The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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TOL Subscriber
One message many diverse ways to say the same thing, yet many get caught up in a specific tale they have been led to be-lie-eve they have the only soul way at the expense of the rest of the body.

Humor is the best way when dealing with the feet in cement crowd, throw in some ego to tweak theirs and away ya go into my dad can beat up your dad.

Peace, Zeke.

The problem is... Your Dad's a wuss, and so are you; both naturally and spiritually. But the real issue is you're an illegitimate son masquerading for an inheritance that can't and won't be yours.

And you do realize that be-lie-eve is English, and it has nothing to do with Hebrew or Greek, just like your other inane parsing examples.


Literal lunatic
So where does the institution of priests come from, car salesman who use fear and dread, teachings of a sadistic monster God who tortures people?

1. The First Shamans — The Medicine Men

(986.4) 90:1.1 The shaman was the ranking medicine man, the ceremonial fetishman, and the focus personality for all the practices of evolutionary religion. In many groups the shaman outranked the war chief, marking the beginning of the church domination of the state. The shaman sometimes functioned as a priest and even as a priest-king. Some of the later tribes had both the earlier shaman-medicine men (seers) and the later appearing shaman-priests. And in many cases the office of shaman became hereditary.

(986.5) 90:1.2 Since in olden times anything abnormal was ascribed to spirit possession, any striking mental or physical abnormality constituted qualification for being a medicine man. Many of these men were epileptic, many of the women hysteric, and these two types accounted for a good deal of ancient inspiration as well as spirit and devil possession. Quite a few of these earliest of priests were of a class which has since been denominated paranoiac.

(987.1) 90:1.3 While they may have practiced deception in minor matters, the great majority of the shamans believed in the fact of their spirit possession. Women who were able to throw themselves into a trance or a cataleptic fit became powerful shamanesses; later, such women became prophets and spirit mediums. Their cataleptic trances usually involved alleged communications with the ghosts of the dead. Many female shamans were also professional dancers.

(987.2) 90:1.4 But not all shamans were self-deceived; many were shrewd and able tricksters. As the profession developed, a novice was required to serve an apprenticeship of ten years of hardship and self-denial to qualify as a medicine man. The shamans developed a professional mode of dress and affected a mysterious conduct. They frequently employed drugs to induce certain physical states which would impress and mystify the tribesmen. Sleight-of-hand feats were regarded as supernatural by the common folk, and ventriloquism was first used by shrewd priests. Many of the olden shamans unwittingly stumbled onto hypnotism; others induced autohypnosis by prolonged staring at their navels.

(987.3) 90:1.5 While many resorted to these tricks and deceptions, their reputation as a class, after all, stood on apparent achievement. When a shaman failed in his undertakings, if he could not advance a plausible alibi, he was either demoted or killed. Thus the honest shamans early perished; only the shrewd actors survived.

(987.4) 90:1.6 It was shamanism that took the exclusive direction of tribal affairs out of the hands of the old and the strong and lodged it in the hands of the shrewd, the clever, and the farsighted.

To fear the Lord is the beginning of understanding.

The folks mentioned here were led by the same serpent that wrote yer book.

He sets up many camps in this final frontier.


Eclectic Theosophist
Paul many times was answering questions either asked him in letters or by messengers.

We do not have those questions in written form of letters nor can we have those that were sent by word of mouth.

Therefore these speculations about Paul, written in yer cosmic comic book of lies, are merely that, fanciful dreaming.

They are not statements based on fact.

What facts about Paul can you prove beyond assumption and speculation? Only a portion of the letters ascribed to Paul are thought to be genuinely his, the rest pseudographical. So assumed 'facts' are questionable. How do you qualify facts from fancy?



Well-known member
The problem is... Your Dad's a wuss, and so are you; both naturally and spiritually. But the real issue is you're an illegitimate son masquerading for an inheritance that can't and won't be yours.

And you do realize that be-lie-eve is English, and it has nothing to do with Hebrew or Greek, just like your other inane parsing examples.

Easy to say on the computer, but I slept real good last night so keep flapping your pie hole:vomit: about bald assertions that you major in, while trying to reflect that on others.

Word smith big deal!! train conscience monkey babble that sounds good, but amounts to small shadows in the inner kingdom you have been duped into thinking you have access to it:rolleyes:.


Literal lunatic
What facts about Paul can you prove beyond assumption and speculation?

I dont try to prove anything about Paul.

