That is one whopper of an IF there. The only way you could know something is irreducibly complex is if you were omniscient. Assigning probability to complexity in light of ignorance is futile. The fact that we don't know how a certain thing happened at this point in time is no reason to lift our hands up and claim the boogie man did it. That is intellectual bankruptcy.
That is precisely the problem of induction but as I said before, tentativeness in a theory is what makes something science. Using your logic, we cannot say that evolution occurred unless we are omniscient! That is bogus reasoning, since all science does is work with what they know. May I need to repeat the wonderful process of how science works? It is not intellectually bankrupt as it is explanatory for the origins of things.
Science is a process of search for the truth, and few things are more certain than the fact that as the process continues, current theories will be revised and eventually abandoned in favor of new theories. The Limitations of Scientific Truth.
You want to know what real intellectual bankruptcy is? Let's take a look at what I said from a debate...
Excluding the consideration that God could've created it would therefore give you false reasoning! For example, as you said the scientific method is consisted by drawing inferences on observed data but many times this conclusion is reached by a colored rejection of certain kinds of facts. The field of observation is then limited by the criterion of the scientist is then narrowed and the conclusion may be incorrect. By rejecting data that one dislikes, they can arrive at the wrong principle. Attempts to explain the origin of life point to a intelligent designer but if a biologists is a Mnaturalist, he rules out such data as impossible and limits his findings to his own group. Yet you insist that "historically all confirmed explanations have been naturalistic explanations". The reason for something being explained by naturalistic processes is because what we observe is in itself part of the natural world! As I said, origins science cannot be observed. Naturalism is so deeply part of thinking in people’s thinking today that they find it difficult to look at it in a different way. For most of them, only a modest amount of evidence is needed to prove the whole system and even if they do reach doubts, their naturalism remains untouched. Since there can’t be anything outside of nature, there must be something that produced everything to and so they wait for a satisfactory naturalistic mechanism to be discovered. If the supernatural could be admitted as a possibility, then trouble comes for naturalism but if it is excluded then it cannot lose. Logically, it follows that the evidence will always support the naturalistic alternative. Merely because scientists know a good deal about the behavior of bacteria and electricity doesn’t follow that they know the origin in the first place.
To exclude God, is tragedy since it would be very well possible that He did do it. If He did, then would you expect a naturalistic explanation? The answer is no. Also, I think you're very confused on my justification argument.
1. Naturalism can explain everything.
2. There is no need for a designer.
3. Irreducibly complex life forms exist.
4. (3) makes (2) and (1) improbable therefore we are justified in believing that God created it.
The purpose of this discussion for me personally is to provide a rational warrant for the belief in a Creator. I am therefore not providing absolute proof for a Creator, but rather a prima facie justification for this belief. The real issue here, in my opinion, isn’t the matter of why I can’t prove absolutely that God exists, but rather in the nature of one’s assumptions that should or shouldn’t be made. I thereby take that stance that theism is a more coherent view than atheism.
Behe's criteria for IC is a joke (removing parts). Things that were once claimed to be IC like the eye, were later shown to be reducible. Of course, once the flagellum is figured out, you won't give up on IC, you will just pin it on some other unknown process.
We will see what happens...As I said, science is tentative and for ID to take risks of the possibility that there may be a naturalistic explanation is what makes it testable and falsifiable. It predicts that there won't be a natural explanation, but this prediction is precisely what creates the possibility that it is false. Evolution to the macro scale can't be observed by the way so I find that argument unconvincing.
What is known about god? You are upset that science hasn't quite figured how everything happened just yet, but are perfectly happy with an entity who answers exactly ZERO questions about how things happened. How did god make the flagellum? At this point, you suddenly don't really care. Could god have used evolution to make the flagellum?
We know that God must be greater than the effect. For example, the 2nd law of thermodynamics says that entropy tends to increase but logically, for this being to have created us He must not be decreasing. We can make inferences based on the data that we have on God...If it is missaplied then the data will tell us, because us creationists believe that God's creation is an image of Himself. I am not upset, but actually it is something that Paley predicted thus making it science. So, just because we don't necessarily know how the Egyptians built those pyramids, it makes the argument false that they did it? Under the creationist world-view, they are open to the possibility that God could've done it through evolution.
Are we now dragging up theories from the late 1700's that have been abandoned by the scientific community for more than 150 years, and calling them relevant? What's next, geocentricism?
Is truth judged by the scientific community? Since when? Intelligent design has existed for thousands of years yet now it has supposedly been made unneeded by science? LOL That is a ridiculous response. You should base it on the merits of the argument rather than on the time. Science is the search for truth and it makes no difference. Actually, if you're argument was really worth anything, then scientists would've discarded evolution since it was far older that Paley's theory.
Explain the appendix, male nipples and mammary glands, the whale's vestigial hind feet, the human eye's blind spot, and endogenous retroviruses in light of ID.
Let me get this straight, here you are complaining about how we have to be omniscient to make claims yet how do you know obsoletely that the whale's pelvis is vestigial or even the males nipples for that matter?