have gone 40 years off-grid already.

I'll not disclose the methods to "straddle" the system without ID. You're on your own to "wakey, wakey". You're still comatose.

You're not even far enough along to be a fraud, so I can't return the favor of calling you one.

Tell me about your Birth Certificate Bond. What's its status?

Ruh-roh, Raggy. Owned by the Military Industrial Complex. That's yer plight.

I'll be waiting. Out here. Out. Here.

You're not extracted. Not even close. Better than most, though. But most know nothing, so..........

Have you "exhausted administrative procedure" in all areas? No.


Well-known member
Have any thing contextual about the thread? maybe you should try the I am wonderful ploy again for awhile, the Rambo thing is over your ability most likely.


Well-known member
Four years? Novice. Newbie. Add a decade and then we'll talk. And others put me in the shade. I know several who have gone 40 years off-grid already.

I'll not disclose the methods to "straddle" the system without ID. You're on your own to "wakey, wakey". You're still comatose.

You're not even far enough along to be a fraud, so I can't return the favor of calling you one.

Tell me about your Birth Certificate Bond. What's its status?

Ruh-roh, Raggy. Owned by the Military Industrial Complex. That's yer plight.

I'll be waiting. Out here. Out. Here.

You're not extracted. Not even close. Better than most, though. But most know nothing, so..........

Have you "exhausted administrative procedure" in all areas? No.

Birth certificate? that's old school paper based illusions, don't have one, and if you use iD then your still playing the game.
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