I have since been convinced that the deity of Christ is a primary 'ingredient' of the gospel and so the question is sort of moot at this point.In your hypothetical example, is the rejection of the divinity of Christ from maliciousness or from lack of understanding? If someone has only heard flawed explanations for the divinity of Christ, are they to be faulted for rejecting bad arguments?
However, God will lead those who dilligently seek Him into the truth. If one believes a lie then that's a bad situation. We are saved because we believe the truth.
Your last sentence is a distinction without a difference. Push that logic to an extreme and see if it holds up. It won't. You will find yourself forced to defend that our faith is not in the mere fact there is a god but that the biblical God is the only God and that the bible teaches us certain facts concerning Him and His desired relationship with us and the parameters surrounding that relationship. In other words, you don't get to just believe whatever you want just because you're sincere. It sounds nice but that isn't the way it works.I have a real example (not myself) of someone I knew whose understanding changed on this exact point of belief. From somewhat knowing him before, during, and after, The object of his faith remained unchanged: he believed in God and had faith in God. So what changed? Simply the realization that Jesus was the same God in which he had already placed his faith.
I don't think that he received a different spirit because of his change of belief, but rather that his belief was able to change because of the spirit of Christ. Is the divinity of Christ important? Yes, for how else could he forgive our sin? And how else can we truly know God as He reveals Himself to us? But are we saved by knowing certain "facts?" I would say that we are saved by faith, not by facts.
Further, it's dangerous. You'd have been doing your friend a favor by giving him the benefit of the doubt and assuming he was NOT saved until he came to accept that Jesus was God incarnate. Doing otherwise may well have doomed him for eternity.
John 8:24 Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins; for if you do not believe that I am He, you will die in your sins.
Resting in Him,