"The Kingdom of God is WITHIN you"? "The Kingdom of God is INSIDE you? - Luke 17:21


Eclectic Theosophist
Splitting hairs......

Splitting hairs......

When a saved person receives the Holy Spirit, they have entered the realm of the Spirit, they have entered the kingdom of Jesus.

When Jesus saves you and lives inside of you that is when you have the kingdom of God within you.

That is what Jesus was teaching.

I don't know why steko and others are so against recognizing the obvious about God's kingdom. The kingdom of 'God' is wherever Gods rule and reign exists, wherever his Spirit and Presence abides, where the will of God prevails. 'God' who is omnipresent is both 'within' and 'without', since there is nothing that can exist outside of God, neither nowhere where God is not. God's Allness fills all in all.

At some point it becomes a matter of how one defines their terms or decides to split hairs over the matter. That the kingdom of heaven is 'within' (as well as without) has already been explained here previously, since this kingdom is an invisible one and does NOT come with physical or carnal observations, neither is it necessarily limited to a physical location or geography. God is Spirit. God is One. God is all in all.

God's Truth

New member
I don't know why steko and others are so against recognizing the obvious about God's kingdom. The kingdom of 'God' is wherever Gods rule and reign exists, wherever his Spirit and Presence abides, where the will of God prevails. 'God' who is omnipresent is both 'within' and 'without', since there is nothing that can exist outside of God, neither nowhere where God is not. God's Allness fills all in all.

At some point it becomes a matter of how one defines their terms or decides to split hairs over the matter. That the kingdom of heaven is 'within' (as well as without) has already been explained here previously, since this kingdom is an invisible one and does NOT come with physical or carnal observations, neither is it necessarily limited to a physical location or geography. God is Spirit. God is One. God is all in all.

I think that was well said, except for God being in all. God is in all the saved, not the unsaved.


Eclectic Theosophist
I see what you are saying, but are you considering what the Holy Bible says about being in all, even those not saved?

Quite aware, but you know my 'theology' is not limited to any particular opinion or interpretation of the Bible, but passages DO support the universal truth of God's omnipresence. I don't put a limit on the INFINITE.


New member
I think that was well said, except for God being in all. God is in all the saved, not the unsaved.

Eph.4:6. one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in All

God is in all.

1Jn.1:5 This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.

All are not in God.

Jn.17:20. Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word;
21That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us:[/Up] that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.
22And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one:

that they may be one, even as we are one:


God's Truth

New member
Quite aware, but you know my 'theology' is not limited to any particular opinion or interpretation of the Bible, but passages DO support the universal truth of God's omnipresence. I don't put a limit on the INFINITE.

Right, I was wondering if you got it from the Holy Bible.


Eclectic Theosophist
cherry picking......

cherry picking......

Right, I was wondering if you got it from the Holy Bible.

You know a lot of different philosophical or theological perspectives, concepts and theories can be found in the Bible in various passages,...its quite a big cherry tree orchard, dontcha think? :) On that count, its a fundamental proposition that God is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscience,...these are the 3 fundamentals of classical theism, of one kind or another. I sometimes share from an 'absolute reality' perspective,...this is from the 'God' point of view, which includes that totality of all that is,....all dimensions and that which has no dimension....'God' is still the absolute reality and absolute ALL-ness that is the source-potential of existence, which includes all seen and unseen realms. So,...if I come to anything in consciousness recognizing first and prior to anything, that 'God' is ALL, that 'God' is ONE,...that 'God' is All That IS,....then no matter what the mind differentiates, perceives or assumes,...God's Allness of BEING still prevails,.....see that? - only when the mind differentiates this from that in a relative dualistic sense,....does one assume that 'God' is only in some people, but not in others. If 'God' is the omnipresent ONE, and is the only absolute, universal, infinite reality,....then this 'assumption' dissolves and is but a religious bias of sorts ;)

An example of 'Allness of God' teachings would be 'Divine Science',....and various authors shared on this site here. Teachers Alfred Aiken (Absolute Reality teachings) and Joel S. Goldsmith (Infinite Way teachings) are among these.

'God' includes and transcends all :) - hence his 'kingdom' is EVER at hand.



Well-known member
Romans 4:17, Isaiah 51:2, Galatians 4:24-28, the kingdom being spoken about isn't secular or physical, sounds like secular history to the intellect based on observational clues, yet it has no relevance to the right side of 2Cor 3:6.


Eclectic Theosophist
Kingdom basics folks........

Kingdom basics folks........

