
Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Addressed here.

Addressed here and here.

Addressed here.

Please properly educate yourself before presuming to comment on a public forum.

Gaudium de veritate,

And the actual of the history of those items is addressed here and here. Please learn the actual history of your church.

Keep in mind that the links you posted are recent church teachings. During the middle ages those teachings were somewhat different.


New member
And the actual of the history of those items is addressed here and here.
Already decisively answered in Post #39 above.

Please learn the actual history of your church.
...says the guy who consistently and constantly misrepresents the Catholic Church and her teachings on this forum. :darwinsm:

During the middle ages those teachings were somewhat different.
Post #40

Gaudium de veritate,



Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Already decisively answered in Post #39 above.

...says the guy who consistently and constantly misrepresents the Catholic Church and her teachings on this forum. :darwinsm:

Post #40

Gaudium de veritate,

It is sad that you do not have the courage and the integrity to acknowledged the historical facts of your church.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Straw Man Fallacy. Post #42.
You think that post actually means anything at all? It doesn't. In another thread you claim that history lead you to the RCC. Maybe you should spend a little more time in that history and this time, include some of the history from historians other than the RCC.


New member
You think that post actually means anything at all? It doesn't.
It means at least as much---and, as it comes from Christ's one historic Church, very much more---than the entirely non-authoritative opinions that you derive from your favored recently-invented, man-made non-Catholic sect and parrot on this forum every day.

In another thread you claim that history lead you to the CC.
Not, however, history alone. You have a great deal of trouble reading things in their context, don't you.

Maybe you should spend a little more time in that history and this time, include some of the history from historians other than the CC.

You might want to actually know what you're talking about before you speak. I can guarantee you that I have read and studied far more on ecclesiastical history---Catholic AND Protestant---than you have, friend. I'd be happy to provide you with a list of titles if you like.

Gaudium de veritate,



Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
It means at least as much---and, as it comes from Christ's one historic Church, very much more---than the entirely non-authoritative opinions that you derive from your favored recently-invented, man-made non-Catholic sect and parrot on this forum every day.

Not, however, history alone. You have a great deal of trouble reading things in their context, don't you.


You might want to actually know what you're talking about before you speak. I can guarantee you that I have read and studied far more on ecclesiastical history---Catholic AND Protestant---than you have, friend. I'd be happy to provide you with a list of titles if you like.

Gaudium de veritate,


Which is why I suggested you do some more studies of history outside church history.


New member
Which is why I suggested you do some more studies of history outside church history.
What you actually suggested was that I "spend a little more time in that history and this time, include some of the history from historians other than the CC." (So, were you lying then, or are you lying now?)

And, as I stated in reply:
"I can guarantee you that I have read and studied far more on ecclesiastical history---Catholic AND Protestant---than you have, friend. I'd be happy to provide you with a list of titles if you like."

Jamie Gigliotti

New member
The matter is Spiritual. Unity comes from the love of the Holy Spirit, not men. A church is an assembly of those who are unified through His Spirit, not brick and mortar. The Holy Spirit is the guider of truth not men.

The Spirit unifies with His love and truth; the Devil divides with His lies. If you long for unity, He is the way.


New member
A church is an assembly of those who are unified through His Spirit, not brick and mortar.
However, THE Church is that one historic and hierarchical Church founded by Jesus Christ himself in 33 A.D. [see this]

The Holy Spirit is the guider of truth not men.
Yet the Holy Spirit guides us particularly by means of the authoritative teachings of Christ's one historic Church (that is, the bishops).

Gaudium de veritate,

Last edited:


New member
However, THE Church is that one historic and hierarchical Church founded by Jesus Christ himself in 33 A.D.
Jesus created an ekklesia (assembly of people), not a church (building or denomination).

But, assuming you are right that Jesus created a Church in 33 C.E., it is still a FACT that Jesus did not create the Church of Rome (Roman Catholic denomination).

So, even if the Church of Rome claims to be a historic and hierarchial Church, it does not meet the criteria for being the ekklesia created by Jesus in 33 C.E.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
However, THE Church is that one historic and hierarchical Church founded by Jesus Christ himself in 33 A.D. [see this]

Yet the Holy Spirit guides us by means of the authoritative teachings of Christ's one historic Church (that is, the bishops).

Gaudium de veritate,


Yes Ignatias founded the Catholic church, he commanded that the bishop is to be obeyed as though he were Christ.

This is a usurpation.
Jesus created an ekklesia (assembly of people), not a church (building or denomination).

