The Israel-Palestine conflict: a brief, simple history

Bradley D

Well-known member
When one is dealing with Israel and Muslims in the middle east you are dealing with history/religion. Israel sees its borders as it was when God gave them their land not as they are now. Muslim's views are over a thousand years old and see Israel as enemies as declared by Mohammad and always will.


Well-known member
Yet the history is mute concerning David/Solomon/Exodus that even Scholars in Israel concede to, plus the kingdom of God isn't physical which tradition majors in and programs its converts into following.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
i'd rather have the jews there than the palies :idunno:

none of the arabs want the palies, and for good reason


New member
Yet the history is mute concerning David/Solomon/Exodus that even Scholars in Israel concede to, plus the kingdom of God isn't physical which tradition majors in and programs its converts into following.

Seems you are not "up to speed" on info. David's Palace is being excavated currently in the City of David, just south of the Haram al Sharif. That is where the Temples were located and that is where the Temple will be rebuilt... soon.

Lazy afternoon

People need to examine the real reasons the Jews were expelled from countries, and it was not because of their fathers sins, but because of their own.



Active member
When one is dealing with Israel and Muslims in the middle east you are dealing with history/religion. Israel sees its borders as it was when God gave them their land not as they are now. Muslim's views are over a thousand years old and see Israel as enemies as declared by Mohammad and always will.

And yet MUSLIMS and Jews (including Christians) were living and worshiping together in Palestine in peace for close to 2000 yearsuntil the Sykes Picot agreement when the British and American Imperial power decided to annex Palestine for their own political and commerical designs after the massive discovery of Oil in neighbouring Saudi Arabia all of which went to help the British War effort in WWI.

The reality is the issue of Israel stems back to its illegal creation by the U.N and the Allied powers after WWII. The history of the Zionist movement though stretches as far back as the middle to early 1800s. Regardless the perceieved version of historical events that equates the Palestinian/Israel conflict in the Near East as a religious one is an incredibly simplified and fundamentally incorrect view of the catalytic events that occured in 1914 and afterwards that have led to the current modern day issues between Israel and the Palestinians.


New member
The "Palestinians" could have formed a State in 1948 just like the Jews did. They failed because they are not "a people". They have no "society" or "culture" to bind them together, they have no historical "land" to bind them together.

When the 1967 War resulted in Israel occupying the "West Bank", it essentially
became the "spoils of war". As well, Jews had a long historical link to the land.
The deserted areas of the "West Bank" were then occupied by Jewish settlers.

Lazy afternoon

The "Palestinians" could have formed a State in 1948 just like the Jews did. They failed because they are not "a people". They have no "society" or "culture" to bind them together, they have no historical "land" to bind them together.

When the 1967 War resulted in Israel occupying the "West Bank", it essentially
became the "spoils of war". As well, Jews had a long historical link to the land.
The deserted areas of the "West Bank" were then occupied by Jewish settlers.

You mean the Askenazis?



New member
You mean the Askenazis?


When a country is attacked by another country (or countries) and the attackers LOSE and LOSE land, then the LAND becomes the "spoils of war" and are taken over by the conquering forces and resettled.
Standard "Rules of War" going back thousands of years.
The "error" is that the "Palestinians" were not resettled into the land of the losers. "Next time", the Israelis will not repeat this mistake.
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Well-known member
These debates always only seem to go back as far as 1967. Has anyone ever heard of them going back to 1500 BC and saying 'the Philistines were here first' etc? Ie, just as in N. America native peoples might say 'we were in Manhattan first.' Is there a standard 'rules of war' that tells us how far to go back, just as in public domain music rights go back 50 or 75 years?


Well-known member
These debates always only seem to go back as far as 1967. Has anyone ever heard of them going back to 1500 BC and saying 'the Philistines were here first' etc? Ie, just as in N. America native peoples might say 'we were in Manhattan first.' Is there a standard 'rules of war' that tells us how far to go back, just as in public domain music rights go back 50 or 75 years?

There are no "standard rules", besides force of arms. There isn't a country on earth that hasn't changed hands over the centuries.

Lazy afternoon

When a country is attacked by another country (or countries) and the attackers LOSE and LOSE land, then the LAND becomes the "spoils of war" and are taken over by the conquering forces and resettled.
Standard "Rules of War" going back thousands of years.
The "error" is that the "Palestinians" were not resettled into the land of the losers. "Next time", the Israelis will not repeat this mistake.

So you believe in the power of money and the gun, and not in the Lord at all.

Psa 37:29 The righteous shall inherit the land, and dwell therein for ever.
Psa 37:30 The mouth of the righteous speaketh wisdom, and his tongue talketh of judgment.
Psa 37:31 The law of his God is in his heart; none of his steps shall slide.
Psa 37:32 The wicked watcheth the righteous, and seeketh to slay him.
Psa 37:33 The LORD will not leave him in his hand, nor condemn him when he is judged.
Psa 37:34 Wait on the LORD, and keep his way, and he shall exalt thee to inherit the land: when the wicked are cut off, thou shalt see it.
Psa 37:35 I have seen the wicked in great power, and spreading himself like a green bay tree.
Psa 37:36 Yet he passed away, and, lo, he was not: yea, I sought him, but he could not be found.


