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That's the way, Kevin!
Boom, boom, boom - business as usual!

Boom, boom, boom - business as usual!
Originally posted by Jerry Shugart
Earlier I did not correctly read your site on Peter´s baptism before I recommended it to Melody.After re-reading it,I find that I couldn´t disagree more!
Albert Barnes misses the point entirely in his understanding of "types" and "anti-types".
A "type" is an illustration using things from the natural,temporal,earthly sphere to demonstrate some "spititual,eternal and heavenly" truth--which is the anti-type.
For instance the "passover lamb" that was sacrificed in Egypt is a "type" of "Christ,our passover"(1Cor.5:7).
Here,the "passover lamb" in Egypt is an illustration using things from the natural,temporal,and earthly sphere.And this illustration is used to demonstrate a part of the meaning of the work of the Spiritual,eternal and heavenly Lord Jesus Christ.
Mr.Barnes makes a mistake when he attempts to make the water of the flood,from the earthly sphere,to be a "type" of another thing from the earthly sphere.That is not the way "types" are used in the Scriptures.
In the case of 1Peter3:20,21 we can clearly see that "water" is the "type" and the "anti-type" is the "Spirit baptism".
"...eight souls were saved by water;the like figure unto which even baptism doth also now save us.
In what way does our Spiritual baptism now save us.When we are Spiritually baptized into Christ (1Cor.12:13,27) we are also baptized into His death:
"Know ye not that,as many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into His death"(Ro.6:3).
By dying our death the Lord Jesus Christ has saved us from eternal death.We are saved from death by death.
And how is this "Spiritual baptism" the "like figure" of the "water" which saved the eight souls?
Well,that which represented "death" to the world,the water,bore up the ark and saved the eight souls from physical death.So they were also saved from death by that which represented death.
This is the correct interpretation of the verse.
In His grace,--Jerry
Hmmm...still debating whether or not water baptism is necessary for salvation. Hardly, since it does not tell us so in the scriptures. I say let's get out of the OT and into the NT. Let's get out of water baptism of the OT and get into spirit baptism with the NT. To be honest, if water baptism was a requirement for salvation, I would think the Apostle Paul would have made note of it....I mean I would think he would have taught it throughout the Epistles. Don't you?...especially to the Gentiles who didn't have a clue.
"WATER" does NOT SAVE anyone except if your in an ark and it keeps you afloat and from drowning... or to prevent dehydration and literally dying of thirst.
The ONLY thing that saves anyone is first God's grace delivered to us by His Only begotten...oops...only unique Son...lol...same thing, confessing the Lord Jesus Christ, believing in one's heart that God raised Him from the dead and receiving God's gift of holy spirit...eternal life.
It does not matter whether you dip yourself a million times in the physical, liquid element called water or not...it won't save your you, your soul at all. If it did, why Jesus Christ?
Also, water baptism + spirit baptism does not = salvation. Why? Because the Bible does NOT TELL US SO. Man-made doctrines might, but not God nor His Son Jesus Christ.
I see that we can be now saved in a good conscience toward God, through the resurrection of Jesus.
What happen to the baptism in this statement?
Originally posted by Jerry Shugart
First of all,the "baptism of repentance",which was a rite of "water baptism",was EXPRESSLY contrasted with the baptism of the Spirit.They are NOT the same baptism,if you will only believe the words of John:
"I,indeed,baptize you with water unto repentance,but He Who cometh after me...shall baptize you with the Holy Spirit,and with fire"(Mt.3:11).
And from the following episode we can see that they are indeed two different baptisms:
"While Peter yet spoke these words,the Holy Spirit fell on them who heard the word...then answered Peter,Can any man forbid water,that these should not be baptized who have received the Holy Spirit as well as we?"(Acts10:44,47).
The Gentile believers received the Holy Spirit BEFORE they were baptized with water.Therefore,if we would just use our common sense we can see that the rite of water baptism had NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with receiving the Holy Spirit.
In His grace,--Jerry
No one is tellin ya to. I did not ask for a response.Originally posted by Kevin
Yeah, that's nice and all but how about addressing the proof texts.Since you didn't bother addressing our proofs, I'm not going to bother addressing your unsupported claims.
The Gentile believers received the Holy Spirit BEFORE they were baptized with water.Therefore,if we would just use our common sense we can see that the rite of water baptism had NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with receiving the Holy Spirit.
hello Kevin
Hereis something I think you should explain about what scripture is water baptism and what scripture are spiritual baptism.
I know you think the only one baptism is water baptism but can you prove that spritual baptism is not bible and is not in the bible, and that we can`t be spritual baptized without being first water baptized?
here the link if you have any answers.
An I forgot to give you that link about leg growing and body parts growing on, because of you unbelief of healing has died out, like God has a new name called I WAS Not I AM.
here is the linkwww.mindfusion.net/clientimg/billys...testimonies.htm
Originally posted by Melody
I agree with all your post with one addition, That name which baptism is to be administered in is the name of Jesus.
