The Hoax of the Three Days and Three Nights


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You don't have to be a jew to know and understand the words of the Bible.

If somebody thinks that way, that person is discriminating against the rest of the world.

The Hebrew nation was kidnapped by the Babylon Ian and taken to their land for 70 years.

There they were brained washed to believe in their pagan ideas.

Proof of this: the name of the months of the Jewish calendar paying homage to pagan gods.

They forgot what God commanded them, God's chosen nation.

God said I'm the only one and you... (Paraphrasing)

So the OP of this discussions are putting down the belief of some of our Christian brothers.

That is not nice to do with a brother. We love our brothers, we should discuss since in a friendly way. We should not LIE to our brothers.

God said you should not lie.

What happens if you lie?

Let's see the word (New Testament):

Revelation 21:8 (KJV)

"But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and ALL LIARS, shall have their part in the lake which Burnet with fire and bristone: which is THE SECOND DEATH."

The second death is the death of the spirit.


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God told the Jews in the Old Testament, that Abib was the name of the month that was to be the first of their month.

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Mat.12:40 is that the author specifies "three days and three nights." Only that way you must produce the day and nights. If he had not specified as for instance "in three days" I would understand that days and nights can be included in parts of the day and of the night.
And so, by His reckoning, it was. Was he wrong? Is our counting of days wrong? I've seen others start counting on Wednesday (not that our calendar coincides, but rather the days from the Gregorian attributed for figuring). It has been almost 6 months since I posted this btw! :noway:


New member

The evening and the day were the first day. From Genesis days of creation.

For the jews, because of the above, the day start with the dark part of the day followed by the lighted part of the day.

The dark part starts at sunset or sundown and ends at the following sun up or sunrise. So they use the son to divide night from day in that order.

The months are lunar. They have 13 months. One is intercalar and the system has a 19 year cycle.
The lunar month has 28 or 29 days. To me or anybody else seams to be a complicated system.

Let's get to Abib vs Nisan

God told them that the beginning of their months should be called Abib. Abib means when the grains and grasses start to become green. This happens at Spring time. The first day of Spring is March the 20th.

March 20 should be the first day of the year, not January.

In order not to be pagan and to pay homage to other gods and to obey our God. We should say:

1st of Abib is the first day of the year. Also Spring Equinox happens on that day.

Now the jews changed that name and call it Nisan. They did this after they came back from Babylon after been there for 70 years thanks to Nebuchanedzar.

Also thr other names of the Jewish months use names that are Pagan because they pay respect to other gods.

We today are also pagans the way we call our days.

Back to the burial done before sunset.

The 14th of Abib:
Called: Passover, the day of the preparation. Not a sabbath day. You can work on this day. This is the day that the jews were sacrificing a lamb. Their High Priest's lamb was killed at about 3:00 PM. Jesus, the lamb of God, gives up the ghost at EXACTLY 3

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There's often symbolism in numbers. A perfect example is the number '40', which almost always correlates with a time of cleansing or probation- flooding for 40 days, wandering the desert 40 years, fasting 40 days, anon anon.


New member
3:00 PM or the ninth hour.

The start of the lighted part of the day is sunrise at about 6:00 AM = 0.
So 6+9=15=12+3. 3:00PM

A corpse on the cross can not be left there until next day. Also the Sabbath was near???

The day after Passover (14th of Abib) is The First Day of Unleavened Bread, is a High Sabbath to differiante from the regular sabbath, last day of the week: day number seven. High means is a special celebration that can fall on different days of the year. With the Jewish calendar is a mess and regular need always to check with their rabbis or those in charge to calculate when they should celebrate. A cumbersome way not as simple as what I believe wanted. There some other ideas, that are simple on how to calculate the months of the year and they are proven correct with the Olt Testament part of the Bible.

Now, the corpse of Jesus was taken down before sunset when the next day was starting and it was a High Sabbath so you can not work. Bringing a corpse down from a cross means work to the jews. (Too many rules on what you CAN NOT DO on a sabbath day, regular or High)

So then Jesus is taken down and buried (doing that also can not be done on a sabbath day) on the 14th of Abib.

Jesus had His last supper with His apostles the evening before. That was after sunset so it was also on the 14th of Abib and He did follow the rules. Some people say that He did it a day earlier, like the 13 the of Abib, but this show that that position is wrong.

