The Hoax of the Three Days and Three Nights

Ben Masada

New member
You are a Jew looking for the proverbial nail, in this case, literally?

There are a lot of mathematical solutions that have been provide on many forums and books.

"These aren't the droids days you are looking for."

If you are just curious, more power to you :carryon:

I am not at all being literal in this interpretation of mine. If the author of Mat. 12:40 had said in three days, he would have saved his prophecy from any arrow of interpretation but, when he said "in three days and three nights." he simply crowned the blunder he started. The prophecy-to-be became a pseud one.

Ben Masada

New member
The Hoax of the Three Days and Three Nights

Not true. To walk by faith means to be led by God's Spirit just as Moses was led when he led the people of Israel out of Egypt. The people walked by sight following Moses wherever he was led.

According to Paul in II Cor. 5:7, to walk by faith is to leave the understanding with Paul. To walk by sight, yes, is to walk with understanding. Therefore, to walk by faith is to walk blindly why the founder of the Christian church aka Paul would be the guide.


I am not at all being literal in this interpretation of mine. If the author of Mat. 12:40 had said in three days, he would have saved his prophecy from any arrow of interpretation but, when he said "in three days and three nights." he simply crowned the blunder he started. The prophecy-to-be became a pseud one.

Swats at gnats, swallows camels, it's an entire culture of quibleing lawyers. Jesus ran into this sort of silliness. He would perform a miracle and some anal idiot would point out that he didn't wash his hands before supper therefor....... LOL!


1 - Peter never wrote a thing either in the NT or anywhere else. According to Luke in Acts 4:13, Peter and John were two unlearned and ignorant men. IOW, illiterate people cannot write books.

2 - No Jewish believer is liberated from the Torah, including Jesus who was not. Only Paul who was an outlaw for having claimed to have been liberated from the Law. (Rom. 7:6)

3 - Yahweh has never had a son without a biological father. It would be akin to the Greek myth of the demigod aka the son of a god with an earthly woman.

4 - This is a Christian practice, not Jewish. (Deut. 4:15,16; Isa. 44:13)

5 - Torah has been completed much later than that at the hands of Ezra in the captivity in Babylon.

I didn't say Peter wrote something, I said Paul learned about the post cross gospel from Peter as Paul never knew Jesus in the flesh.

Jesus biological father was Joseph, his married parents. The Pagans believed in a virgin birth savior, blood drinking and flesh eating.


Well-known member
I didn't say Peter wrote something, I said Paul learned about the post cross gospel from Peter as Paul never knew Jesus in the flesh.

Jesus biological father was Joseph, his married parents. The Pagans believed in a virgin birth savior, blood drinking and flesh eating.

Not likely, to bad Pete had to get spanked by Paul in Galatians for bad behavior, not that either ever existed except in the land of assumption and parasitical fables, the Gospel of the inward Christ does exist, and always has.


Well-known member
I am not at all being literal in this interpretation of mine.
If the author of Mat. 12:40 had said in three days, he would have saved his prophecy from any arrow of interpretation but, when he said "in three days and three nights." he simply crowned the blunder he started. The prophecy-to-be became a pseud one.
See, I can now start picking your statement apart, as you are doing Matthew here, or I can assume "I" am not getting a point you are trying to make. So the answer is either you or I am the problem. When I'm reading the OT, I notice the numbers do not add up well all the time. Mistake? Likely not. I think they were able to count. Rather, I think they were emphasizing something from their own purview. Wrong? :nono: Not by any necessity. It just doesn't add up to us, but that doesn't mean anything. Until that conversation with them could ever take place, it goes on as a math problem without all the available information. For me, that's the end of the discussion, long before the rest of you rework the numbers ad nauseam. In Algebra some answers are no answers, merely a simplification of the problem, waiting for more data before it could possibly be completed. So, we have algebra represented in scripture, not always simple math.


Well-known member
There are two answers to the OP's false dilemma. One answer is clearly portrayed in the ministry of Messiah but because some statements are not understood by the translators they do not come across into English well enough to be recognized. The other answer is in the hours of the new creation crucifixion of Messiah but one must understand days and hours according to the Torah, (which the OP clearly does not understand). :)

Ben Masada

New member
The Hoax of the Three Days and Three Nights

Swats at gnats, swallows camels, it's an entire culture of quibleing lawyers. Jesus ran into this sort of silliness. He would perform a miracle and some anal idiot would point out that he didn't wash his hands before supper therefor....... LOL!

Do you know what you have as an evidence that Jesus used to perform miracles? Your faith. Miracles performed by any one including Jesus was an act of faith. One has never reported about a miracle that he or she eyewitnessed. Miracles are usually reported from hear-say.

Ben Masada

New member
The Hoax of the Three Days and Three Nights

I didn't say Peter wrote something, I said Paul learned about the post cross gospel from Peter as Paul never knew Jesus in the flesh.

