Thanks, I do post a lot based solely on excerpts from "Moses, the Prophets, the Writings".
It seems that you are repelled and appalled by Scripture from the Tanakh. In the Tanakh, the Devil's
demise is revealed and God's plan to save man from eternal separation due to sin is revealed.
Actually most of your threads open with one or two verses and a false statement from you because you know that it takes ten times as much work to refute even an obviously flat out false statement. It is very simple, quick, easy, and extremely effective for your destructive purposes to fire off three or four false statements in three or four threads at a time because you know the truth needs to be shown and explained from multiple passages. Simple observation: you do not appear to be capable of arguing a line of thought or a series of interrelated thoughts from multiple passages of scripture within the confines of the actual texts in their contexts. However, in light of other recent comments from you concerning your highly esteemed self, such as recently boasting that you once studied under Walter Martin; it seems fairly clear that you do what you do by design and with purposeful intent, knowing full well what you are doing. I love the Word: you appear to love your own vain imagination over and above the Word, (whom you claim is God and claim that you worship, [lol]). :crackup: