The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
That's an excuse that they came up with to justify their new primitive interpretation of the cross and why they weren't killing small clean animals anymore. Jesus never taught that he was here to "atone" for all of mans sins. Besides, Jesus is the creator of the world.

You would rather listen to, some imaginary celestial beings than,
what the Bible teaches, correct?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
And the bible has a talking donkey and unicorns. Welcome to religion.

We all have a choice to make! I have chosen Christ as my one, and
only Savior, and Lord! I have also chosen to believe that the Bible is
the written word of God! Furthermore, I have chosen to believe that,
the Bible was inspired by God! I also believe in the Trinity, God the
Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, and yet these three
are one!

Only through faith in Christ as ones Savior can one truly be saved!
Christ's death, and resurrection were necessary in order for mankind
to receive God's mercy, forgiveness, and eternal life! Adding to, or
taking away from God's word is not advisable, on many levels!


Although YOUR gospel may sound "logical" to you, and perhaps
Freelite as well, it's NOT the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ! Neither
is it the Gospel the Scriptures speak of! Your gospel is of your own

Hebrews 9:22 states; "And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission."

So, I think I'll have to go along with the Holy Scriptures, and choose
what it says, over what YOUR gospel says! What you THINK is not
as important as what the Scriptures state!

Again you quoted a book ABOUT Jesus written many years later by an unknown author. It directly contradicts Jesus teaching that sin was forgiven by faith, that salvation was by faith, it was not conditional to the Pagans pre-existing death doctrine. Besides, at the time Hebrews was written, it was Just a book by someone like L. Ron, it made NO claim of divine authorship. The RCC decided it was scripture just like every other scripture book started out as just some person writing his or her opinion, years latter the church made it into Gods word.


We all have a choice to make! I have chosen Christ as my one, and
only Savior, and Lord! I have also chosen to believe that the Bible is
the written word of God! Furthermore, I have chosen to believe that,
the Bible was inspired by God! I also believe in the Trinity, God the
Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, and yet these three
are one!

Only through faith in Christ as ones Savior can one truly be saved!
Christ's death, and resurrection were necessary in order for mankind
to receive God's mercy, forgiveness, and eternal life! Adding to, or
taking away from God's word is not advisable, on many levels!

You articulated the Christian doctrine, I wouldn't take that away from you.

I believe in salvation by faith in God and a determination to do his will as taught by Jesus.

The religion of Jesus was about the Father and the fact that we are all his children by birth. It was more about believing with Jesus.

Christianity is about killing Jesus and believing in his resurrection.


Well-known member
The bible doesn't have a monopoly on sovereign God.
God does. He authored The Holy Scriptures. Men simply wrote what He commanded. Until you are born again you cannot even see The Kingdom. The blind cannot keep the sighted from seeing His Light just as the darkness cannot comprehend That Light.

Posted from the TOL App!


Eclectic Theosophist


God's word (the Bible) is the written "word of God!"

Such is a 'belief' or 'concept' to which you can give no proof.

Truth is truth wherever it is found.

Furthermore, reality itself is beyond words, thoughts, concepts, space or time....being the eternal essence that is at the heart of all that is, was or ever will be...since it is ever-availing, omnipresent.

The UB is an expanded revelation of cosmic knowledge within a conceptical frame overlay explaining the relationships, movements and associations of Deity within creation, so it's 'relative' knowledge no matter how high or advanced. There are different levels of truth relative to mind-capacity and perception as far as relatable knowledge goes.

A mind oblivious to such can have no dialog about it. Such is your current condition.


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
God does. He authored The Holy Scriptures. Men simply wrote what He commanded. Until you are born again you cannot even see The Kingdom. The blind cannot keep the sighted from seeing His Light just as the darkness cannot comprehend That Light.

Posted from the TOL App!


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Such is a 'belief' or 'concept' to which you can give no proof.

Truth is truth wherever it is found.

Furthermore, reality itself is beyond words, thoughts, concepts, space or time....being the eternal essence that is at the heart of all that is, was or ever will be...since it is ever-availing, omnipresent.

The UB is an expanded revelation of cosmic knowledge within a conceptical frame overlay explaining the relationships, movements and associations of Deity within creation, so it's 'relative' knowledge no matter how high or advanced. There are different levels of truth relative to mind-capacity and perception as far as relatable knowledge goes.

A mind oblivious to such can have no dialog about it. Such is your current condition.


In 1959, my Dad took me to see a movie entitled; "The Cosmic
Man!" I was a child at the time, and knew the movie wasn't real!
It seems that, both you, and Caino may have seen, one too many
Sci-Fi movies as a child? As a result you were made susceptible to
outrageous theories, and strange out of this world belief systems!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Such is a 'belief' or 'concept' to which you can give no proof.

Truth is truth wherever it is found.

Furthermore, reality itself is beyond words, thoughts, concepts, space or time....being the eternal essence that is at the heart of all that is, was or ever will be...since it is ever-availing, omnipresent.

The UB is an expanded revelation of cosmic knowledge within a conceptical frame overlay explaining the relationships, movements and associations of Deity within creation, so it's 'relative' knowledge no matter how high or advanced. There are different levels of truth relative to mind-capacity and perception as far as relatable knowledge goes.

A mind oblivious to such can have no dialog about it. Such is your current condition.


I have a 30-year-old Nephew, who has made it his life's habit to
articulate odd new-age fodder such as yourself, and Caino! Mostly,
you because your vocabulary appears to be more extensive than
Caino's! He's a dyed in the wool 'pseudo-intellectual' And has the
mistaken idea that he is in possession of ALL forms of cosmic energy,
enlightenment, and superior knowledge!