Romans 4:17, Isaiah 51:2, Galatians 4:24-28, the kingdom being spoken about isn't secular or physical, sounds like secular history to the intellect based on observational clues, yet it has no relevance to the right side of 2Cor 3:6.

What is interesting is the anti-spiritual gesture of rejecting the indwelling spirit in the name of some religious belief, creed or concept. The kingdom of heaven being within is a fundamental esoteric principle, just as the body is the temple of the Spirit. If one's very body is God's temple and one has the mind of Christ, where on earth is the kingdom? It's mind boggling.

As Neville above shares, an exterior 'god' can be an idol or false God, since its just a projected 'image' placed outside of oneself. Just like assuming the kingdom of God is outside of one's own being or consciousness which is an impossibility, since 'God' is the one indivisible inseparable Presence, being One and All :)


New member
If one's very body is God's temple and one has the mind of Christ, where on earth is the kingdom? It's mind boggling. :)

Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.

Pretty simple, really.


Well-known member
What is interesting is the anti-spiritual gesture of rejecting the indwelling spirit in the name of some religious belief, creed or concept. The kingdom of heaven being within is a fundamental esoteric principle, just as the body is the temple of the Spirit. If one's very body is God's temple and one has the mind of Christ, where on earth is the kingdom? It's mind boggling.

As Neville above shares, an exterior 'god' can be an idol or false God, since its just a projected 'image' placed outside of oneself. Just like assuming the kingdom of God is outside of one's own being or consciousness which is an impossibility, since 'God' is the one indivisible inseparable Presence, being One and All :)
The kingdom within is on going not subjected to time, that simple fact is a future revelation to the worldly taught traditionalist who can't except Matt 11:11.


New member
A lot of heresies have been built upon this mistranslated verse.

The NASB properly translates Luke 17:21:
Now having been questioned by the Pharisees as to when the kingdom of God was coming, He answered them and said, “The kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be observed; nor will they say, ‘Look, here it is!’ or, ‘There it is!’ For behold, the kingdom of God is in your midst.”

What Jesus is saying is that HE, virtually being "the Kingdom", is in their presence (in their midst).
It is impossible for "the Kingdom of God" to be INSIDE the Pharisees.

The NIV properly translates Luke 17:21b
"the kingdom of God is in your midst."

Your translation is correct, because this world is also called heaven. Genesis 1:8
And God called the (firmament / Earth) Heaven.


New member
Your translation is correct, because this world is also called heaven. Genesis 1:8
And God called the (firmament / Earth) Heaven.

Scripture tells us that there are THREE "heavens":
1) where the birds and clouds are
2) where the stars and planets are
3) where God dwells


Well-known member
Scripture tells us that there are THREE "heavens":
1) where the birds and clouds are
2) where the stars and planets are
3) where God dwells

And where God dwells is none observable just like Luke 17:20-21 tells you, the observable heavens are types and shadows only of the invisible kingdom you deny is the point of spiritual teaching being referred to by the spirit! the right side of 2Cor 3:6.


Eclectic Theosophist
Pretty simple, really.

My mention of it being 'mind-boggling' to some, is their failure to consider the omnipresence of Spirit.

Yes, as we've shown already,....if your body is the temple of God and you have the mind of 'Christ',...how is the kingdom of 'God' NOT within you, as well as being without,....the Spirit of God is infinite, measureless....it is we who measure, define or allocate this 'Spirit', which is fine if relatively speaking, but Spirit is all-pervading in its infinite, incorporeal nature. So whether people want to define the kingdom as ever-present, or relageted to some future dispensation,....it matters not if we are considering the omnipresence of God NOW, the absolute Reality ever present. The Absolute is the only absolute reality, if we would properly consider the definition of 'absolute'. Therefore, in this absolute context of OMNIPRESENCE.....the kingdom is always already present.


New member
The ESV has the implication of Luke 17:21 correctly translated:

"nor will they say, ‘Look, here it is!’ or ‘There!’ for behold,
the kingdom of God is in the midst of you" [Jesus was "in their midst"]

Jesus was NOT telling the Pharisees that the Kingdom of God was "within" the Pharisees!


Eclectic Theosophist


The ESV has the implication of Luke 17:21 correctly translated:

"nor will they say, ‘Look, here it is!’ or ‘There!’ for behold,
the kingdom of God is in the midst of you" [Jesus was "in their midst"]

Jesus was NOT telling the Pharisees that the Kingdom of God was "within" the Pharisees!

Review here and elsewhere :)

Remember, the kingdom does not come with physical observation neither is confined to a geographical location. The omnipresence of Spirit is all-pervading. The recognition of 'God' may be more or less modified, but not His omnipresence ;)