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I'm really sorry to hear that about your parents, @Arthur Brain! That is horrible! And, I can easily understand if you're not on-line...and, obviously you owe it to no one to be so. I hope you'll be all right, and that you'll feel up to getting back on here some time after what you term "the foreseeable" has run its course. I'll pray for you!Yeah, that's cool. Am gonna be outta here for the foreseeable and not simply because I find this place to be a shadow of what it was. Why I'm posting this here is anyone's guess but I found out today that both of my parents were found dead in their home after a police visit informing me of it earlier.
I know what you mean! I'm actually amazed that you chose, and had the composure to sign on, given your awful circumstances that you have just related, bless your heart!Kinda makes any bickering and pointless snark redundant and all I wish to say to all here is we're all human beings, we're all fallible and life is so fragile.
And, you can't fool me: you know you like the "bickering and pointless snark" to some degree!

You take care, too! Please be sure to visit again, if/when you feel up to it! In the meanwhile, I'll just have to make do with continuing to imagine @Avajs is really you, to try to fill in for your absence!It costs nothing to be kind and the way the world is right now with so much strife in it and so much pointless strife at that, kindness is a priceless commodity - which probably isn't the right word to express stuff in itself. I would say "Be kind to yourself and each other" or "look after yourselves" etc but Jerry Springer quotes aren't great, but the sentiment when properly meant actually is. Take care guys and gals.