Jesus biological father was Joseph, his married parents. The Pagans believed in a virgin birth savior, blood drinking and flesh eating.

So, you did not say that Peter wrote any thing. Good for you but, how then do you explain the two letters attributed to Peter? If you ask me, the reason was to gather apostolic credibility to the NT. That's my opinion as a Jew. What's yours as a Christian? Whatever you have in answer to this question is that the contradictions of the NT are admitted by Christians themselves. Would you agree with me?

You are proving to be of a developed-minded modern Christian because, consciously or not, you are discarding also the gospel of Matthew that claims Jesus to have been born of God with Mary and and not with Joseph. (Mat. 1:18)

Ben Masada

New member
The Hoax of the Three Days and Three Nights


See, I can now start picking your statement apart, as you are doing Matthew here, or I can assume "I" am not getting a point you are trying to make. So the answer is either you or I am the problem. When I'm reading the OT, I notice the numbers do not add up well all the time. Mistake? Likely not. I think they were able to count. Rather, I think they were emphasizing something from their own purview. Wrong? :nono: Not by any necessity. It just doesn't add up to us, but that doesn't mean anything. Until that conversation with them could ever take place, it goes on as a math problem without all the available information. For me, that's the end of the discussion, long before the rest of you rework the numbers ad nauseam. In Algebra some answers are no answers, merely a simplification of the problem, waiting for more data before it could possibly be completed. So, we have algebra represented in scripture, not always simple math.

Or perhaps neither with you nor with me, is the problem, but with our preconceived notions.

Ben Masada

New member
The Hoax of the Three Days and Three Nights

There are two answers to the OP's false dilemma. One answer is clearly portrayed in the ministry of Messiah but because some statements are not understood by the translators they do not come across into English well enough to be recognized. The other answer is in the hours of the new creation crucifixion of Messiah but one must understand days and hours according to the Torah, (which the OP clearly does not understand). :)

I don't think there is any thing false about the way I disect this dilemma. The whole problem is that while you speak as a Christian I do as a Jew. We are both siding with two different gospels. You with Paul's and myself with Jesus'.


New member
14th of Abib not Nisan.

The jews changed it after living in Babylon for many years. Nebuchadneser kidnapped the Hebrews and changed their ideas away from God's instructions.

3:00 PM
Jesús died on the middle of the week, a regular day. On the feast of Passover. The High Priest's lamb was killed at 3:00 PM exactly at the same time that Jesus died at the 9th hour.

5:00 to 6:00
He was buried BEFORE sunset because of the rule that you could not leave the corpses on the cross because the Sabbath was coming. What sabbath? A High Sabbath when you can not take the corpses down because it meant work and you can not work on any sabbath day: regular or High.

Sabbath explanation
Regular: it happens every week, shabbaton, and is the last day of the week. Day number 7. You do not work. To prepare spices is to work. If you believe on the Friday/Sunday death and resurrection, you have a problem. The ladies could have NOT have any time to prepare the spices.

Jesus is buried before sunset. At sunset we have day 15, the start of the regular sabbath, so no spices. Then early on the first day of the week they went to the tomb. Somebody may say that they prepared it after sunset of the sabbath. Is a Sunday so they can work.

I will continue later to explain that this can bot be true because there is another passage that explain and clarifies the whole thing.

The Devil wants you to believe there is a hoax, but if you study the Bible like the Bereans, you'll find the truth and there are NO CONTRADICTIONS.

The word of God doesn't contradict each other. We do it because the enemy is getting ideas in your head to deceive you and to take you away, far away from the truth.




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Ben Masada

New member
14th of Abib not Nisan.The jews changed it after living in Babylon for many years. Nebuchadneser kidnapped the Hebrews and changed their ideas away from God's instructions.

Abib or Nisan, what difference does it make it? Ezra was there and made sure to prepare the People for redemption at the end of the 70 years exile which was about to complete.

3:00 PM Jesús died on the middle of the week, a regular day. On the feast of Passover. The High Priest's lamb was killed at 3:00 PM exactly at the same time that Jesus died at the 9th hour.

And this coincidence is supposed to make of Jesus the lamb of God? Besides, Jesus was not the only Jew to be crucified by the Romans. According to Josephus, thousands of Jews were crucified only in the First Century.

5:00 to 6:00 He was buried BEFORE sunset because of the rule that you could not leave the corpses on the cross because the Sabbath was coming. What sabbath? A High Sabbath when you can not take the corpses down because it meant work and you can not work on any sabbath day: regular or High.

You have forgotten that Pichuach Nephesh could be used to even save the life of an *** out of a whole where he had fallen. Let alone the life of a human being. When Joseph of Arimathea was taking Jesus off the cross, he realized that he was still alive. So, every thing was allowed to remove him into another place to take care of his wounds on the Sabbath.

