The Hidden Language Of The Holy Spirit


You are wrong Squeaky. Jesus is in every book of the Old Testament.
Jesus in the Law.
Genesis - The Seed of Woman
Exodus - The Passover Lamb
Leviticus - The Perfect Sacrifice
Numbers - The Lifted-Up One
Deuteronomy - The Prophet greater than Moses

Jesus in the Books of History
Joshua - the Captain of our Salvation
Judges - The Deliverer
Ruth - The Near Kinsman
Samuel -The Judge
Kings and Chronicles - The King
Ezra - The Faithful Scribe
Nehemiah - The Restorer of Our Soul
Esther - The Advocate

Jesus in the Books of Poetry
Job - The Ever-Lasting Redeemer
Psalms - The New Song
Proverbs - The Wisdom of God
Ecclesiastes - The Goal of Life
Song of Solomon - The Lover of Our Soul

Jesus in the Major Prophets
Isaiah - The Suffering Servant
Jeremiah - The Righteous Branch of David
Lamentation - The Weeping Prophet
Ezekiel - The Glory of God
Daniel - The Smitting Stone

Jesus in the Minor Prophets
Hosea - The Forgiving Bridegroom
Joel - The Giver of the Holy Spirit
Amos - The Builder of the City of God
Obadiah - The Savior
Jonah - The Firstborn of the Dead
Micah - The Ruler of all Ages
Nahum The Avenger
Habakkuk The God of our Salvation
Zephaniah - The One in our midst
Haggai - The Restorer of the Kingdom
Zechariah - The Priest on the Throne
Malachi - The Son of righteousness with Healing in His Wings

I said
lol You know better than that. There were stories about Him coming, but He wasnt here until the new testament. Begotten means first time on earth. First time for anything.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I said
lol You know better than that. There were stories about Him coming, but He wasnt here until the new testament. Begotten means first time on earth. First time for anything.

don't you believe that the Old Testament foretells of Jesus coming?


New member
I'm sharing these so that one day we can be of the same mind.

[Rom 12:16
[16] Be of the same mind toward one another. Do not set your mind on high things, but associate with the humble. Do not be wise in your own opinion.

We can be of the same mind between us ourselves or of the same mind as believing jews...

Because we CAN be of the same mind with believing jews as Yah makes NO DISTINCTION between us...

Peter as a believing jew speaking to other believing jews was quite clear in Act 15:9 that Yah “made NO DISTINCTION between us and them for He cleansed their (us the believing goyim) hearts by faith.”

Peter the believing jew said this as a council was called in Jerusalem by other believing jews as to what should be done with all these believing goyim crowding synagogues every Sabbath...

James finally concluded that 4 things be expected to fellowship rules for fellowship...3 of these included dietary laws ALREADY in the well there ya go...laws brought INTO the new surprise as it was demonstrated by Him prior its sealing...anyway...

So yes NO DISTINCTION between us and believing we eat just like and assemble on the Sabbath to hear Moses preached and read and of One resurrected...NO DISTINCTION same as they did back then...and in the church in the wilderness...

Yup the Holy Spirit DOES bring us together NO DISTINCTION IN HIM...

Because Acts 5:32 Peter was quite clear that the Holy Spirit is given to those who OBEY...

Obey that SAME LAW...that ONE LAW for native and goyim alike...

That is how the Holy Spirit brings us into the same mind...when our hearts are circumcised IN HIM HIS WAY...

Just as He taught and lived completing the new covenant and sealing it with His death...

HalleluYah...come join His people Squeaky to live His Way...let the Holy Spirit make NO DISTINCTION in our minds...IN HIM no jew no gentile just a new creature a citizen of Israel...


We can be of the same mind between us ourselves or of the same mind as believing jews...

Because we CAN be of the same mind with believing jews as Yah makes NO DISTINCTION between us...

Peter as a believing jew speaking to other believing jews was quite clear in Act 15:9 that Yah “made NO DISTINCTION between us and them for He cleansed their (us the believing goyim) hearts by faith.”

Peter the believing jew said this as a council was called in Jerusalem by other believing jews as to what should be done with all these believing goyim crowding synagogues every Sabbath...

James finally concluded that 4 things be expected to fellowship rules for fellowship...3 of these included dietary laws ALREADY in the well there ya go...laws brought INTO the new surprise as it was demonstrated by Him prior its sealing...anyway...

So yes NO DISTINCTION between us and believing we eat just like and assemble on the Sabbath to hear Moses preached and read and of One resurrected...NO DISTINCTION same as they did back then...and in the church in the wilderness...

Yup the Holy Spirit DOES bring us together NO DISTINCTION IN HIM...

Because Acts 5:32 Peter was quite clear that the Holy Spirit is given to those who OBEY...

Obey that SAME LAW...that ONE LAW for native and goyim alike...

That is how the Holy Spirit brings us into the same mind...when our hearts are circumcised IN HIM HIS WAY...

Just as He taught and lived completing the new covenant and sealing it with His death...

HalleluYah...come join His people Squeaky to live His Way...let the Holy Spirit make NO DISTINCTION in our minds...IN HIM no jew no gentile just a new creature a citizen of Israel...

I said
lol We cannot be of the same mind. Read the OP. You can talk for three days and only come up with 2 or 3 verses from the Holy Spirit. You reject the revelations of Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit. To be like minded your going to have to purge your carnality and rely on the verses for all your wisdom. Read the OP