15th of Abib
Jesus is in the tomb. But His spirit went to the center of the Earth right at 3:00 PM and came back at EXACTLY 72 HOURS LATER. It was RESURRECTION TIME, a sabbath day, the last day of the week ad He had said.

Now there is a problem when people say: "the third day"


Friday: the first day,
Saturday: the second day
Sunday: the third day


The Bible uses the word HE MERA ("H") that refers to that part of the day between sunrise (6:00 AM) to sunset (6:00 PM)
THE LIGHTED PART OF THE DAY. We might say about 12 hours.

Will designate HEMERA as "H"

Friday/Sunday Proposition

Dark part: sunset to sunrise
Lighted part: s to s THE day Jesus dies. The 1st "H"

Dark part: s to s
Lighted part: s to s. The 2nd "H"

Dark part: s to s
According to Mark 16:9
Jesús was resurrected just before sunrise. The lighted part had not started.

Also if you study the Greek word used about Jesus been risen, the text uses the word ANESTEMI at the beginning of Mark 16:9 and the name of Jesus is not there, it is assumed that they were writing about Him

Also those passages from Mark 16:9 through 20 were not included in the original manuscripts.
Also scholars said that they found 18 words that Mark never used.


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New member

A suggestion for your Bible studies. And is free and is on the internent.

The Blue Letter Bible.

You can search many things.
Comments by scholars. Lear a little bit of Greek and Hebrew.
Your knowledge, if you use it, can go through the roof. Also you can bt a Interline Translation directly front the Text us Receptus. Check it out on the Internet: the world wide Web

And don't let anybody deceive you with false information.

To get to know Jesus an God:


Let me give you a sample:

Is about friendship.

Person A: Jamie
Person B: Jesus
Person C: a friend

C talks to you A about B
It tells A a lot of information with a lot of details, but A has never met B.




TIME, they need to spend time together, ONE ON ONE - FACE TO FACE

So if you want to become a friend of Jesus, I hope you learned something from the above sample.


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New member

Did you read my explanation about the 14th of Abib. Everything is in the Bible.

I'm not going to guide to where it is. I want you to do it yourself. That way you start becoming a friend of Jesus, not through an intermediary.

Pick up the book and read it yourself, one time, two times. Use the BLUE LETTER BIBLE or if you are a beginner get "The Idiot's Book on the Bible." They are not insulting you, the word IDIOT means that you don't have much knowledge and that's OK. -Nobody started knowing anything about this book until you starting reading and somebody told things to you from this book.

You have to start some place. Like when we were babies and started walking. Be like the people of Berea. Anything the told them about the Bible, they did not scepter at first, they went to the books they had and checked every to verify it was correct.


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New member

Is in the book. Find it and do not say is not scriptural because you do not know where it is located.

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New member
Did you read my explanation about the 14th of Abib. Everything is in the Bible.

Yes, I did and thank you for your effort.

The Passover itself is a sacrifice to save the firstborn from death.

The Passover is eaten that evening after sunset. This is a night to be much observed. (Exodus 12:42)

The feast of Passover is a seven day feast during which unleavened bread is to be eaten. (Ezekiel 45:21)

Why do you believe Jesus was entombed before sunset?


New member

Are you trying to pull my leg?
Is written in the book.
I mentioned it on my write up that the corpses can no be left on the cross and that having to bring somebody down means to work. The next day was starting at sunset, about 6 PM that day. And the High Sabbath was starting so at that sunset you could not take down and bury Jesus, so they were forced by their laws to do all those things before SUNSET. It is my belief and is the TRUE WORD OF GOD.

Why did you ask that question so many times? I am surprised with your attitude.

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New member

Your comments show you know something. God does not like deception. You also say that you are christian. And Christians are not to be deceptive. ARE YOU?

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New member
Your comments show you know something. God does not like deception. You also say that you are christian. And Christians are not to be deceptive. ARE YOU?

I've been honest with you on everything. The reason I asked you why you believe Jesus was buried before sunset is because he wasn't buried before sunset, he was buried at sunset which was the beginning of Thursday and he was resurrected at sundown on Saturday, the beginning of Sunday.

Jesus was not entombed on Wednesday and he was not raised on the weekly Sabbath.

Jesus fulfilled the wave sheaf offering as the first of the firstfruits.

