The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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The Father

It's also against TOL policy. See, "Other Things to Avoid," at the end of this article: said that Jesus should not be killed, and probably grabbed his sword when he said it... Jesus rebuked him the same way He'd rebuke you: "Get thee behind me, Satan."

I would never suggest that Jesus not lay down his life of his own accord, he said he would. He laid it down and took it up again for reasons not well understood by the Gentiles. The world benefited from his returning to heaven, the spirit of truth was pored out upon all flesh.

The Father

You are a terrible Catholic. Do you know what the differenc is between Catholic and Protestant crosses and the significance? I don't think so!

I will take that as a compliment, I'm a recovering Catholic. The negative influence of the "chosen people" delusion has infected the institution of the church as much as it has infected you. Your holier than thou attitude is no different than the spirit of infallibility claimed in Papal primacy.


Eclectic Theosophist
The simplicity of the gospel..............

The simplicity of the gospel..............

It is an unforgiving mind that leads to the theory of man having a sin debt which lead to the atonement doctrine.

Yes,.....for the power of forgiveness/freedom is in our own hands, as Jesus said, "forgive....and you will be forgiven". We are the ones who 'forgive' or 'retain' sins, as Jesus told his disciples,...the keys of the kingdom (administration) was in their hands and so it is still today. The Father's Love is already infinite and all-embracing, it does not need to be 'merited' or 'bought', only responded to. This is the essence of what the UB teaches, and heralds the goodnews of the kingdom of being 'The brotherhood of Man & Fatherhood of God', since both are mirrored revelations at the heart of our being.

The Gospel according to the UB

As we yield to love, divine will and forgiveness, seeing all in the 'eyes' of 'God',....that spiritual unity at the heart, that oneness of Life already inherent to all brings one into 'at-one-ment' with the Spirit, is a recognition of the Spirit reality and regeneration behind all creation, already being, and active within one's own consciousness. One's own heart, mind and body is the temple of 'God'....already.



Eclectic Theosophist


I like that sentence. It is a quote worth remembering.


So the story goes, the annals of Christendom's doctrinal debates. By the way,...'orthos' in its inner meaning is more of the truth or rightness (correctness) of a 'principle' inherent in nature, consonant with that its not limited to what church councils or religious dogmas impose or sanction as 'orthodox' per their definition, which includes and goes beyond semantics and church votes.

Jesus discourse on 'Truth and Faith' is paragraph 3 here. (this paper covers Jesus travels and lectures in Rome).

Remember,...truth is truth wherever its found, in its relative values, meanings and context, which is the only way that we 'relate' to them. At every meditation, they are re-cognized.


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame

So the story goes, the annals of Christendom's doctrinal debates. By the way,...'orthos' in its inner meaning is more of the truth or rightness (correctness) of a 'principle' inherent in nature, consonant with that its not limited to what church councils or religious dogmas impose or sanction as 'orthodox' per their definition, which includes and goes beyond semantics and church votes.

Jesus discourse on 'Truth and Faith' is paragraph 3 here. (this paper covers Jesus travels and lectures in Rome).

Remember,...truth is truth wherever its found, in its relative values, meanings and context, which is the only way that we 'relate' to them. At every meditation, they are re-cognized.


It's a shame you feel compelled to use the "fraudulent urantia book" as your reference!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I will take that as a compliment, I'm a recovering Catholic. The negative influence of the "chosen people" delusion has infected the institution of the church as much as it has infected you. Your holier than thou attitude is no different than the spirit of infallibility claimed in Papal primacy.

What is the "chosen people delusion?"

The Father

God doesn't forgive sin without believers taking His Word as Truth. Your mixed-up theology is as bad as the UB's.

That's your home made doctrine, do you can peaches and stringed beans as well?

I'm loyal to Jesus, not an amateur street preacher in Ohio. Christ is the living word, the Living God writes his laws on our hearts.

Matthew 12:50

…49And stretching out His hand toward His disciples, He said, "Behold My mother and My brothers! 50"For whoever does the will of My Father who is in heaven, he is My brother and sister and mother."

Matthew 7:21

…20"So then, you will know them by their fruits. 21"Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter.

You should start your own Catholic hate thread and take the Cincinnati Calvary circus over there.

The Father

What is the "chosen people delusion?"

Anytime believers segregate from the fellowship, formulate rigid creeds and inflexible doctrine, daring to claim infallibility, going so far as to persecute those who question or disagree with their claims, that is the "chosen people delusion." The Papacy inherited the attitude from those who rejected Christ.


Eclectic Theosophist
Remedy your ignorance........

Remedy your ignorance........

It's a shame you feel compelled to use the "fraudulent urantia book" as your reference!

Its a shame that you've been trolling here for this long, and have not even read the discourse by Jesus that I linked (or any significant portion of the papers themselves), so you could properly evaluate it, and then intelligently discuss it. Being ignorant, presumptuous and flippant disqualifies one's input here....until educated.

You still haven't a clue about the papers, yet continue your silly little crusade. Since the papers include the entire gamut of human knowledge from the early 20th century with expanded revelation from this group of revelators, serves as a wonderful 'platform' to discuss 'theology', since its fundamental subject is Deity, Deity-personalities, divine Son/Angelic hierarchies, the cosmos, history of Urantia, Bestowal of Jesus (Christ-Michael), his life and teachings and more. That covers a broad range from which to explore and expound. It certainly covers much more than the limited canon of the Bible, which is not a complete/perfect or final revelation of 'God'. Remember,....the principle of 'progressive revelation'.

If you have no interest in learning the Urantia Revelation so you can discuss it intelligently, you're wasting your time and everyone elses.



Eclectic Theosophist
It's totally understandable why you don't understand the Scriptures! So, we should give you a pass! Scriptural discernment comes by way of the Holy Spirit!

Note that the 'Holy Spirit' is not limited to a 'canon' compiled or organized by a religious community (human conventions) to serve its own needs and interests. The SUN shines on all, and thru-out are its various 'reflections'. 'God' alone is the eternal reality.



Eclectic Theosophist
the law of forgiveness......

the law of forgiveness......

God doesn't forgive sin without believers taking His Word as Truth.

One is forgiven as they forgive. If you don't forgive your fellowman, God cannot forgive you...since this is a principle at work, that either 'binds' or 'looses' an individual. 'God' is at work behind the principle, because all 'laws' and 'principles' originate 'in' or 'from' God.



Well-known member
Its a shame that you've been trolling here for this long, and have not even read the discourse by Jesus that I linked (or any significant portion of the papers themselves), so you could properly evaluate it, and then intelligently discuss it. Being ignorant, presumptuous and flippant disqualifies one's input here....until educated.

You still haven't a clue about the papers, yet continue your silly little crusade. Since the papers include the entire gamut of human knowledge from the early 20th century with expanded revelation from this group of revelators, serves as a wonderful 'platform' to discuss 'theology', since its fundamental subject is Deity, Deity-personalities, divine Son/Angelic hierarchies, the cosmos, history of Urantia, Bestowal of Jesus (Christ-Michael), his life and teachings and more. That covers a broad range from which to explore and expound. It certainly covers much more than the limited canon of the Bible, which is not a complete/perfect or final revelation of 'God'. Remember,....the principle of 'progressive revelation'.

If you have no interest in learning the Urantia Revelation so you can discuss it intelligently, you're wasting your time and everyone elses.


I believe he is spot on which is what makes you so angry.

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