ECT The Gospel in Romans 10


Well-known member
Stop making things up that I did not say.

You did say it:

God's Truth said:
If you have not entered the Covenant, the contract, exactly as specified, then you have not entered the Covenant.

Jesus came and gave the conditions of the Covenant. If you do not do what it says, then you are not saved.
God's Truth said:
We are not independent of Israel.
Yes, we are.

God's Truth said:
There is only one gospel, and one covenant.
God made no covenant with Gentiles. You may post any Scripture which you believe shows that He you claimed.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
It's not missing, it's just hiding in plain sight.

If it is hiding there in plain sight then why didn't you mention it?:

That He was "raised from the dead" includes His death burial and resurrection. With the heart man "believeth" unto righteousness. And what is in that word "believe"? The death, burial and resurrection is there. If it isn't then it isn't believing unto righteousness, as Paul has explained already. There it is.... the justification of faith. There isn't one single thing missing.

The fact that "Christ died for our sins" is not found in the tenth chapter of Romans.

Your conclusion found in the thread you started in in error.


Well-known member

As has become clear to you from your inability to answer, we Gentiles have no covenant -- no "contract" as you put it -- to claim and hold God to fulfilling. We never did have.

What we DO have, He has given in Christ: His abundant mercy and grace which we all are free to avail ourselves to, but which none of us deserve. We claim that (if we claim it at all) simply by trusting His Word, which you say you love. But you cannot twist it into a covenant with you that He is somehow legally bound to hold up. All of us have this in common: we have absolutely NOTHING to claim before God except His freely given grace and mercy.

We don't have a covenant and we don't NEED one.

But, in claiming a covenant that was never made with, for or about you, you reveal a heart that does not wish to receive His grace as grace. That shows a lack of belief in the very thing He pleads with us to believe.

It shows pride, which is sin. It shows you don't trust His grace, which is sin.

God's Truth

New member

As has become clear to you from your inability to answer, we Gentiles have no covenant -- no "contract" as you put it -- to claim and hold God to fulfilling. We never did have.
The Gentiles come into the covenant of his blood if they want to be forgiven for sins.
There is only one gospel, one covenant.

What we DO have, He has given in Christ: His abundant mercy and grace which we all are free to avail ourselves to, but which none of us deserve. We claim that (if we claim it at all) simply by trusting His Word, which you say you love. But you cannot twist it into a covenant with you that He is somehow legally bound to hold up. All of us have this in common: we have absolutely NOTHING to claim before God except His freely given grace and mercy.

We don't have a covenant and we don't NEED one.
It is not a dreadful things to obey Jesus. It is a beautiful thing to obey Jesus. His powerful Word is for everyone.

But, in claiming a covenant that was never made with, for or about you, you reveal a heart that does not wish to receive His grace as grace. That shows a lack of belief in the very thing He pleads with us to believe.

It shows pride, which is sin. It shows you don't trust His grace, which is sin.

It is never shameful to preach obedience and it is never shameful to obey Jesus.


New member
I don't think so. He pointed out the error in the first three verses, believing unto righteousness means exactly that. Righteousness isn't given according our way of thinking, but according to what God sees.

Acts 15:8-10
And God, which knoweth the hearts, bare them witness, giving them the Holy Ghost, even as he did unto us; And put no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith.​

But, I may be misunderstanding what you're saying here, and if I am just :carryon:

Not sure if we see it the same or explain it differently :)

The issue as to believing for salvation is, for us in Mid-Acts, always the issue of the need to properly understand which gospel we are saved by that we might then place our belief in said gospel - this is our emphasis with others - the clarity of the gospel of our salvation.

Just as what was going on in Acts 15 had been an attempt at a clarification "about this question," Acts 15: 2.