The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
That's what they said about Jesus

For the record, Aimiel never read the UB, his opinion is out of ignorance.

One need not read the "Book of Mormon" in order to know
it's not Christian! The same goes for the urantia papers!
Besides, one need only Google "urantia papers" to find out
all you need to know about this cult!


New member
I can answer that, in short the Father required the Son to experience the full human coarse of life; mortal death is a part of life.

Human sacrifice was not a part of Judaism, BUT it was a part of the Pagan Mysteries of the Greco-Roman world. Jesus never defined the meaning of his death, the Pagans influence on evolving Christianity gave us the atonement doctrine or interpretation.

God has always been forgiving, he didn't require the death of an innocent divine being so that he could finally forgive the world. In the original pre-cross gospel, God was already forgiving, salvation is by faith.

So it is just coincidence that sacrificing animal lives is no longer necessary now that Jesus sacrificed His?


One need not read the "Book of Mormon" in order to know
it's not Christian! The same goes for the urantia papers!
Besides, one need only Google "urantia papers" to find out
all you need to know about this cult!

The UB isn’t the Book of Mormon.

Google the Bible and you will find literally millions of skeptic pages as well as the well documented mistakes in addition to the general stupidity of the Hebrews exaggerations.

And just what do you consider a cult? We don’t even have a leader or organizational structure. The book is in a trust in Chicago, I think they have 4-5 full time employees for the entire friggen world. Those who gather in communities do so in groups of readers in people homes. No leader, no whack job preachers, just like the early believers in Jesus.


So it is just coincidence that sacrificing animal lives is no longer necessary now that Jesus sacrificed His?

Good, legitimate question.

Among the sacrifice minded Jews and Pagans, who became followers of Jesus, his death quite naturally became the final sacrifice sufficient to explain why they no longer had to practice that ritual.......but Jesus never taught them that he was a sacrifice, only that he lays down his life for his sheep (which he did). In fact when Jesus was teaching, he taught of a spiritual rebirth commemorated by the wine and bread.

It’s quite interesting to consider that While Judaism rejected Jesus, his movement merged with the Pagans. Look at the similarities between the Christians and the Pagans; it will give you insight into the evolution of Christianity.


Many early Christians celebrated Jesus' birthday on JAN-6. Armenian Christians still do. In Alexandria, in what is now Egypt, the birthday of their god-man, Aion, was also celebrated on JAN-6.

Christians and most Pagans eventually celebrated the birthday of their god-man on DEC-25.

According to an ancient Christian tradition, Christ died on MAR-23 and resurrected on MAR-25. These dates agree precisely with the death and resurrection of Attis.

Baptism was a principal ritual; it washed away a person's sins. In some rituals, Baptism was performed by sprinkling holy water on the believer; in others, the person was totally immersed.

The most important sacrament was a ritual meal of bread and wine which symbolize the god-man's body and blood. His followers were accused of engaging in cannibalism.

Early Christians initiated converts in March and April by baptism. Mithraism initiated their new members at this time as well.

Early Christians were naked when they were baptized. After immersion, they then put on white clothing and a crown. They carried a candle and walked in a procession to a basilica. Followers of Mithra were also baptized naked, put on white clothing and a crown, and walked in a procession to the temple. However, they carried torches.

At Pentecost, the followers of Jesus were recorded as speaking in tongues. At Trophonius and Delos, the Pagan priestesses also spoke in tongues: They appeared to speak in such a way that each person present heard her words in the observer's own language.

An inscription to Mithras reads: "He who will not eat of my body and drink of my blood, so that he will be made on with me and I with him, the same shall not know salvation." 1 In John 6:53-54, Jesus is said to have repeated this theme: "...Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you. Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day." (KJV)

The Bible records that Jesus was crucified between two thieves. One went to heaven and the other to hell. In the Mithras mysteries, a common image showed Mithras flanked by two torchbearers, one on either side. One held a torch pointed upwards, the other downwards. This symbolized ascent to heaven or descent to hell.

In Attis, a bull was slaughtered while on a perforated platform. The animal's blood flowed down over an initiate who stood in a pit under the platform. The believer was then considered to have been "born again." Poor people could only afford a sheep, and so were literally washed in the blood of the lamb. This practice was interpreted symbolically by Christians.

There were many additional points of similarity between Mithraism and Christianity. 2 St. Augustine even declared that the priests of Mithraism worshiped the same God as he did: Followers of both religions celebrated a ritual meal involving bread. It was called a missa in Latin or mass in English.

Both the Catholic church and Mithraism had a total of seven sacraments.