Jesus commanded baptism in "THE NAME" of the father, of the son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Peter preached baptism in the name of JESUS CHRIST!
Act 2:38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Philip baptized in the NAME of the Lord JESUS.
Act 8:12 But when they believed Philip preaching the things concerning the kingdom of God, and the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and women.
Act 8:16 (For as yet he was fallen upon none of them: only they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.)
Act 10:48 And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord. Then prayed they him to tarry certain days.
Act 19:5 When they heard [this], they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Act 22:16 And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be baptized, and wash away thy sins, calling on the name of the Lord.
Rom 6:3 Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death?
Col 3:17 And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, [do] all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.
Act 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
Originally posted by c.moore
here is the link what Justachristian gave me ,and I would like to let other see the false teaching, and false understandings in this lesson.
If I am wrong please be free to correct me because Im don`t want to spread false teaching and a man made doctrine.
With all my getting I want understanding.Prov 4:7
Baptism In The Teaching Of Peter
1. In our first lesson we saw where Peter included baptism as part of
his apostolic preaching...
a. He commanded the people at Pentecost to be baptized - Ac 2:36-38
b. He commanded the household of Cornelius to be baptized - Ac 10:
2. From the accounts in Acts, we saw that for Peter baptism was...
a. For the remission of sins - Ac 2:38
b. An act that involved water - Ac 10:47
3. But one might properly ask: was Peter teaching...
a. That baptism was for the forgiveness of sins, and therefore
necessary for salvation?
b. That one is saved by baptism in water?
4. Fortunately, we do not have wonder, for in his first epistle Peter
"There is also an antitype which now saves us; baptism (not the
removal of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good
conscience toward God), through the resurrection of Jesus Christ,"
(1 Pe 3:21)
[As stated in the KJV, "...baptism doth also NOW save us"! But while
teaching that baptism saves us, Peter is careful to explain in what
way. Let's take a closer look at the text to see what Peter is saying
about baptism...]
1. The Greek word is antitupon {an-teet'-oo-pon}, which means "a
thing formed after some pattern; that which corresponds to a
2. So you have two things that some how relate or correspond to
each other; one is a type, the other is the antitype
1. In the text, the waters of the flood are the "type", and the
waters of baptism are the "antitype" - 1 Pe 3:20-21
2. In his commentary, Albert Barnes says...
a. "The meaning here is, that baptism corresponded to, or had
a resemblance to, the water by which Noah was saved; or
that there was a use of water in the one case which
corresponded in some respects to the water that was used in
the other; to wit, in effecting salvation." (Commentary on
1st Peter)
b. "The apostle does not say that it corresponded in all
respects; in respect, e.g., to quantity, or to the manner
of the application, or to the efficacy; but there is a
sense in which water performs an important part in our
salvation, as it did in his." (ibid.)
3. Thus Peter was comparing Noah's salvation with our own...
a. Remember that Noah was saved by:
1) Grace - Gen 6:8
2) Faith - He 11:7
3) Water - 1 Pe 3:20
-- Grace was God's part, faith was Noah's part; water was
simply an element by which God carried out His plan to
save Noah
b. So we are saved by:
1) Grace - Ep 2:5
2) Faith - Ep 2:8
3) Water - 1 Pe 3:21
-- Grace is God's part, faith is our part; baptism is
simply an element by which God carries out His plan to
save us through the blood of Christ
[Because baptism in water is somehow related to our salvation, Peter
could speak of it as an antitype that saves us, just as Noah and his
family were "saved through water"!
How can this be? Aren't we saved by the blood of Jesus? Of course!
The answer can be seen as we continue to note what Peter taught
concerning baptism...]
1. As Peter makes clear when he says "not the removal of the
filth of the flesh"
2. For indeed it is only through the blood of Jesus Christ one
can be saved
a. We are justified through His blood - Ro 5:9
b. We have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of
sins - Ep 1:7
3. To this Peter would definitely agree - 1 Pe 1:18-19
1. If He had not been raised, we would still be in our sins
a. As Paul declares in 1 Co 15:17
b. Without His resurrection, His death would have been
2. But because Jesus was raised from the dead...
a. Those baptized into His death can rise to walk in newness
of life - Ro 6:4
b. Those united together in the likeness of His death (i.e.,
baptism) can share in the power of His resurrection
- Ro 6:5
3. In other words, the same power of God that raised Jesus from
the dead is what saves us in baptism so we can be "made alive"
- cf. Co 2:12-13
[By God's saving grace and resurrecting power, then, baptism can indeed
save us! Not because of any cleansing power in the water, but because
of what GOD is doing at that moment through the blood of Jesus and the
regeneration of the Holy Spirit (cf. Ti 3:4-5).
But notice finally, how Peter teaches that baptism saves because...]