It is the writer of yer book that seems to feel a need to. :jawdrop:

Only a portion of the letters ascribed to Paul are thought to be genuinely his, the rest pseudographical.

Yeah,so I've heard.

The pastoral ones that expose the fable peddlers.

So no big wonder there, why they would think that or want you to think that. :shut:

So assumed 'facts' are questionable.

That's what I said. :chuckle:

How do you qualify facts from fancy?

God's word. :idea:


TOL Subscriber
Easy to say on the computer, but I slept real good last night so keep flapping your pie hole:vomit:

Easy any time, anywhere. It's a fact. :p

about bald assertions that you major in, while trying to reflect that on others.

Now you have to script-flip since I exposed all the bare assertion of you and the other fruitloops on this thread.:dizzy:

Freelight is the crown prince of bare assertion, with Caino as his queen. You're the court jester and minion of self-godhood. :D

Word smith big deal!!

Yes, it's logos of God's Rhema. If you knew what that was, you'd know it's a very big deal. But you're comatose.

train conscience monkey babble that sounds good, but amounts to small shadows in the inner kingdom you have been duped into thinking you have access to it:rolleyes:.

Another script-flip. That's all your barely-bright usurpation can muster relative to the bright morning star as the sun of righteousness.

You're the shimmering reflection, not the substance. And you won't pay attention long enough to see that.

Your alleged spiritual father IS a wuss. Figments are like that.

You've mistaken noumenological existence for phenomonological existence. HUGE mistake.


New member
Those spirits speaking through the ones who channeled the Urantia Papers are NOT messengers of God. Their message is from hell and only blasphemes God's Word.

I would love a demonstration of that besides hersay.

and to be clear, are you speaking of "God's Word" as a specific KJV onlyist mindset, majority text, extant, Q source, Ethiopian Bible, etc.

or are you referring to God's word, that dwells within his people and is unchangeable and everlasting?

I think a demonstration of either would be good.

personally when I think of God's word, like when it says in the Bible "God spoke all these things" right after that is Gods word usually followed by another parenthesis, and then there is the word of the Son of Man, whom was messenger and told people everything God commanded him. So I would have to find something in the book that directly contradicts what God said, or his son said for him, but then again my criteria for blasphemy are higher than many others...and I remember it being told that the religious people of Jesus day accused him of blaspheme which I believe is an example for us.


Literal lunatic
I would love a demonstration of that besides hersay.

and to be clear, are you speaking of "God's Word" as a specific KJV onlyist mindset, majority text, extant, Q source, Ethiopian Bible, etc.

or are you referring to God's word, that dwells within his people and is unchangeable and everlasting?

I think a demonstration of either would be good.

personally when I think of God's word, like when it says in the Bible "God spoke all these things" right after that is Gods word usually followed by another parenthesis, and then there is the word of the Son of Man, whom was messenger and told people everything God commanded him. So I would have to find something in the book that directly contradicts what God said, or his son said for him, but then again my criteria for blasphemy are higher than many others...and I remember it being told that the religious people of Jesus day accused him of blaspheme which I believe is an example for us.

No, you are trying to create a problem with the word channeled.

Knock it off.

If seven more wicked spirits enter a man it can be said they are channeling through him.

The urantia papers assert satan can no longer do this because Jesus just paid a visit not a price when he came to earth.

However, you did say you would believe the Son.

So hear him.

Luke 11:26 KJV
Then goeth he , and taketh to him seven other spirits more wicked than himself; and they enter in , and dwell there:and the last state of that man is worse than the first.

Matthew 12:45 KJV
Then goeth he , and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation.


Well-known member
Easy any time, anywhere. It's a fact. :p

Now you have to script-flip since I exposed all the bare assertion of you and the other fruitloops on this thread.:dizzy:

Freelight is the crown prince of bare assertion, with Caino as his queen. You're the court jester and minion of self-godhood. :D

Yes, it's logos of God's Rhema. If you knew what that was, you'd know it's a very big deal. But you're comatose.

Another script-flip. That's all your barely-bright usurpation can muster relative to the bright morning star as the sun of righteousness.

You're the shimmering reflection, not the substance. And you won't pay attention long enough to see that.

Your alleged spiritual father IS a wuss. Figments are like that.

You've mistaken noumenological existence for phenomonological existence. HUGE mistake.

You need :help: time to check into a ego twelve step program your losing what little composer you had. Don't you have some fellow literal blood bought christians to go belittle? Oh I forgot they can't stand you either.