But, assuming you are right that Jesus created a Church in 33 C.E., it is still a FACT that Jesus did not create the Church of Rome (Roman Catholic denomination).

So, even if the Church of Rome claims to be a historic and hierarchial Church, it does not meet the criteria for being the ekklesia created by Jesus in 33 C.E.

It's silly, like claiming the Jews gave us pizza.

The final book of inspired scripture, Revelation, there are seven letters to seven churches from the Lord Jesus, not only seven churches, mind you, not one church, but none of those churches Rome. If there was ever intended a central church at Rome, why doesn't the Lord give them the time of day? And what is sectarianism, but to break away from the first century faith and form this sect with the trappings of an extra-Biblical cult at Rome, this same sect trying to usurp authority over all other churches, trying to create new doctrines refuted by Spirit inspired scripture, and only around three hundred years after the original, true churches of scripture? And why are the apostles founding autonomous churches all over the place, if there were ever supposed to be only one at Rome? Where is there an office of Pope in scripture? Lastly, there's nothing sectarian about a Bible believer: the faith of holy, inspired scripture is the one true faith, as laid down by the Lord Jesus and the apostles, obviously THE original faith, period. I don't belong to any cult that sprang up hundreds of years later, which is also textbook sectarianism, the Roman Catholics breaking away from that true faith and forming a sect. (I think they're all half nuts, still trying to fight the Reformation since the 16th century. You'd think they'd see a lot of folks have moved on and can read what Christ and the apostles taught, aren't going to buy what they're selling anymore. They still act like they did when they were burning Bibles and believers, to try and keep a lid on the truth. I find all the repetition boring. Look at their threads. You can't tell one from another.)

Revelation 22

18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:
19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

2 Peter 1:16 For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty.


New member
Yes Ignatias founded the Catholic church, he commanded that the bishop is to be obeyed as though he were Christ.
Ignatius---a personal disciple of John the Apostle---taught the very same things that the apostles themselves taught (Mt. 28:18-20; Lk. 10:16; Ac. 15:2; 16:4; 2 Thess. 3:4; 1 Jn. 4:6).

This is a usurpation.
This is doctrinal orthodoxy.

Gaudium de veritate,



Well-known member

Man’s Pride Invented Denominations & Sects

“And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church,
and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18)

No, but He gladly encouraged them to seek the truth, even though it required that they leave the RCC in order to learn scripture

Clearly, there are 43,000 scriptural reasons to leave the RCC


New member
No, but He gladly encouraged them to seek the truth, even though it required that they leave the CC in order to learn scripture.
Post your proof for this wholly unsubstantiated assertion.

Clearly, there are 43,000 scriptural reasons to leave the CC
Impossible, given that the non-Catholic sects hold to competing and contradictory interpretations of Scripture, and hold to directly conflicting and mutually exclusive doctrines. God is not the author of such confusion. The Protestant sects have been invented by mere men; only Christ's one historic Catholic Church has been founded by Jesus Christ himself.

Gaudium de veritate,

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Well-known member

Man’s Pride Invented Denominations & Sects

“And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church,
and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18)

Hi to all , and our FOLLY is to believe what Jesus said in Luke 13:6-9 when Jesus was 34 years , right before His Crucifixion , that He raised up another apostle called Paul and here began a NEW ASSEMBLY called the Body of Christ , or NEW MAN which has no PRIESTS or man-made theology , like the RCC !!



Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
What you actually suggested was that I "spend a little more time in that history and this time, include some of the history from historians other than the CC." (So, were you lying then, or are you lying now?)

And, as I stated in reply:
"I can guarantee you that I have read and studied far more on ecclesiastical history---Catholic AND Protestant---than you have, friend. I'd be happy to provide you with a list of titles if you like."
To which I replied that your study of history is grossly incomplete. I used slightly different wording that you completely failed to understand, but that was my meaning.


New member
To which I replied that your study of history is grossly incomplete.
And, as I stated in reply:
"I can guarantee you that I have read and studied far more on ecclesiastical history---Catholic AND Protestant---than you have, friend. I'd be happy to provide you with a list of titles if you like."


Well-known member
And, as I stated in reply:
"I can guarantee you that I have read and studied far more on ecclesiastical history---Catholic AND Protestant---than you have, friend. I'd be happy to provide you with a list of titles if you like."

Hi and IRRELEVANT concerning bible truth as history is always written wrong and we never learn when reading history !!

dan p