Speak to the children of Israel and say to them: ‘When you come into the land which I give to you and reap its harvest, then you shall bring a sheaf of the firstfruits of your harvest to the priest. He shall wave the sheaf before the LORD, to be accepted on your behalf; on the day after the Sabbath the priest shall wave it. (Leviticus 23:10-11)​

Those at Jesus' burial knew when the holy day began because a trumpet was blown at the beginning and at the end of every Sabbath.


New member

I wrote what I know and can back it up with the word and with the meaning of those words, mainly the Greek.

Thanks for letting me what you think but I do not agree with your ideas.

I will not argue. This is not a competition of who is correct. So if you believe you are correct, fine with me and I'll respect it.

God bless you.

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The Hoax of the Three Days and Three Nights

Now, for the three days and three nights we are talking about, for Jesus to spend in the tomb, according to Matthew 12:40 ....................................We don't even need another gospel writer to contradict the one of Matthew. This contradicts himself as he declares that the next day, the one following the Day of Preparation, the chief Priests asked Pilate for a guard of soldiers to watch the tomb area for three days. (Mat. 27:62-64) ....................... Any volunteers to solve this puzzle?

(Acts 5:1 to 5:7 says that the Apostle Peter/Pilate did not accept the "Three Days" in which Jesus was placed into the tomb as a point of discernment, because that was a measurement of the Holy Spirit (the crucified body). Peter wanted to view the "Three Days" as a measurement of the Holy Ghost or the earth ... technically its not an extra day or a misplaced day, its apart of a sequence, very briefly:)

1. Jesus Christ = 12210 Days, 42 Days, 3 Days, 150 Days (34 Years)
2. Celestial Measurement = 12210 Days, 42 Days, 3 Days 150 Days (34 years)
(Galatians 3:14-17 = Holy Spirit is Measured in 34 years and the Holy Ghost is Measured in 34 Years...1290 to 1335 or 1260 Days + 30 years of Luke 3:23 (1290) + 42 Days + 3 Days = 1335 or 34 years for Holy Spirit ... 2300-1600+666=34 of Revelation for Holy Ghost)(One Measures a Man, the other the Celestial/Earth)

The Apostle Peter/Pilate said, there is a full Day 24 or 42 from Three Days and Three Days? (The Weight of Christ was 100 Pound Weight)

We are talking about Parallels now, lets see:

12210 Days, 42 Days, 3 Days....
...............(12210 Days).... 42 Days, 3 Days, 150 Days

Lifespan of Jesus goes to "three days" following the pattern, then the pattern cuts back to "42 Days" because the Celestial Measurement of 12210 Days is completed at the end of "three days" following the Lifespan of Jesus:

12210 Days, 42 Days, 3 Days*42Days*3 Days of Darkness, 150 Days Star Wormwood.

The Apostle Peter had the highlighted statement in Green in view, in Mat. 27:62-64

Jesus Body was 100 Pound Weight, we need to see this in today's terms (this should begin the events of revelation)

10/18/1982 to 3/23/2016 = 12210 Days
3/23/2016 to 5/4/2016 = 42 Days
5/4/2016 to 5/7/2016 = 3 Days (Prince)

12/2/1982 to 5/7/2016 = 12210 Days
5/7/2016 to 6/18/2016 = 42 Days
6/18/2016 to 6/21/2016 = 3 Days of Darkness
(Prince William)

3 Days of Darkness or 72 Hours + 28 Days = 100 Pound Weight

5/21/2016 to 6/18/2016 = 28 Days (Messiah the Prince of Daniel)
6/18/2016 to 6/21/2016 = 72 Hours
100 Pound Weight of Jesus Body for Events of Revelation

II KINGS 10:32 In those days the LORD began to cut Israel short: and Hazael smote them in all the coasts of Israel;
II KINGS 10:36 And the time that Jehu reigned over Israel in Samaria [was] twenty and eight years.
II CHRONICLES 11:21 And Rehoboam loved Maachah the daughter of Absalom above all his wives and his concubines: (for he took eighteen wives, and threescore concubines; and begat twenty and eight sons, and threescore daughters.)

That gives us approximately 9 Days until the events of revelation must begin. The "Short Space of Revelation", in which the Lord's Body is revealed. 28 Days, ending on 6/18/2016, which begins the "Three Days of Darkness". Love and Blessings. (May 21, 2016 must begin this cycle).
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