Lazy afternoon

There are no "standard rules", besides force of arms. There isn't a country on earth that hasn't changed hands over the centuries.


Dan 5:18 O thou king, the most high God gave Nebuchadnezzar thy father a kingdom, and majesty, and glory, and honour:
Dan 5:19 And for the majesty that he gave him, all people, nations, and languages, trembled and feared before him: whom he would he slew; and whom he would he kept alive; and whom he would he set up; and whom he would he put down.
Dan 5:20 But when his heart was lifted up, and his mind hardened in pride, he was deposed from his kingly throne, and they took his glory from him:
Dan 5:21 And he was driven from the sons of men; and his heart was made like the beasts, and his dwelling was with the wild *****: they fed him with grass like oxen, and his body was wet with the dew of heaven; till he knew that the most high God ruled in the kingdom of men, and that he appointeth over it whomsoever he will.


Active member
You mean the Askenazis?


Its quite ironic that despite the claims of the 'european' Jews that inhabit Israel that claim to be from the line of Ashkenaz, Ashkenaz himself wasnt even a Jew. Genesis is very clear on the lineage. Only descendants of Judah could correctly be called Jews, Jew simply being the short hand appellation for descendants from Judahs tribe, bearing in mind Judah came from Shems line. Ashkenaz came from Shems brother Japheths line. Thus the so called Ashkenazi 'Jews' arent even Semitic.

Even during medieval times Jewish writings of medieval times applied the term Ashkenaz to the Teutonic peoples, namely Germans. This accords well with the correct heritage of these so called Ashkenazi 'Jews' who are clearly NOT Jewish by religious or secular standards, but rather are a people of European origin who practice a form of Judaism.


Active member
These debates always only seem to go back as far as 1967. Has anyone ever heard of them going back to 1500 BC and saying 'the Philistines were here first' etc? Ie, just as in N. America native peoples might say 'we were in Manhattan first.' Is there a standard 'rules of war' that tells us how far to go back, just as in public domain music rights go back 50 or 75 years?

Indeed. Which is why this type of claim is so ridiculous by misinformed Christians and so called Jews alike. In fact the first peoples in the region now known as the Nation State of Israel were the Canaanites. But the reality is the land was well populated by various tribes including the Phillistines Centurys before Israel set foot on the 'promised land'.

Lazy afternoon

Its quite ironic that despite the claims of the 'european' Jews that inhabit Israel that claim to be from the line of Ashkenaz, Ashkenaz himself wasnt even a Jew. Genesis is very clear on the lineage. Only descendants of Judah could correctly be called Jews, Jew simply being the short hand appellation for descendants from Judahs tribe, bearing in mind Judah came from Shems line. Ashkenaz came from Shems brother Japheths line. Thus the so called Ashkenazi 'Jews' arent even Semitic.

Even during medieval times Jewish writings of medieval times applied the term Ashkenaz to the Teutonic peoples, namely Germans. This accords well with the correct heritage of these so called Ashkenazi 'Jews' who are clearly NOT Jewish by religious or secular standards, but rather are a people of European origin who practice a form of Judaism.

Yes and Judaism has no inheritance in Gods Kingdom.

It is all a fraud.

The Jews lived alongside Arabs and Jews for centuries until the Ashkenazies came.

There are many Jews in the world who are against the nation they called Israel in the middle east.

In fact, the Jews were the first terrorists, and they killed the Christian villages.

People should read the history instead of being so gullible and able to be deceived by men much smarter than themselves.



Well-known member
Its quite ironic that despite the claims of the 'european' Jews that inhabit Israel that claim to be from the line of Ashkenaz, Ashkenaz himself wasnt even a Jew. Genesis is very clear on the lineage. Only descendants of Judah could correctly be called Jews, Jew simply being the short hand appellation for descendants from Judahs tribe, bearing in mind Judah came from Shems line. Ashkenaz came from Shems brother Japheths line. Thus the so called Ashkenazi 'Jews' arent even Semitic.

Even during medieval times Jewish writings of medieval times applied the term Ashkenaz to the Teutonic peoples, namely Germans. This accords well with the correct heritage of these so called Ashkenazi 'Jews' who are clearly NOT Jewish by religious or secular standards, but rather are a people of European origin who practice a form of Judaism.

This is utter nonsense. I'll explain:
Jews are Jews. Mostly of the tribe of Judah (where the term comes from). Semites. Those Jews who lived in exile in western Europe were called Ashkenazi Jews because of where thet lived- not because of their ethnic identification. Sephardi Jews are those who lived in Sepharad, i.e., Spain. And, by the way, at least half of the Jews in Israel today trace their ancestry to Spain, North Africa, Iran or

Jews are Semitic. Hebrew is a West Semitic language.

I suggest to you, as I have suggested to others. that you carefully study these things before making such inaccurate and misleading statements.