Epiphany, JAN-6, was originally the festival in which the followers of Mithra celebrated the visit of the Magi to their newborn god-man. The Christian Church took it over in the 9th century.​

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The UB isn’t the Book of Mormon.

Google the Bible and you will find literally millions of skeptic pages as well as the well documented mistakes in addition to the general stupidity of the Jews exaggerations.

And just what do you consider a cult? We don’t even have a leader or organizational structure. The book is in a trust in Chicago, I think they have 4-5 full time employees for the entire friggen world. Those who gather in communities do so in groups of readers in people homes. No leader, no whack job preachers, just like the early believers in Jesus.

Whoa! I wasn't aware of the Billions of followers of this cult? And, all they have is 4 people sitting in a small run down office with a typewriter, and no air conditioning? I suppose they have a 'lunch truck' come by twice a day or so, huh?


New member
Good, legitimate question.

In the sacrifice minded Jews and Pagans, who became followers of Jesus, his death quite naturally became the final sacrifice sufficient to explain why they no longer had to practice that ritual.......but Jesus never taught them that he was a sacrifice, only that he lays down his life for his sheep (which he did). In fact when Jesus was teaching, he taught of a spiritual rebirth commemorated by the wine and bread.

So, do you know if the UB does or doesn't offer a better reason as to why the ritual is no longer necessary?


New member

Nice to see you back...

Max HERETIC @GM is anointing me with RED ink...:)

The best to you and yours..

Keep well,

I wish I could offer you more consolation besides telling you he appears to be one of those personality types that thrive on stress/pressure. It's in his genes :idunno:


So, do you know if the UB does or doesn't offer a better reason as to why the ritual is no longer necessary?

God is forgiving, he has always been forgiving, God doesn’t change, mans understanding of God is what keeps getting better. Jesus taught salvation and forgiveness by faith, the compromised religion of Pagan Christianity teaches human sacrifice. They need Jesus killed on the cross.

Blood sacrifice is part of evolved religion; it's a world wide phenomenon. Primitive man tried to manipulate the Gods and tithing was/is profitable for the priest class.


Whoa! I wasn't aware of the Billions of followers of this cult? And, all they have is 4 people sitting in a small run down office with a typewriter, and no air conditioning? I suppose they have a 'lunch truck' come by twice a day or so, huh?

The office is Dr Saddlers home that he willed to Urantia Foundation.



New member
God is forgiving, he has always been forgiving, God doesn’t change, mans understanding of God is what keeps getting better. Jesus taught salvation and forgiveness by faith, the compromised religion of Pagan Christianity teaches human sacrifice. They need Jesus killed on the cross.

Blood sacrifice is part of evolved religion; it's a world wide phenomenon. Primitive man tried to manipulate the Gods.

So you say sacrificing animals wasn't God's instruction to His people?


Just curious, what about Paul in Acts 17 and the Sermon on Mars Hill? Paul looked into their faith for the purpose of understanding them so he could effectively witness to them.

Paul did that by on the spot. By being trained as a Pharisee he would not have been allowed to study Greek and Roman mythology. By the age of twelve he would have memorized every word of the Torah.
He used one of their gods as a starting point to preach the God of Israel.

What we have here are not those who worship an unknown god but rather those who seek to discredit our God by accusing His word the bible as unreliable. Any religion based on this is a counter Christian cult set out to destroy sound doctrine. That is a difference.


You apparently have no clue what the UB is, or what it teaches, neither have availed yourself to properly learn by reading it and/or accessing the resource-articles to be enlightened thereby. Therefore your input here contributes little or nothing to the subject-matter until so educated. Meanwhile it is just 'trolling'.

As far as the UB having something to say to your reference to some coded prophetic symbols from the book of Revelation or Daniel, such bears little significance to the vast subjects the UB covers. There are plenty of Bible prophecy teachers with their travelling conferences that get immersed in prophetic imagery studies alluding to end-time events, but this doesn't have anything necessarily to do with whether a book is 'true' or 'worthwhile'. Such is a false equation.

Introductory Articles for new readers

If your not interested in learning and discussing the contents and 'theology' of the UB (the purpose of the thread), don't need to be here. Have some respect...or Leave.



You should be. You will spend eternity regretting that you wrote these words.


New member
I cannot find your reply..

so I am replying here...

It is more a joke to me for I get STRENGTH and JOY from the Spirit.

Keep well,

Good, don't let him get to ya :thumb: I think I would have had a harder time coping with him if I didn't live with Scott and my mother for so long. I find it almost endearing anymore ;)
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