The earth is flat and we never went to the moon

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Well-known member
Using an opponent's evidence against him is usually the best way to defeat him.

Well you just did. Such a simple observation, too.

I already tried putting myself in the shoes of a flat earther and tried to come up with an alternative explanation for what high altitude cameras always reveal -- and equidistant horizon no matter where the launch point. I can't come up with a thing...except an asinine notion that tens of thousands of high alt shots were somehow all shot from dead center and filmed over dead center, which is literally insane.

But a globe explains it very simply.


You already posted a ton of video saying there's NO curvature.

And if his camera was seeing the purported circumference of the earth from only 100k feet up, the flat earth is WAY smaller than you think.

The fish eye lens is well known for distorting the horizon line. It's easy to tell because the horizon line will bend back and forth. The horizon line is straight in almost all high altitude video and pics but at some point the circle of the earth should become visible. The curved globe would look different from a flat circle as I have already said.

The stationary earth would have to be a flat earth because with out a rotating earth there would be no gravity.


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Well-known member
The fish eye lens is well known for distorting the horizon line. It's easy to tell because the horizon line will bend back and forth. The horizon line is straight in almost all high altitude video and pics but at some point the circle of the earth should become visible. The curved globe would look different from a flat circle as I have already said.

The stationary earth would have to be a flat earth because with out a rotating earth there would be no gravity.


How do you know he's using a fisheye.


Well-known member
Also, a fisheye lens won't compensate for a high altitude camera being (of necessity) much nearer one edge of the flat earth than the others.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
Why should you care if some anonymous psychotic spends the rest of his life mumbling to himself?
He would have kept posting right along regardless.
So? Why should you care if some anonymous psychotic spends the rest of his life mumbling to himself?
Probably would have claimed the lack of response proves F.E. to be true.
So what? A failure to respond with rational arguments to a lunatic doesn't make his dementia true by default. Why should you care if some anonymous psychotic spends the rest of his life mumbling to himself? Have you noticed how he ignores everyone's arguments and/or blows them off as a conspiracy?

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
Why should I care what some anonymous psychotic cares who I talk to on the internets?
Who said you should? How you waste your time is your business. I'm following along for the limited entertainment value this thread offers. I'm laughing at both sides. You folks are a riot.

If Dave is a spokesperson for Christianity I'm quite sure he loses converts the minute he says, "Jesus loves you. Oh, and by the way, the Earth is flat because the bible says so". It makes ALL christians look like excapees from a lunatic asylum.

How has, "Jesus loves you. Oh, and by the way, EVERYTHING in the bible is LITERALLY true, even the totally stupid parts", been working for you so far?


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It is likely you did not read the content linked above, else you would know your point is discussed.

There is nothing phenomenological nor allegorical in Joshua 10 that warrants your assertions above or what followed, and to do so leads to even more my linked posts above discuss fully.


And there's nothing in Joshua 10 to indicate that what I said is NOT what happened. My argument comes from logic and physics.

The problem (and again, speaking just from within from the assumption that the earth IS round) with the idea that the earth is absolutely stationary is that, if true, the stars in the farthest reaches of space from earth would be spinning around the earth billions and billions of times the speed of light. Physics 101 tells us that nothing travels faster than the speed of light (that we know of or can detect), let alone billions of times that speed. So, seeing as it violates known physical laws, we can remove that option from the lineup, that the earth is stationary and everything revolves around it (ie, geocentrism).

And again, I point out that even today, people who believe in a round earth use the idioms of the sun rising in the east and setting in the west.

The Bible also states that God "hung the earth on nothing. If you think about it, it's a very eloquent yet simple way of saying that God put the planet in orbit around the sun, as it literally is not hanging on anything, but instead continuously falling towards a continuously receding surface we call Sol, like the moon and other satellites do with the earth.

There are two other references to "gravity" (not the word used, but the meaning is similar).
See the "Gravity and Scripture" section.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
Why should I care what some anonymous psychotic cares who I talk to on the internets?
Really? I'm pretty sure I said, "How you waste your time is your business".

How this:
The thread would have been over a whole lot sooner if everyone just stopped responding to his nonsense from the beginning.
No. He would have kept posting right along regardless. Probably would have claimed the lack of response proves F.E. to be true.
Why should you care if some anonymous psychotic spends the rest of his life mumbling to himself?
... morphed into me telling you how and where you should waste your time tells me a lot about how you share "God's word".

musterion: "The bible is God's word, every last jot and tidle is absolutely true."
me: "Even the really stupid parts?"
musterion: "The bible is God's word, every last jot and tidle is absolutely true."
me: :rotfl:

Ask Mr. Religion

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Geocentricity and Joshua 10

Geocentricity and Joshua 10

Good heavens! He's serious?!?!?

I feel fairly certain that this is a moment of face palming for Knight.
Are you reading carefully? Geocentricity, yes. Flat-earth? Heavens no.

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