Literal lunatic
You need :help: time to check into a ego twelve step program your losing what little composer you had. Don't you have some fellow literal blood bought christians to go belittle? Oh I forgot they can't stand you either.

Yeah, I hate his guts. :doh:


Well-known member
Certainly smells like bigot, sounds like bigots, acts like bigots, classless like bigots, why Archie Bunker lives on under the banner of christian, what a joke these clown are compared to the real deal, they think they are defending something but their doing more harm than good, carry on Archie your doing this thread more good than harm..Oh look what is that? why it's the south end of a north bound donkey with a PPS brand.


Literal lunatic
Certainly smells like bigot, sounds like bigots, acts like bigots, classless like bigots, why Archie Bunker lives on under the banner of christian, what a joke these clown are compared to the real deal, they think they are defending something but their doing more harm than good, carry on Archie your doing this thread more good than harm..Oh look what is that? why it's the south end of a north bound donkey with a PPS brand.

2 Peter 2:16 KJV
But (Zeke) was rebuked for his iniquity: the dumb *** speaking with man's voice forbad the madness of the(urantia) prophet. :yoshi:


New member
Certainly smells like bigot, sounds like bigots, acts like bigots, classless like bigots, why Archie Bunker lives on under the banner of christian, what a joke these clown are compared to the real deal, they think they are defending something but their doing more harm than good, carry on Archie your doing this thread more good than harm..Oh look what is that? why it's the south end of a north bound donkey with a PPS brand.

Well, -- I understand You and your friends can't go along with the Things I say either, - However, these Guys wont leave serious people with anything but to respond with their same attitude. Nothing can ever be accomplished with their definition, which IS Satanic!!

I have NO Idea what to tell serious people, how to deal with a real "Fool"!!

I just try to tell them what I think God says and does, but the Children of Satan truly reveals themselves!!

Some other TIME!!

OOOPPPSSS, I didn't realize I was on you all's Thread, SORRY!!!!

Paul, David -- 081914

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Well, -- I understand You and your friends can't go along with the Things I say either, - However, these Guys wont leave serious people with anything but to respond with their same attitude. Nothing can ever be accomplished with their definition, which IS Satanic!!

I have NO Idea what to tell serious people, how to deal with a real "Fool"!!

I just try to tell them what I think God says and does, but the Children of Satan truly reveals themselves!!

Some other TIME!!

Paul, David -- 081914

Instead of looking for demonic activity in others, you ought to
spend time reading/studying what Paul has to say about the
"Dispensation of Grace!" We first, hear the word of our salvation,
then, we must place our faith in Christ as our Lord and Savior,
then, we are indwelt/sealed by the Holy Spirit and positioned
into the "Body of Christ!"


New member
Instead of looking for demonic activity in others, you ought to
spend time reading/studying what Paul has to say about the
"Dispensation of Grace!" We first, hear the word of our salvation,
then, we must place our faith in Christ as our Lord and Savior,
then, we are indwelt/sealed by the Holy Spirit and positioned
into the "Body of Christ!"


Paul, David -- 081914


To fear the Lord is the beginning of understanding.

The folks mentioned here were led by the same serpent that wrote yer book.

He sets up many camps in this final frontier.

"God could be great and absolute, somehow even intelligent and personal, in philosophy, but in religion God must also be moral; he must be good. Man might fear a great God, but he trusts and loves only a good God. This goodness of God is a part of the personality of God, and its full revelation appears only in the personal religious experience of the believing sons of God."


Proverbs 9

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,
and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
11 For through wisdom your days will be many,
and years will be added to your life.
12 If you are wise, your wisdom will reward you;
if you are a mocker, you alone will suffer.

Your Satan God if a figment of your imagination.


TOL Subscriber
You need :help:

No. God's my ever-present help in time of trouble. I have all the help I'll ever need. :D

For a moment there, I almost thought you cared. :dizzy:

time to check into a ego twelve step program your losing what little composer you had.

Oddly enough, I am a singer/songwriter; but you likely meant "composure". I haven't lost that, either.

Twleve-step programs are mostly futile anyway, or I'd recommend one for your issues. Some faith-based recovery would do you good, though. You could get rid of those limbic lies that are driving your false reality of existence.:dizzy:

Don't you have some fellow literal blood bought christians to go belittle?


Oh I forgot they can't stand you either.

Some may, some may not. Many professing Christians are in the boat with you in various ways. Stuck in their own sub-cognition and the results.

You're not free in the least. It's an illusion.

Stop and stare. It will shimmer. The reflection always does. The substance never does. You've been had.
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