The Heart


Well-known member
I said
Is that a girl?
Yes squeaky I am, but my flesh isn't important,. I also have an inner man. There is no male and female in Christ Jesus, we are all one, and it's Gods spirit that we should be hearing, not the flesh. The vessel is just a carrier. The vessel is just flesh, whether they are male or female.


Yes squeaky I am, but my flesh isn't important,. I also have an inner man. There is no male and female in Christ Jesus, we are all one, and it's Gods spirit that we should be hearing, not the flesh. The vessel is just a carrier. The vessel is just flesh, whether they are male or female.

Except women are not the heads of God. The Bible is clear that God is the head of man, and man are the head of women.

Paul makes the distinction that you apparently rebel.


Well-known member
Except women are not the heads of God. The Bible is clear that God is the head of man, and man are the head of women.

Paul makes the distinction that you apparently rebel.
Naturally, my husband is the head of the household, but we are one in spirit.

Also whilst you are quoting Paul, maybe you can get it right and also listen when he said that the head of Christ is God. Which you apparently rebel because you believe that Christ is God!


Well-known member
Except women are not the heads of God. The Bible is clear that God is the head of man, and man are the head of women.

Paul makes the distinction that you apparently rebel.

Just a thought, if you think that because I'm a woman that I should listen to a man who teaches a false teaching like the trinity and the once saved always saved doctrine, then not a chance! I listen to men who speak the truth, and those who are stronger in God are those who come first because they speak with the holy spirit in their hearts, but I do believe that a true man of God is over a woman of God. And it's Christ in the heart who is head of all of us. They teach this in our meeting and the men always speak first.

Also, Priscilla was a woman, and she with Aquila expounded the things of God more perfectly to Apollo's who was full of knowledge of the scriptures. And he was fervent in the spirit, yet it was a woman who spoke to him.

When a woman has laid down her life and is covered in Christ, then she is speaking by the holy spirit who is the head and above all of us in the flesh.

Paul said follow me as I follow Christ. And that's what I do, I'll follow and listen to those who follow Christ and belong to God, man or woman!

And remember Paul also said this

Galatians 3

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.


Yes squeaky I am, but my flesh isn't important,. I also have an inner man. There is no male and female in Christ Jesus, we are all one, and it's Gods spirit that we should be hearing, not the flesh. The vessel is just a carrier. The vessel is just flesh, whether they are male or female.

I said
Well put.


Naturally, my husband is the head of the household, but we are one in spirit.

Also whilst you are quoting Paul, maybe you can get it right and also listen when he said that the head of Christ is God. Which you apparently rebel because you believe that Christ is God!

I said
Very well put.


Just a thought, if you think that because I'm a woman that I should listen to a man who teaches a false teaching like the trinity and the once saved always saved doctrine, then not a chance! I listen to men who speak the truth, and those who are stronger in God are those who come first because they speak with the holy spirit in their hearts, but I do believe that a true man of God is over a woman of God. And it's Christ in the heart who is head of all of us. They teach this in our meeting and the men always speak first.

Also, Priscilla was a woman, and she with Aquila expounded the things of God more perfectly to Apollo's who was full of knowledge of the scriptures. And he was fervent in the spirit, yet it was a woman who spoke to him.

When a woman has laid down her life and is covered in Christ, then she is speaking by the holy spirit who is the head and above all of us in the flesh.

Paul said follow me as I follow Christ. And that's what I do, I'll follow and listen to those who follow Christ and belong to God, man or woman!

And remember Paul also said this

Galatians 3

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

I said
That is the same verse the Holy Spirit is giving me.


Except women are not the heads of God. The Bible is clear that God is the head of man, and man are the head of women.

Paul makes the distinction that you apparently rebel.

You are misusing the scripture.

You need to know that you ought to be using it for godly practice and marhig is using it greatly.


Paul justifies his statements of women by noting that Eve was deceived- she did not have the capacity to not be, even in her perfect state, because unlike Adam who had the head of God, she did not. Rather, Adam's sin was in full knowledge.

