The Hoax of the Three Days and Three Nights


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Do you know how to read ENGLISH?

May God bless you mam.

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Do you know how to read ENGLISH?

Did you know that the English versions are translated from the Greek text, sometimes inaccurately?

There are three ways to prove Jesus was resurrected on the first day of the week.


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Tell us some more.
I agree with that statement.

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New member
Go to it sister.

Matthew 28:1 says: "Now after the Sabbath, as the first day of the week began to dawn..."

The word "dawn" is translated from epiphosko referring to the beginning of a twelve hour day.

Luke 23:54 says: "That day was the Preparation and the Sabbath drew near."

The term "drew near" is translated from epiphosko referring to the beginning of a twenty-four hour day.

As Jesus' body was laid in the tomb the Sabbath dawned.


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Paul taught that Jesus Christ is the first of the firstfruits. What does that mean?

And you shall count for yourselves from the day after the Sabbath, from the day that you brought the sheaf of the wave offering: seven Sabbaths shall be completed. Count fifty days to the day after the seventh Sabbath, then you shall offer a new grain offering to the Lord. You shall bring from your dwellings two wave loaves of two-tenths of an ephah. They shall be of fine flour, they shall be baked with leaven. They are the firstfruits to the Lord.​

Pentecost is the celebration of the feast of firstfruits. We are the firstfruits. (Romans 8:23)

Jesus, the first of the firstfruits, was the wave offering presented to the Father on the day after the Sabbath. He was resurrected fifty days before Pentecost which is seven complete weeks and a day from the day after the Sabbath. We can count back fifty days from the day of Pentecost and come to the day of Jesus' resurrection.


New member
If all else fails, we can go by sripture.

Now when He rose early on the first day of the week, He appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom He had cast seven demons.
(Mark 16:9)​

Early on the first day of the week would be at the beginning of the twenty-four hour day.



The dark part starts at sunset or sundown and ends at the following sun up or sunrise. So they use the son to divide night from day in that order.......................The months are lunar. They have 13 months. One is intercalar and the system has a 19 year cycle.
The lunar month has 28 or 29 days. To me or anybody else seams to be a complicated system.....................March 20 should be the first day of the year, not January.........................Now the jews changed that name and call it Nisan. They did this after they came back from Babylon after been there for 70 years thanks to Nebuchanedzar................The 14th of Abib:
Called: Passover, the day of the preparation. Not a sabbath day. You can work on this day. This is the day that the jews were sacrificing a lamb. Their High Priest's lamb was killed at about 3:00 PM. Jesus, the lamb of God, gives up the ghost at EXACTLY 3

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(12210 Days, 3 Days, 42 Days, 150 Days)

(March 20?)
3/23/2016 = End of 12210 Days or First of the Years (Luke 3:23 = Jesus Numbered Like Joseph)
3/23/2016 to 5/4/2016 = 42 Days
5/4/2016 to 5/7/2016 = 3 Days
(14th of Abib?)
5/7/2016 to 5/21/2016 = 14 Days
(28 Lunar Cycle?)
5/21/2016 to 6/18/2016

70 Days for 70 Years of Daniel?

5/7/2016 to 6/18/2016 = 42 Days
5/21/2016 to 6/18/2016 = 28 Days
70 Days for 70 Years of Daniel

12210 + 195 Days = 34 Years these are apparently two parallel sequences overlapping, but only the Holy Ghost/Earth/Celestial, is viable for the "Events of Revelation": 195 Days Celestial = 5/7/2016 to 11/18/2016 (where as the previous 195 Days for Jesus/Antichrist, was cut at 153 Days on 5/7/2016 which began the 195 Days Celestial ... then of the 42 Days that was Intersected, 28 Days in that is Intersected for the "Events of Revelation", Lord's Body/Antipas/Antiparticle, and these intersections give us 70 of Daniel)

The Great Day is a reference to the Eighth Day, not the seventh.

Also on the fifteenth day of the seventh month, when you have gathered in the fruit of the land, you shall keep the feast of the LORD for seven days; on the first day there shall be a sabbath-rest and on the eighth day a sabbath-rest. (Leviticus 23:39 NKJV)

On the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, "If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink." (John 7:37 NKJV)​

May 21, 2016? ... 15th of the Month + 7 = 22, now the Eighth Day Completes the Cycle of 22 Days, so the Seventh Day is the 21st!. Lets view this is Seven Day Cycles:

5/7/2016 to 5/14/2016 = Seven Days
5/14/2016 to 5/21/2016 = Seven Days
5/21/2016 to 5/28/2016 = Seven Days
5/28/2016 to 6/4/2016 = Seven Days
6/4/2016 to 6/11/2016 = Seven Days
6/11/2016 to 6/18/2016 = Seven Days

(Thus the 15th Day of Month ends one cycle of Seven Days, and the 22nd of the Month ends another cycle of Seven Days ... ... ... ... we have a pattern of 42 Days in view ... ... ... ... 12210, 42, 3, 150)

Dave Spiegel addressed this is one of his apologetics classes sometime in the 1990's I think. The explanation is that there were two different calendars in operation -- exactly 1 day apart.

