The Historical Jesus Never Existed

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Well-known member
You're a conspiracy theorist Zeke?

No, only those who be lie eve the govern-mentalist are conspiracy followers. Try living without that persona ID of this world, yet ridicule is the escape pod back into worldly security when that challenge is proposed.


Well-known member

This is another significant issue mentioned in the above video, that Josephus, except in the controversial 'testimonium flavianium'(TF), either a partial or whole forgery, makes no mention of any religious group called 'christians'

Then I guess most of us here are a figment of your fertile imagination.
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patrick jane

No, only those who be lie eve the govern-mentalist are conspiracy followers. Try living without that persona ID of this world, yet ridicule is the escape pod back into worldly security when that challenge is proposed.
You're a little goofy Zeke


Eclectic Theosophist
Josephus additions...

Josephus additions...

Then I guess most of us here are a figment of your fertile imagination.

Red herring :)

Let's note as well that references to any 'christian' in more than one account before the 4th century were written 'Chrestian' (from Chrestus) which means 'good' or 'useful' ones, then scribes altered the spelling to wipe out the 'e' to replace it with 'i' fit into their 'Christian' traditon/theology. (just an interesting note, for what it's worth)

But if you want to play....perhaps one's definition of 'christian' is just as relative or peculiar as one's concepts or images of 'God' are, perhaps?

Note that universal truths and principles of Spirit and Nature are allegorically pictured and archetyped thru myth and metaphor, hence the universal logos and wisdom reveals itself as the golden thread in almost all religious schools and traditions and this is called Theosophy or the Perennial Wisdom. Hence the 'Christ story' is the mythos of the 'word' becoming flesh, the incarnation of God in Man or as Man :)

Jesus is the archetype, exemplar and pattern of our own transformation, he being the firstborn among many brethren.

But back on topic, my points made on Josephus hold, and the scholarly debate about the genuineness or forgery of the TF, if you'd like to address that.


Josephus and Jesus: The Testimonium Flavianum Question (earlychristianwritings)

The silence of Josephus (nazoreans site)

Josephus Untangled (Acharya S/D.M. Murdock)


Well-known member
Everyone knows there was a historical Jesus.

I call upon two witnesses to bring holy fire from the heavens and burn Trinity and her religion to the ground:

John 1:18a ASV
18a No man hath seen God at any time;

1 John 4:12a ASV
12a No man hath beheld God at any time:

Therefore any historical man of flesh and bone named Yeshua or Jesus cannot have been God Almighty even according to the apostles and disciples of Yeshua himself. No one has seen or beheld God at any time: therefore any man who was seen with the natural physical eyes of the apostles cannot have been God Almighty or none of them would have ever said such a thing. With two simple little statements, two witnesses in agreement, an entire carnal and flesh minded religion is aflame and burning down to the ground. :chuckle:


Well-known member
JP better learn some legal terms that they use to enslave you, unless you like you're voluntary servitude then carry on as the fictional impersonator/afterbirth.[video][/video]


Well-known member
Red herring :)

Let's note as well that references to any 'christian' in more than one account before the 4th century were written 'Chrestian' (from Chrestus) which means 'good' or 'useful' ones, then scribes altered the spelling to wipe out the 'e' to replace it with 'i' fit into their 'Christian' traditon/theology. (just an interesting note, for what it's worth)

But if you want to play....perhaps one's definition of 'christian' is just as relative or peculiar as one's concepts or images of 'God' are, perhaps?

Note that universal truths and principles of Spirit and Nature are allegorically pictured and archetyped thru myth and metaphor, hence the universal logos and wisdom reveals itself as the golden thread in almost all religious schools and traditions and this is called Theosophy or the Perennial Wisdom. Hence the 'Christ story' is the mythos of the 'word' becoming flesh, the incarnation of God in Man or as Man :)

Jesus is the archetype, exemplar and pattern of our own transformation, he being the firstborn among many brethren.

But back on topic, my points made on Josephus hold, and the scholarly debate about the genuineness or forgery of the TF, if you'd like to address that.


Josephus and Jesus: The Testimonium Flavianum Question (earlychristianwritings)

The silence of Josephus (nazoreans site)

Josephus Untangled (Acharya S/D.M. Murdock)

Come on Free ... out of one side of your mouth you try and co-opt Christ to flesh out your philosophy and out of the other side of your mouth you question His existence.

No man (or woman) may have two masters. How long halt ye between two opinions?


Eclectic Theosophist
Jesus studies......

Jesus studies......

Come on Free ... out of one side of your mouth you try and co-opt Christ to flesh out your philosophy and out of the other side of your mouth you question His existence.

No man (or woman) may have two masters. How long halt ye between two opinions?

Just keeping an open mind :)

I grew up like most in a christianized culture where we just assume Jesus existed as portrayed in the 4 gospels, yet no eye witness accounts exist outside of those books....later mentions being 'heresay' of already formed beliefs further taking on forms of their own in the various sects arising. Such is the evolution of things.

A pure mythicist view is not necessarily atheistic, for one can still be a spiritualist/theosophist and appreciate the meanings and values mirrored in the stories which reflect the divine Mind relating itself thru human experience.

