Actually I have tried numerous ways to convince dogmatic evolutionists that "random mutations plus natural selection" is a woefully inadequate mechanism to support the idea that all life descended from a single hypothetical protocell.
I have become convinced this is hopeless in the short run,
so have instead concentrated on trying to convince wavering Christians that they do not have to water down scripture to agree with evolution
because evolution is on its way out.
Ideas die hard in science, especially if an acceptable scientific idea is not available to replace it.
A famous scientist once continued to believe in a theory of combustion which required "negative mass" to fit the results of experiments. He went to his grave still believing in it.
I think you may be familiar with the case. But in that case a better scientific theory was available. In this case no other "natural" theory is available and scientists hate to give up and accept the God alternative.
Which is why it will take far longer and require many more scientists to die off before the idea finally gets dropped.
If there's a thread on evolution how long do I have to wait for someone to post something incredibly stupid and meaningless? I don't think anyone ever claimed that fish evolved from bath water.
you only claimed that fish evolved from something less than a fish but more than bath water.
You can not evade the question of origins by calling a post (that was meant to be stupid) stupid.
Look, in your theory the fish came from something that came from something that came from something......(2 billion random mutation regressions later)...that came from bath water.
Ya know what...come-to-think-about-it, it is a stupid theory.
Why don't fundamentalist evangelicals reject ALL science?
Actually we don't reject anything that is truly scientific. What we reject are the subjective arguments and scenarios of that psuedoscience which goes by the name of evolution.
No- you reject sound science and justify it by claiming, without any evidence beyond the argumenty form incredulity, that anything that disagrees with the bible is psuedoscience.
So you keep saying. Yet you continue to dismiss the ever-growing tide of evidence out of hand, because you already know the "truth". Hardly a scientifc attitude. I've read through the cell lines thread and all it is a bunch of incredulity arguments. There is a mountain of data and you pull out a few anomalies and proclaim the whole thing a lie. You have an agenda, and it has been amply demonstrated what that is- to preserve the literal interpretation of Genesis no matter the cost. What evidence would convince you of the truth of the theory of evolution?I rejected evolution on technical grounds way before I gradually came to believe that the Bible was correct regarding origins.
So you keep saying. Yet you continue to dismiss the ever-growing tide of evidence out of hand, because you already know the "truth".
Show me where I have ever rejected "evidence".
I think you may be unable to differentiate between what is evidence and what are inferences made by people who are trying to explain the evidence using a failing paradigm: "random mutations plus natural selection".
I simply point out their nonsense, which probably is why you mistakingly believe I have rejected "evidence".
OK- start with some real evidence of this "failing paradigm" that doesn't boil down to another argument from ignorance. The theory of evolution may be in flux, but it is far from failing.
You are attempting to weasel out of your claim that I reject evidence.
Put up or shut up. Tell me what evidence I am rejecting?
Or admit you spoke in error.
All of the evidence. Are you saying you accept any of the evidence that has lead the rest of the world to accept evolution as true, or are you suddenly admitting that your disbelief has nothing to with facts at all? We've discussed the evidence for transitional fossils, the DNA similarities between species, the fossil record- you find reasons to conveniently reject all of it. Now you're trying to claim that your great love of scientific truth, not your alleigence to the Bible, prompts this? Expect anyone here to buy that?
Bob B said:I see you are not able to come up with a single piece of evidence that I have rejected. Talk is cheap and you seem to major in cheap charges that you can not back up.
PlastikBuddha said:We've discussed the evidence for transitional fossils, the DNA similarities between species, the fossil record- you find reasons to conveniently reject all of it.
Can you read? No, seriously...can you read?
Can you? Do you understand the difference between evidence and inferences people make from the evidence?
I don't reject the evidence here, I embrace it. But I go deeper and use ALL the evidence, not just the parts which seem to support the desired inference.
The transitional situation evidence falsifieds the concept of transitional creatures gradually evolving from ancestral forms. The fossil record also falsifies the conventional gradual evolution into transitional creatures. Ditto for the DNA evidence. You have been deceived by your lack of knowledge regarding the complete set of evidence as well as being ignorant of the recent experiments in biology that show that environmental cues can trigger large changes almost overnight because the DNA coding to support those large changes is already present in the genomes, something that directly falsifies NeoDarwinism, which says that evolution does not plan ahead and create coding that will only be used at a latter time.
So I have rejected no evidence.
Ah- so if you don't like it, it's not evidence. Convenient little "trick". You just love to accuse others of ignorance, don't you? Anytime sometime someone's evaluation of the facts differs from yours it due to ignorance. It's because we are not looking at these very same facts already completely convinced that our core religious convictions trump any available evidence to the contrary. I am aware of all of these issues you keep harping on about- but no one who isn't already convinced of its falsehood is abandoning the ToE.
This isn't because they have strong belief that it's true- any one of them would salivate at the thought of starting a revolution with their name in the headlines and the chance to overturn the most controversial scientific theory EVER- but because they understand the theory and do not believe that there any unsolved problems in ToE that can't be clarified with more data.
ToE functions because it explains so much- not just superficialities, but mind-blowingly complex systems.
I know enough to understand how robust the ToE truly is, and how far reaching its influence. It is the story of life on this planet. I didn't arrive at the conclusion through default or indoctrination. All through my life I have been enthralled by the world of biology and I have eagerly devoured so many books on the subject that if I were half as smart as wish I were I would be an expert on par with the best. Even so, I am an amateur, yes- but an enthusiastic one. I might not have as much technical experience as some but I'm not an idiot. I wasn't brainwashed into accepting some evil theory I don't understand- I have examined evolution through genetics, zoology, microbiology, and even, God help me, botany. I have seen a lot of evidence for ToE- and until I am given real, convincing evidence that it is false I will accept it as true.
[Evolution] doesn't explain how complex systems can form step-by-step over vast periods of time.
This is because by its very nature it cannot predict what the next step might be.
It simply assumes the idea is true because it is so "neat".