1. God uses a Richman to Measure the Body of Jesus at a 100 Pound Weight
2. God uses an Angel to Measure the Tomb Stone of Jesus, at the Weight of Seven Thunders
(The Apostle Peter/Pilate, did not accept the Measure of Jesus because he did not represent completion of the Judgment, God impacts the Earth to represent Completion of the Judgment for the Church, its for that reason, that two parallel measurements were in view, separated by One Day=24, which is to say, One Day=42, one pattern with parallels. That produce the Temple Stones/Risen Lord's Body/Antipas/Antiparticle, at some date, 5/21/2016, before the "Three Days of Darkness" according to the HolyGhost/Earth/Celestial Measurement ... WHEN THE Seven Thunders of Revelation are allowed to speak, then, the Events of Revelation will begin to Impact the Earth, that is the intersection of parallels the Apostle Peter/Pilate was referring to)

Messiah died 3pm April 25th 31 AD Passover Wednesday( 14 Nisan 3791) and resurrected Saturday April 28th 31 AD.

It had to be a Wednesday to fulfil Daniel's prophecy 9:27 ''in the midst of the week''.

"3pm April" = 34 Years
"April 31 AD" = 34 Years
"28th" and "25th" = 5/21/2016 for 28 Days to the "Three Days of Darkness", when God will accept Sacrifices to Molech of Genetic Dan, for the repentance of a portion of the Nations and also Aaron, Blood Sacrifices at the Altars of Molech, and Sacrifices by Fire on a much larger scale, for mercy. Love and Blessings. (This gives us about 9 days until we reach the next level, of whats necessary).
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New member

Brother, you left me totally confused.
God is not confusing, He is exact and clear.

Probably my brain needs a tuneup.

God bless.

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New member

I checked epiphosco and it has to do with LIGHT, not darkness.

They translated as dawn an I checked my dictionary and also says is the beginning of the day.
It has to do with light

According to the jews:

The day is 24 hours composed of 2 parts:

1st. The dark part of the day. It starts at sunset and ends at sunrise (dawn) like the song.

2nd. The lighted part of the day starts at sunrise and ends at sunset.

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New member
The Sabbath drew near.

Which sabbath?

Not the regular sabbath of the week, the 7th dsy.

It is the 1st day of Unleavened Bread, a High Sabbath.

The week that Jesus died had 2 sabbaths:

A High Sabbath, Thursday
A regular sabbath, Saturday

We really should not call them Thursday and Saturday because we see acting like pagans.

We should call them:
The FIFTH day of the week.
The LAST day of the week.


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Do you know what SCHOLARS said that verses 9 through 20 were not in the original manuscripts and that they found 18 words that Mark never used.

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New member
I checked epiphosco and it has to do with LIGHT, not darkness.

They translated as dawn an I checked my dictionary and also says is the beginning of the day.
It has to do with light

Which is why I said, "As Jesus' body was laid in the tomb the Sabbath dawned."

Ben Masada

New member
The Passover is not a "High sabbath" You can work in this day.

The week Jesus, Yeshua Messiah, died on the middle of the week.
The next day was a "High Sabbath"
The 7th day of that week was the last day.

Just clarifying

Also considering part of a day as a whole day (making one minute EQUAL to 2 hours to 24 hours DOES NOT MAKE SENSE and is very INACCURATE to do that. GOD IS VERY ACURATE)

This is a Jewish custom. VERY INNACURATE.

Jesus said that because of your traditions or customs you annul the commandments of my father.

Believing Jews WILL NEVER believe the above statement because Jesus said it and they don't believe in Jesus.

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Amadeois, you mentioned above that "the week Jesus Yeshua Messiah died on the middle of the week, whatever,
you have committed a duplicate mistake. First, that Jesus was the Messiah when the Messiah cannot be an individual. Why? Because the individual is born, lives his span of life and dies and, the Messiah is not supposed to die but to remain as a People before the Lord forever. (Jer. 31:35-37) If you read Prophet Habakkuk 3:13, "The Lord goes forth to save His People; to save His anointed one; obviously, the collective
in the people of Israel aka the firstborn son of God. (Exodus 4:22,23)

You also say above that believing Jews don't believe Jesus. That's wrong because we do believe Jesus but as
the loyal Jew that he was and not like a Christian teaching against his own Faith which was Judaism. I am sure you won't deny that, do you?


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[MENTION=10340]Ben Masada[/MENTION]

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This is getting tooooo crazy.


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