I consider sources that do accept a historical Jesus and those holding more liberal or mythicist views, as such a tradition affords variety. In a more skeptical sense I can be somewhat agnostic, while my inner mystic is a freedom loving gnostic. A paradox perhaps? :surf:


Well-known member
Just keeping an open mind :)

I grew up like most in a christianized culture where we just assume Jesus existed as portrayed in the 4 gospels, yet no eye witness accounts exist outside of those books....later mentions being 'heresay' of already formed beliefs further taking on forms of their own in the various sects arising. Such is the evolution of things.

A pure mythicist view is not necessarily atheistic, for one can still be a spiritualist/theosophist and appreciate the meanings and values mirrored in the stories which reflect the divine Mind relating itself thru human experience.

I consider sources that do accept a historical Jesus and those holding more liberal or mythicist views, as such a tradition affords variety. In a more skeptical sense I can be somewhat agnostic, while my inner mystic is a freedom loving gnostic. A paradox perhaps? :surf:

That's a good paradox though, and one that doesn't have to except absurd theories that have no valid artifacts or relevance to the time period, plus the stories are traceable to prior sects and cultures even preceding the modern understanding of the term IS RA EL which is pure Egyptian to the core, just like the name of Nun, as do many other doctrinal issues, even the word Bible comes from that culture, yet the westernized mind has been conditioned to ridicule instead of giving the info a honest appraisal.

The fame that spread far and wide seems to be a missing link to the writers, as well has the shakers and movers of that period, the time period info doesn't include a lot of endeavors attributed to the carnal Christ theory, " that should have been recorded" yet not a trust worthy clue exist.


Well-known member
Just keeping an open mind :)

I grew up like most in a christianized culture where we just assume Jesus existed as portrayed in the 4 gospels, yet no eye witness accounts exist outside of those books....later mentions being 'heresay' of already formed beliefs further taking on forms of their own in the various sects arising. Such is the evolution of things.

A pure mythicist view is not necessarily atheistic, for one can still be a spiritualist/theosophist and appreciate the meanings and values mirrored in the stories which reflect the divine Mind relating itself thru human experience.

I consider sources that do accept a historical Jesus and those holding more liberal or mythicist views, as such a tradition affords variety. In a more skeptical sense I can be somewhat agnostic, while my inner mystic is a freedom loving gnostic. A paradox perhaps? :surf:

Oh please stop with the pretense; your mind is about as open as a sprung bear trap. You've bought Blavatsky's theological flapdoodle hook,line and sinker long ago with a lot less witness and veracity than Christianity can muster. Her source of wisdom being her so called "Ascended Masters" who, upon closer inspection, turn out to be Pike, Mazzini and other such provocateurs. These champions of Gnosticism claim an antiquity of thought whose documentation is so sparse as to make the most novice of the intellectually honest blush in embarrassment.

Ben Masada

New member
The Historical Jesus Never Existed.

Well, as a matter of fact, I can't prove the historical Jesus. Books written about someone is no empirical proof of his former existence. A proved evidence as books are concerned, would be on the fact that he wrote something about himself. Jesus never wrote a book and never a follower of his wrote something about him. Evidences abound that the names of his disciples are used for the NT books more in the sense of gathering apostolic credibility for the NT.


Eclectic Theosophist
more to come.....

more to come.....

Oh please stop with the pretense; your mind is about as open as a sprung bear trap. You've bought Blavatsky's theological flapdoodle hook,line and sinker long ago with a lot less witness and veracity than Christianity can muster. Her source of wisdom being her so called "Ascended Masters" who, upon closer inspection, turn out to be Pike, Mazzini and other such provocateurs. These champions of Gnosticism claim an antiquity of thought whose documentation is so sparse as to make the most novice of the intellectually honest blush in embarrassment.

:) - I made an extensive response last night, but now this morning its gone :( - I think since Knight switched hosting companies there was a period of time when some posts were erased or did not make it thru to become officially 'posted'. Oh well,...I'll have fun creating a new response soon. Enjoy the interim ;)


Well-known member
:) - I made an extensive response last night, but now this morning its gone :( - I think since Knight switched hosting companies there was a period of time when some posts were erased or did not make it thru to become officially 'posted'. Oh well,...I'll have fun creating a new response soon. Enjoy the interim ;)

Yeah, I heard about our switch-over glitch. Such is the tenuous nature of existence on the internet. That's why I type my longer offerings on a word processor. There is a marginally higher likelihood they will survive long enough reach their intended audience should something go awry in the aether.


Eclectic Theosophist
Yeah, I heard about our switch-over glitch. Such is the tenuous nature of existence on the internet. That's why I type my longer offerings on a word processor. There is a marginally higher likelihood they will survive long enough reach their intended audience should something go awry in the aether.

Yeah, was weird....since I looked this morning, and my posts were gone. I sometimes also use Wordpad,...if I know there is possibility of losing material for whatever reason, but was not aware of the system switch over. Stay on your toes :)


Well-known member
... and then there is something to be said for getting a "do over". Life doesn't often afford those ... that is of course, unless you believe in ... well, you know.
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