1. A difficult phrase, but it most likely means "an appeal to God
for a clear conscience"
2. This is supported by the following translations:
a. "the craving for a conscience right with God" (Goodspeed)
b. "the prayer for a clean conscience before God" (Moffat)
c. "the request unto God for a good conscience" (Rotherham)
d. "an appeal to God for a clear conscience" (RSV)
e. "an appeal to God for a good conscience" (NASV)
-- Thus one is baptized because they desire a clear conscience
(i.e., to have their sins forgiven)
1. In apostolic preaching, baptized was commanded:
a. "For the remission of sins" - Ac 2:38
b. To have one's sins "washed away" - cf. Ac 22:16
2. In N.T. times people who realized they were sinners were
anxious to be baptized as soon as possible - cf. Ac 8:35-38
3. Therefore one is baptized...
a. To have a good conscience before God; indeed, to have their
conscience "purged" by the blood of Christ - cf. He 9:14
b. To have their sins washed away by blood of Jesus and so
they can rise to a new life through the same power of God
that raised Jesus from the dead!
1. Does baptism save us?
a. Many say "Baptism does NOT save us!"
b. But Peter clearly taught "...baptism doth also NOW save us" (KJV)
2. How does baptism save us? According to Peter...
a. Through the resurrection of Jesus Christ!
b. As an appeal for a good conscience!
3. This helps us to understand...
a. Why he commanded it for the remission of sins - Ac 2:38
b. Why he commanded it even for those who had in some sense received
the Spirit - Ac 10:47-48
Yes, through the power of God that raised Jesus from the dead, working
in conjunction with our faith in the blood of Jesus, baptism does
indeed save those who are making an appeal for a clear conscience!
Is baptism essential to salvation? Let the preaching and teaching of
Christ's apostles provide the answer! I believe that when we do, we
can see why one should takes Jesus' own words with no equivocation:
"He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does
not believe will be condemned." - Mk 16:16
It is my prayer that if you have not yet properly responded to the Word
of the Lord, you will heed the same words given to Paul:
"And now why are you waiting? Arise and be baptized, and wash
away your sins, calling on the name of the Lord." - Ac 22:16
Have you made an appeal to God for a good conscience by being baptized
into Christ?
Quote from baptism teaching
"There is also an antitype which now saves us; baptism (not the
removal of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good
conscience toward God), through the resurrection of Jesus Christ,"
(1 Pe 3:21)
Quote c.moore
I see that we can be now saved in a good conscience toward God, through the resurrection of Jesus.
What happen to the baptism in this statement?
Quote from baptism teaching
1. The Greek word is antitupon {an-teet'-oo-pon}, which means "a
thing formed after some pattern; that which corresponds to a
2. So you have two things that some how relate or correspond to
each other; one is a type, the other is the antitype
Quote c.moore
the webster dictionary says:type means :a person thing or event regarded as SYBOLIC oe one prefigure
Form is a outward appearance. Not from the inside,but the shape shown from the outside.
Quote from baptism teaching
How can this be? Aren't we saved by the blood of Jesus? Of course!
Quote c.moore
Look at this sentence saying the blood of Jesus saved making saved past sence , because the blood of Jesus has saved you , not the water baptism.
This look that this teaching is contridicting itself.
Let look how this teaching contridict itself.
Quote from baptism teaching
1. As Peter makes clear when he says "not the removal of the
filth of the flesh"
2. For indeed it is only through the blood of Jesus Christ one
Quote c.moore
Look at the ONLY throught the blood not water baptism that saves ONLY, That why faith saves only is the key to heaven and as soon as you ask the blood to wash you by confession of your sins you are saved NOW right away before any baptism, and even this teaching said this in the above quote.
It even said we are just instanly because of the blood ROM 5:9.
3. To this Peter would definitely agree - 1 Pe 1:18-19
Quote from baptism teaching
! Not because of any cleansing power in the water, but because
of what GOD is doing at that moment through the blood of Jesus and the
regeneration of the Holy Spirit (cf. Ti 3:4-5).
Quote c.moore
This is why we need our conscience changed into a good conscience according to Rom 12:2.
this is a process and it continue even after any water baptism, so no way can the water change you, only the free grace of GOd will help you, that why Jesus said I go go that the conforter my come and help you freely.
Quote from baptism teaching
2. How does baptism save us? According to Peter...
a. Through the resurrection of Jesus Christ!
b. As an appeal for a good conscience!
Quote c.moore
Jesus died 2000 years ago and is already risen so that must mean I am already just and righteous because I believe and I made my mind up to follow Jesus Christ with my whole heart, and soul, and mind , that will train me to have a good conscience, after believing in the resurrection.
Quote from baptism teaching
"And now why are you waiting? Arise and be baptized, and wash
away your sins, calling on the name of the Lord." - Ac 22:16
Quote c.moore
We just studyed that the water does not clean the flesh, only the blood of Jesus wash away our sins, and here is saying by calling on the Lord jesus .
So again the calling is that which does the work or the confession and faith , which come by the Word of God not baptism come faith.Ro:10:17: So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
It does not says faith cometh by baptism.
This is what I got out of this study which I disagree with because it even saying the Blood of Jesus is that what saves so I have to do no works to be save it is really a gift and if I have to earn my salvation or do something for my salvation it is no more a gift.