If we are under no law, how can you claim we are under some absolute command to commit a certain work of obedience in order to receive salvation?
The command of baptism in Christ's is not under the Law of Moses. Christ institued this command in Matt. 28: 19,20...
after the law had been done away with by His crucifixion. Also note that His apostles would NOT go around practicing something that was part of the Law of Moses, which was done away with. But they did indeed practice the command of baptism in His name.
And we under the a law - the law of faith. But if you been following my posts, I have illstrated how faith that does not produce obedience is useless, just as it says in James 2:17. We know we are Christ's if we keep His commandments (1 John 2:3-6). We do His commandments because we love Him, not because we are earning anything. Christ says that if we truly love Him, that we should keep His commandments (John 14:15). Those who do His commandments are those who will have rights to the tree of life (Revelation 22:14), for those are the ones who truly love God.
I'd like to know, since I have never been baptized in my three years of having been a born again Christian
You see, I would beg to differ that you haven't been reborn if you haven't been baptized. I will refer you to one of my previous posts that speaks on this very thing. Please consider all that is said before drawing your conclusion:
I think that everybody who calls themselves a Christian would agree that our sins are forgiven by the blood of Christ.
Is there condition to having your sins forgiven by His blood? Absolutely, if there were no condition then
everybody will make it to heaven, which, unfortunately will not happen. So, knowing that sinners will not inherit the kingdom of God, what condition does our Lord Jesus Christ say that must happen for us to make it to heaven? I'll let Him do the talking:
John: 3:3
3) Jesus answered and said to him, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God."
From this we can clearly see that one has to be born again to make it to heaven. Now, in order for one to be born "again", a death must occur. Why? Because:
- Logic demands it. Can one be born again into the Spirit while still living in his previous life of sin? Impossible. A death must occur so that a new life can begin.
- We must die with Christ in order to live with Christ (2 Tim. 2:11)
So this bring us to the question of how one dies with Christ. The Bible speaks clearly on this matter:
Romans 6:3-4
3) Or do you not know that as many of us as were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death?
4) Therefore we were buried with Him through BAPTISM into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.
There is but ONE way to die with Christ, and I even took the liberty of underlining it: BAPTISM.
That's how we die with Christ. I challenge
anybody to show me, in the Bible, any other means by which we die with Christ.
Baptism is
how we die with Christ, and it is he
who has died with Christ who has been FREED from sin! (Romans 6:7). If you havn't died with Christ, you have NOT been freed from your sins! On the contraray, if you've died with Christ, yes- through baptism, then:
Romans 6:11
11) Likewise you also, reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but ALIVE to God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
You HAVE to DIE to sin in order to be ALIVE to God. Baptism is how we die to sin, and through that death we are made ALIVE to God through Christ Jesus -
being reborn! It is those who are reborn, dead to sin and alive to God through Christ, are the ones who will have their sins forgiven by the blood of Christ. The waters of baptism do NOT forgive our sins, but it is FOR the remission of our sins (Acts 2:38). The blood of Christ cleanses us of all sin,
but ONLY if we do what we are commanded to do FOR the remission of those sins - BAPTISM! (Acts 2:38, Romans 6:7).
To reiterate what 2 Tim 2:11 says, if we want to
live with Christ, we must also
die with Christ, and the Bible clearly speaks on the matter of how one dies with Christ - Baptism.