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Why was everyone told to be baptised at Pentecost, Jerry?

Originally posted by revhleonard
Saved by the word, and i thought we were saved by grace, silly me.......
A new revelation i now give to you. "Jerry got you allright". Some people just don't know when they been got......![]()
Scripture says that the believer is "justified by grace"(Ro.3:24).
Scripture also reveals that "if by grace,then it is no more of works;otherwise grace is no longer grace"(Ro.11:6).
But what about James words "that by works a man is justified"(Jms.2:24)?
The answer is simple for us that know that there are no contradictions in the word of God.A believer is "justified by grace" before God,and justified by "works" before men.
God,Who knows the heart,does not need to judge by a man´s works,but man can only judge by appearances.Besides,Scripture states that man is not justified by "works" before God:
"For if Abraham were justified by works,he hath something of which to glory,BUT NOT BEFORE GOD"(Ro.4:2).
Originally posted by Jerry Shugart
If one needs to submit to a rite of water baptism before he is saved,how do you explain the fact that Cornelius and his household were saved even BEFORE they were baptized with water?Why did the angel say that they would be saved by hearing the "word",but makes no mention whatsoever that they would be saved by submitting to the rite of water baptism?:
"Who shall tell thee words,by which thou and all thy house shall be saved"(Acts11:14).
If "water baptism" was necessary for salvation then we would expect the angel to say,"Who shall tell thee words and baptize thee with water,by which thou and all thy house shall be saved.
But that is not what the angel said.And what actually happened demonstrate beyond any doubt that a "water baptism" was NOT necessary for salvation,as Cornelius and his household received the Holy Spirit BEFORE they were baptized with water.
It is obvious that Cornelius and his household were in fact saved,as evidenced by the dwelling of the Holy Spirit:
"So,then,they that are in the flesh cannot please God.But ye are not in the flesh but in the Spirit,if so be that THE SPIRIT OF GOD DWELL IN YOU.Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ,he is none of His"(Ro.8:8,9).
So if we believe the Holy Scriptures,there is only one conclusion.Cornelius and his household were saved by believing the "word of God" and they were saved BEFORE they were water baptized.
Would you please address these points?
In His grace,--Jerry
Since you are saying that they were not saved until they were water baptized,how do you explain the fact that the Holy Spirit fell on them BEFORE they were baptized in water?
Can "righteouness have a part with unrighteousness?God forbid!
If they are not saved,then they remain in their sins.And "sins" separate the sinner from God:
"But your iniquities have separated you from your God;your sins have hidden His face from yours"(Isa.59:2).
It is inconceivable that the Holy Spirit would fall on Cornelius if he remained in His sin.Therefore,it is obvious that he was saved BEFORE he was water baptized,thus proving that submitting to a rite of "water baptism" is not required for salvation.
What happened is clear.Peter preached the gospel to Cornelius,saying at the end:
"To Him give all the prophets witness,that through His name whosoever believeth in Him shall receive remission of sins"(Acts10:43)
It says,"whosoever believeth IN HIM shall receive remission of sins."
However,you disagree with these plain words that they would be saved by believing in Him,the Lord Jesus Christ.
You say that it was "the message from Peter telling them what TO DO that saved them." And you say that it was Peter ´s command to be baptized that saved them.That couldn ´t be further from the truth!
To continue,after Cornelius heard the words that Peter preached,he then believeth in the Lord Jesus Christ.He received forgiveness of sins,and he wasn ´t yet baptized in water.
He was saved by the word spoken in the power of the Holy Spirit:
"...have preached the gospel unto you with the Holy Spirit sent down from heaven"(1Pet.1:12).
The reason that His Word is called the Living Word is because it comes in the power of the Holy Spirit:
"For our gospel came not unto you in word only,but also in power,and in the Holy Spirit"(1Thess.5)
The moment He believed he was "baptized" by the Holy Spirit into Christ(1Cor.12:13),and He was also "risen with Him" by the same operation of the Holy Spirit (Col.2:12).
The Jews asked the Lord,"What shall we do,that we might work the works of God?
"Jesus answered and said unto them,This is the work of God,that ye BELIEVE ON HIM Whom He hath sent"(Jn.6:28,29).
Cornelius believed IN HIM and was saved,being baptized into Christ by the Holy Spirt--and all that before a drop of water even touched him.
The Holy Spirit baptism of Acts 10:47-49 is for a sign to the Jews that what was being done was approved of God. Nothing more!!!!
Originally posted by revhleonard
Water baptism saves no one; Jesus saves.....