He has also entertained the thought that, he was born an, 'Indigo
Child' and perhaps even the re-incarnation of Jim Morrison (deceased
lead singer of the doors!) He goes through these bizarre fazes periodically!
Actually, he's very intelligent and displays a modicum of charisma at times!

One small problem; he believes he's right about everything! He knows
it ALL! He's chosen the path of 'atheism' and new-age spirituality!
total consciousness , and cosmic energy,that kind of stuff! He
takes trips to new-age festivals in order to, 'tune his vibe!'

He's a mixture of the 'Hippies' of the sixties, and the 'beatniks' of the fifties!
In conclusion, if someone denies the truth, they will choose many other roads
that lead to falseness!


God does. He authored The Holy Scriptures. Men simply wrote what He commanded. Until you are born again you cannot even see The Kingdom. The blind cannot keep the sighted from seeing His Light just as the darkness cannot comprehend That Light.

Posted from the TOL App!

Religious control and command makes the claim that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God. Nowhere in any of the bible books do the authors claim they were commanded by God to write his word. Just holy men with various motives and quality of material.

I was born again long ago, I'm in the kingdom now with Christ. I know the light, it is glorious.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Religious control and command makes the claim that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God. Nowhere in any of the bible books do the authors claim they were commanded by God to write his word. Just holy men with various motives and quality of material.

maybe Revelation made it into the bible because of these two passages:

Revelation 22:18

King James Version (KJV)

18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:

Revelation 22:19

King James Version (KJV)

19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.


I have a 30-year-old Nephew, who has made it his life's habit to
articulate odd new-age fodder such as yourself, and Caino! Mostly,
you because your vocabulary appears to be more extensive than
Caino's! He's a dyed in the wool 'pseudo-intellectual' And has the
mistaken idea that he is in possession of ALL forms of cosmic energy,
enlightenment, and superior knowledge!

He has also entertained the thought that, he was born an, 'Indigo
Child' and perhaps even the re-incarnation of Jim Morrison (deceased
lead singer of the doors!) He goes through these bizarre fazes periodically!
Actually, he's very intelligent and displays a modicum of charisma at times!

One small problem; he believes he's right about everything! He knows
it ALL! He's chosen the path of 'atheism' and new-age spirituality!
total consciousness , and cosmic energy,that kind of stuff! He
takes trips to new-age festivals in order to, 'tune his vibe!'

He's a mixture of the 'Hippies' of the sixties, and the 'beatniks' of the fifties!
In conclusion, if someone denies the truth, they will choose many other roads
that lead to falseness!

Grosnick, as the years have gone by you seem to have grown more bitter not more loving. Whatever your religious convictions are they have only stunted your growth, your fruit is dead on the vine. You have been nothing but insulting towards us. I have short answers to your insincere questions because I don't waste the time and effort to cast pearls before swine. Those answers are more for those who lerk, not for an old, dry, deef and blind Pharisee.

Freelight is a very bright individual, sadly his very detailed, articulate writings in response to a-holes is an exercise in futility.

Freelight (Paul) and I are friends on Facebook, he could tell you that your stereotyping me as a hippie or one of the many other people you look down on in the world, is far from accurate. I'm a Reagan Republican fiscally speaking. I voted for Romney.


maybe Revelation made it into the bible because of these two passages:

Revelation 22:18

King James Version (KJV)

18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:

Revelation 22:19

King James Version (KJV)

19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

So when Jesus returns, or any other prophet before that time appears, we would need to start a new book (approved by the inerrant RCC) because we can't add to the old book.....according the the apocalyptic fear monger who added that to Johns writings.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
So when Jesus returns, or any other prophet before that time appears, we would need to start a new book (approved by the inerrant RCC) because we can't add to the old book.....according the the apocalyptic fear monger who added that to Johns writings.

behold He comes with the clouds

you can't miss it

this time



A common Israelite citizen, living in the age before the Babylonian captivity began, roughly 605 BC, would have been taught that God or Yahweh lead David to number Israel. If there was a TOL back then he could post that as “scripture” and argue against any heretic who dared to say otherwise. Anyone who might disagree with such an idea would be pissed all over and ridiculed by the cranky Grosnicks or the frustrated Aimiels of the era.

Books of Samuel ca. 625 BCE

Second Samuel 24 (ESV) Again the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel, and he incited David against them, saying, “Go, number Israel and Judah.” 2So the king said to Joab, the commander of the army, who was with him, “Go through all the tribes of Israel, from Dan to Beersheba, and number the people, that I may know the number of the people”​

Chronicles 4th century BCE or slightly later

First Chronicles 21 (ESV) Then Satan stood against Israel and incited David to number Israel. 2So David said to Joab and the commanders of the army, “Go, number Israel, from Beersheba to Dan, and bring me a report, that I may know their number.”​

But someone living in Israel after the return from exile, in the era of the newly completed (or latest) redactions of the story, could go on the TOL of the age and insist that it was Satan that led David to go number Israel by relying on the new scriptures.

The so called inerrant books of the Bible show a number of areas of very human evolution in religious thought and belief as should be expected, it was written by humans. Only God is unchanging, it is mans understanding of God that changes assisted at times by revelations great and small.

Today, in order to smooth over the glaring inconsistency, Christian apologetics enlist the rationalizing technique that one might encounter at an Obama press conference.Square peg, round hole, repeat the lie enough times even sane people believe it, after all, how could so many good, well meaning religious people be wrong??? The confused must then be wrong, not the shifting sands of Hebrew history. Oh no, it’s just not possible, the Jews have never been wrong about anything! They are Gods “chosen people”….so they wrote.
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