Sabbath explanation Regular: it happens every week, shabbaton, and is the last day of the week. Day number 7. You do not work. To prepare spices is to work. If you believe on the Friday/Sunday death and resurrection, you have a problem. The ladies could have NOT have any time to prepare the spices.

Well, in that case the Jews have no problem to deal with as we don't believe in the resurrection of the dead. The Tanach does not approve it. (2 Samuel 12:23; Isaiah 26:14; Job 7:9)

Jesus is buried before sunset. At sunset we have day 15, the start of the regular sabbath, so no spices. Then early on the first day of the week they went to the tomb. Somebody may say that they prepared it after sunset of the sabbath. Is a Sunday so they can work.

I wonder why you are struggling with straws. If there is a contradiction in the NT, it is not the only one. There are many more much more important than this one.

I will continue later to explain that this can bot be true because there is another passage that explain and clarifies the whole thing.

There we go! I am more interested in the passage that you claim will explain and clarify every thing. Don't take too long.

The Devil wants you to believe there is a hoax, but if you study the Bible like the Bereans, you'll find the truth and there are NO CONTRADICTIONS.

That's too bad because I don't believe in the Devil. For us the Devil is only a concept to illustrate the evil inclination in man. The bottom line is that you do agree with the many contradictions in the NT because, as you suggest, if I go read the Bereans, I won't be dealing with all these contradictions.

The word of God doesn't contradict each other. We do it because the enemy is getting ideas in your head to deceive you and to take you away, far away from the truth.

Of course, the Word of God does not contradict each other but, since the NT did not exist during Jesus' lifetime, he never had the chance to verify if the NT could be classified as part of the Word of God. Only the Tanach was for Jesus God's Word.

Ben Masada

New member
There are two answers to the OP's false dilemma. One answer is clearly portrayed in the ministry of Messiah but because some statements are not understood by the translators they do not come across into English well enough to be recognized. The other answer is in the hours of the new creation crucifixion of Messiah but one must understand days and hours according to the Torah, (which the OP clearly does not understand). :)

Well, what's your question? How do you know that the OP does not understand if you don't question him? Could it be that you are the one who does not know what you need to ask?


New member
[MENTION=10340]Ben Masada[/MENTION]

Thank you for your kind words.

There is a saying: What comes out of your mouth shows what you have inside your heart.

I believe we are here to discuss the Bible. Is a Christian Forum.

Since you are Jewish and you don't believe in Jesus or the New Testament, I'll be wasting my time on showing you things that from the start you are all ready rejecting.

What are you doing here if you reject everything we discuss in this Forum?

Are you like an enemy to throw a monkey wrench into the proceedings?

Or, are you here to learn something new?

Shalom, brother.

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Ben Masada

New member

See, I can now start picking your statement apart, as you are doing Matthew here, or I can assume "I" am not getting a point you are trying to make. So the answer is either you or I am the problem. When I'm reading the OT, I notice the numbers do not add up well all the time. Mistake? Likely not. I think they were able to count. Rather, I think they were emphasizing something from their own purview. Wrong? :nono: Not by any necessity. It just doesn't add up to us, but that doesn't mean anything. Until that conversation with them could ever take place, it goes on as a math problem without all the available information. For me, that's the end of the discussion, long before the rest of you rework the numbers ad nauseam. In Algebra some answers are no answers, merely a simplification of the problem, waiting for more data before it could possibly be completed. So, we have algebra represented in scripture, not always simple math.

Well, considering that there are not many Jews around, take advantage of this one to share with him what does not add in the Tanach when you read it. Don't give up too fast on your way out with all these question marks in your mind that they may not be wrong but "things don't add." What things are not adding in the Tanach? Let's talk about them. I can guarantee only that the time won't be lost. The problem with Mat.12:40 is that the author specifies "three days and three nights." Only that way you must produce the day and nights. If he had not specified as for instance "in three days" I would understand that days and nights can be included in parts of the day and of the night.


New member
Jesus is buried before sunset.

It was the day of Preparation and the Sabbath was beginning. (Luke 23:54 ESV)​

It was the day of Preparation and the Sabbath was beginning. (Luke 23:54 RSV)​

How did they know the Sabbath was beginning?


New member
The Passover is not a "High sabbath" You can work in this day.

The week Jesus, Yeshua Messiah, died on the middle of the week.
The next day was a "High Sabbath"
The 7th day of that week was the last day.

Just clarifying

Also considering part of a day as a whole day (making one minute EQUAL to 2 hours to 24 hours DOES NOT MAKE SENSE and is very INACCURATE to do that. GOD IS VERY ACURATE)

This is a Jewish custom. VERY INNACURATE.

Jesus said that because of your traditions or customs you annul the commandments of my father.

Believing Jews WILL NEVER believe the above statement because Jesus said it and they don't believe in Jesus.

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