the big dip...............
the big dip...............
Hi Kev, comments interspersed below -
Kev begins -
I am amazed this thread has been going on and on as it has.
That's because of people's ingorance about what baptism is, and what we are trying to say. This is proven by people uttering rediculous sayings such as: "water doesnt save, but faith avails.", or "Jesus saves, not H20.".
You can do a search on this thread, and not ONE time will you find that I've said (or anybodyelse I've seen) that "water saves and not faith" .... or anything CLOSE to that. Anybody with half a brain who has taken a look at God's word knows that we are saved by our faith.
)=============of course Kev, I dont think I've ever accused any of the H20'ers of believing faith is not essential.
Kev continues -
Where the disagreement on this thread lies is what kind of faith saves. Read again.... what KIND of faith saves. You guys want to claim that faith "only" saves, while we contend that faith which produces obedience - which shows true faith, is the kind of faith that saves.
)========== I agree, living faith which inspires action saves.
Kev continues -
Despite this, ramblings of "Jesus saves, not H20" continues, due to ignorance, pride, blindness, or a combination of any of those mentioned.
)=========== lol - I think you are referring to Freaks wonderful antics there. :chuckle:
Kev continues -
If anything is rediculous, it's the notion that faith "only" saves. That doctrine essentially teaches that as long as a person has faith in Jesus Christ, they can practice the following, and still make it to heaven:
Not repent
)=============now now, that is a bit extreme! I seriously doubt most faithers believe in what you propose. Come on.
Kevin continues -
Again, faith "only" claims that a person needs "only" to believe in Jesus, and that's all they need. They don't have to repent of their sinful ways. They can continue living a life of sin (disobedience to God) and still make it to heaven as long as they have faith. Now that's an absurd doctrine, but that's what faith "only" teaches. If you throw in ANY other condition for salvation, such as repentance, then faith "only" is defeated, for they are two seperate things.
)=============Hmmmmm........I think thats your 'view' or 'interpretation' of what you think 'faith only' folks believe - you are exaggerating a bit to make your point...however.
1)Lets say right now....I am a christian....have been for years...but have not officially gotten baptized yet in water (total immersion) 'for' the remission of sins.
Then I wouldn't say that you are a Christian. A Christian is one who follows Christ, and Christ commanded that we be baptized... you just don't understand what baptism is for. Read Romans 6: 1-11. You'll clearly see that baptism is "FOR", yes for, the remission of sins, just as stated in Acts 2:38. How can you say you are a Christian if you don't obey His commandments? You can't, and the apostle John agrees with me:
1 John 2:3-4 (MKJV)
3) And by this we know that we have known Him, if we keep His commandments.
4) He who says, I have known Him, and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.
Plain and simple, if you don't keep His commandments, then the truth is not in you, and you are a liar. What happened to faith only?
I am quite fine the way I am......and may or may not get water baptized. What if I never get water baptized? Will I still make it to heaven? Can I still be saved?
Can a person make it to heaven who are still slaves of sin? No. Can a person make it to heaven who has not crucified the old man of sin? No. Will a person who is alive to sin, but dead to God be saved? No. ALL of these questions relate directly to baptism (Romans 6:1-11).
)==============O kev, have made your point and presented your logic over and over again....and your proof texts :angel: - I admire your perseverence.....and of course recognize your stand/position.
2)Also.....what about those christians who only get 'sprinkled' as opposed to dunked - is their baptism valid????
There are three problems with this:
Sprinkling disagrees with the Greek for the word "baptism":
From a derivative of G911; to make whelmed (that is, fully wet); used only (in the New Testament) of ceremonial ablution, especially (technically) of the ordinance of Christian baptism: - baptist, baptize, wash.
Sprinkling goes against the New Testament example of being baptized into Christ:
Acts 8:38-39 (MKJV)
38) And he commanded the chariot to stand still. And they both went down into the water, both Philip and the eunuch. And he baptized him.
39) And when they had come up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught Philip away, so that the eunuch saw him no more. And he went on his way rejoicing.
Why would they go down into the water and come up out of the water? And why do you think people were baptized in bodies of water large enough for immersion, such as the Jordan River or the baptistries found in Jerusalem? Answer: because they knew what "baptidzo" meant - to make fully wet.
When we are baptized into Christ, we are symbolically following Christ into His death, burial, and resurrection (See Romans 6). It is at the point of baptism that we die with Christ (and it is those who have died with Christ who are freed from sin (Rom. 6:7 - which shows that baptism is FOR the remission of sins, Mr. Suspect). When we are water baptized, is somebody buried (completely covered) by sprinkling, or by full immersion? Immersion, which fits with the Greek and the example given in the New Testament.
)============= very good,.....I have always seen 'baptizo' to mean to fully immerse.
Of couse you know my opinion - water doesnt save, but faith avails.
Faith saves? Really? This and others alike are the comments that I spoke of in the beginning of my post that shows a person's ignorance on what baptism is, and what we are trying to say. Show me who says that water saves?
)============== Its a matter of understanding isnt it. If you understand, you'll get my point - yours was gotten long ago - the rest are semantics, variables, perspectives, flexibilities in relative views etc.
The question is the act of obedience,
If faith "only" saves, as you and others advocate, then obedience doesn't matter. See above.
) faith does inspire one to obey and actually satisfy the will/desire/law of God. Of course, faith without action(works) is not a living faith. Come on. Cant you see much of this is semantics, more or less. I dont know if I can agree with your assessment of 'faith' only advocating and allowing free engagement of sin - because first of all....such is not even 'christian' and second of all....true faith in God inspires righteousness and obedience to His divine will - genuine faith even inspires a hatred of evil and the fear of the Lord. This thread is about exhausted and you have shared your view thoroughly and extensively - thanks for sharing - it has been some ride. :cheers:
You also realize that some 'christians' will have various views and different perspectives on baptism relative to their salvation - you have made your point and case.

:mrt: :joker: :juggle: :read: :drum:
:wave: :cloud9:

:bow: :neck: :baby:
God bless and keep you,