The Bible plainly reveals throughout it's entirety that God's will is patriarchal, both in leadership and in edification. It is something women have never authored nor can usurp.

It's in womankind's nature to be dissatisfied no matter how much they receive, it is why Eve looked upon the fruit in the first place. Only women convicted by God do not exhibit such- it's an ages old problem which is the reason men kept them limited. They are now 'liberated'- not good enough though because nothing ever will be- now they want God to be their head as to undermine men, or call everyone rapists for their advantage- and this is an accepted thing defended by men because, like Adam, they are rendering unto Eve.

Christianity is a holy ground where roles are to be kept and women humble their selves, not trying to make oneself 'equal' to men- there is no equality there, Jesus spoke only to acceptance into his body.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Paul justifies his statements of women by noting that Eve was deceived- she did not have the capacity to not be, even in her perfect state, because unlike Adam who had the head of God, she did not. Rather, Adam's sin was in full knowledge.

The Bible plainly reveals throughout it's entirety that God's will is patriarchal, both in leadership and in edification. It is something women have never authored nor can usurp.

It's in womankind's nature to be dissatisfied no matter how much they receive, it is why Eve looked upon the fruit in the first place. Only women convicted by God do not exhibit such- it's an ages old problem which is the reason men kept them limited in the first place. Now they are creating social myths and calling everyone rapists for their advantage- and this is an accepted thing defended by men because, like Adam, they give in to the forbidden fruit.

Christianity is a holy ground where roles are to be kept and women humble their selves, not trying to make oneself 'equal' to men- there is no equality there, Jesus spoke only to acceptance into his body.

You sure are a "Misogynist Extraordinaire." Did some Girl in High School turn you down when you asked her to the Prom?


You sure are a "Misogynist Extraordinaire." Did some Girl in High School turn you down when you asked her to the Prom?

If I'm misogynist, then the Bible and all of history is misogynist.

You know what I think? You all call others misogynists simply to conceal the adverse direction you all have gone with women. You depend upon the appeal of the same entity you've taken to following.
Being led astray by moral heretics :rolleyes:


Well-known member
So you, like Meshak, only trust in Matthew through John and reject the rest of the Bible?
No, I believe the whole Bible, and with respect, unlike you who rejects most of the Bible including what Jesus teaches and only listens to what Paul teaches. Jesus is my cornerstone, and i go by his teachings first and foremost!


Well-known member
If I'm misogynist, then the Bible and all of history is misogynist.

You know what I think? You all call others misogynists simply to conceal the adverse direction you all have gone with women. You depend upon the appeal of the same entity you've taken to following.
Being led astray by moral heretics :rolleyes:

So what do you think of Paul when he said that there is no male and female in Christ?

The spirit of God is the same spirit whomever he speaks from.

Also, seeing as you are pontificating, and telling me that I should be listening to Paul when he said the head of a woman is a man, which in God, I do believe to be true by the way as long as he's a man of God. How about you also listen to that same scripture when Paul said that the head of Christ is God?

Why don't you believe that part yet you are quick enough to lecture me?


Well-known member
It's in womankind's nature to be dissatisfied no matter how much they receive, it is why Eve looked upon the fruit in the first place. Only women convicted by God do not exhibit such- it's an ages old problem which is the reason men kept them limited. .

Well I'm nothing like that, my husband doesn't have to "keep me limited" because I don't want anything. He wants to get me Christmas presents and I've said no. I only get what I need, and maybe a few bits for my home. But God has put all that nonsense to death in me. You are judging all women the same, you don't know our hearts!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
No, I believe the whole Bible, and with respect, unlike you who rejects most of the Bible including what Jesus teaches and only listens to what Paul teaches. Jesus is my cornerstone, and i go by his teachings first and foremost!

You fail to understand the importance of knowing how to "Rightly Divide" the written word of God. Your ignorance is your downfall.